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Auditorium Room 100 Room 200 Room 400
Sat 22

11:00 [_] Using IPython Notebook to analyze Django model data [_] Building a salt-based development infrastructure [_] Semantic Search and Recommendation with Solr and SciPy [_] Pyramid Development in a Nutshell
11:55 [_] Open Sourcing Mental Illness [_] Building rich web apps with ember.js and django [_] Why Twitter Is All the Rage: A Data Miner's Perspective
01:20 [_] Understanding and Augmenting Reality with Python [_] When Firefox Face-plants: Socorro, the Mozilla Crash Reporter
01:35 [_] Building and breaking a Python sandbox [_] See Docs Run. Run, Docs, Run!
02:15 [_] Documentation is King [_] Amazon Redshift: What You Need To Know [_] Testing: It's Not Just For Your Code [_] JavaScript all the Things
03:15 [_] Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres [_] Bayesian Statistical Analysis with PyMC [_] Developing Flask Extensions [_] A Gentle intro to the Go programming language
Auditorium Room 100 Room 200 Room 400
Sun 23

09:00 [_] Let's build a Twitter bot!
09:55 [_] Planting Open Source Seeds [_] Supporting the Community: Helping to build Nashville's Thrieving Dev Community [_] Test-driven Django Development [_] UX: How to
11:05 [_] Postgres Performance for Humans [_] Open Sourcing your Python Project [_] Python for Music Nerds: Fun With the Echo Nest API [_] A Nice API for Postgres
12:00 [_] Statistical Data Analysis in Python
12:35 [_] Systematic Bias & The Software Developer [_] PRISM as a Service: Not Subject to American Law
12:50 [_] A Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
01:25 [_] lambda and the Nature of Data [_] Walking the Line: A Beginner's Tightrope Trek From GIS to Python [_] Substance D: Build Civilized Web Applications

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review