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Episode Count: 16
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
12390 Buzz Sun 06 10:00 10:45 00:45:00 1 Opening ceremony LeLutin, Louis-Philippe Véronneau, Jerome Charaoui Y
12395 Rex Sun 06 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 1 Recent Advancements and Challenges in Debichem Michael Banck Y
12401 Bo Sun 06 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 1 using autopkgtest results for unstable to testing migration Paul Gevers Y
12396 Rex Sun 06 12:00 12:45 00:45:00 1 Debian Science - umbrella for scientific packages or dustbin for scientific code? Andreas Tille Y
12391 Buzz Sun 06 12:00 12:45 00:45:00 1 News from the Debian Installer Cyril Brulebois Y
12402 Bo Sun 06 12:00 12:45 00:45:00 1 ci/autopkgtest BoF Antonio Terceiro Y
12403 Bo Sun 06 14:30 16:15 01:45:00 1 Packaging for beginners Alba Crespi Y
12397 Rex Sun 06 14:30 14:50 00:20:00 1 Little bioinformatician's pragmatic guide to internships in Debian Nadiya Sitdykova, Tatiana Malygina Y
12398 Rex Sun 06 15:00 15:20 00:20:00 1 Debian Publicity Team: what's new since 2015? Ana Guerrero López Y
12399 Rex Sun 06 15:30 16:15 00:45:00 1 Debian Science BoF Andreas Tille Y
12404 Bo Sun 06 17:00 17:45 00:45:00 1 New Members BOF Jonathan McDowell, Enrico Zini Y
12392 Buzz Sun 06 17:00 17:45 00:45:00 1 Increasingly permissive or increasingly dismissive? John Sullivan Y
12400 Rex Sun 06 18:00 18:50 00:50:00 1 Policy Team BoF Chris Lamb Y
12393 Buzz Sun 06 18:00 18:20 00:20:00 1 pypi2deb - how to convert Python library into Debian package Piotr Ożarowski Y
12405 Bo Sun 06 18:00 18:50 00:50:00 1 Debian web team BoF Steve McIntyre Y
12394 Buzz Sun 06 18:30 18:50 00:20:00 1 Continuous Key-Signing Party introduction Gunnar Wolf Y

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