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Episode Count: 19
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
7904 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 10:00 10:15 00:15:00 5 python-netsnmpagent -- Writing net-snmp AgentX subagents in Python Pieter Hollants Y 2 R
7905 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 10:20 10:35 00:15:00 5 Linux Configuration Collector Gratien D'haese Y 2 R
7906 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 10:40 10:55 00:15:00 5 BibOS Admin - a web-based, easy to use admin system for Ubuntu Carsten Agger Y 1 R
7907 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 11:00 11:15 00:15:00 5 What's New in a Project? Marta Rybczynska Y 2 R
7908 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 11:20 11:35 00:15:00 5 Project development & community metrics for fun and profit Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona Y 1 R
7910 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 12:00 12:15 00:15:00 5 Babelfish for DevOps: syslog-ng Peter Czanik Y 2 R
7911 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 12:20 12:35 00:15:00 5 Blare: policy-based intrusion detection systems Guillaume Brogi Y 1 R
7912 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 12:40 12:55 00:15:00 5 Mailvelope: OpenPGP for the browser Thomas Oberndörfer Y 2 R
7913 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 14:00 14:15 00:15:00 5 Identifying Hotspots in Software Build Processes Shane McIntosh Y 3 R
7914 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 14:20 14:35 00:15:00 5 Introducing the Meson build system Jussi Pakkanen Y 2 R
7915 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 14:40 14:55 00:15:00 5 Introduction to LAVA Neil Williams Y 1 R
7916 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 15:00 15:15 00:15:00 5 Security model using Smack for embedded systems José Bollo Y 2 R
7917 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 15:20 15:35 00:15:00 5 Web and mobile testing made awesome Bernard Kobos Y 2 R
7918 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 15:40 15:55 00:15:00 5 Community-Lab Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer Y 2 R
7919 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 16:00 16:15 00:15:00 5 Advanced disk image management with libguestfs Richard Jones y Y 2 R
7920 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 16:20 16:35 00:15:00 5 Ceph Sebastien Han Y 1 R
7921 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 16:40 16:55 00:15:00 5 The SAML protocol Clément Oudot Y 1 R
7922 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 17:00 17:15 00:15:00 5 Putting the PaaS in OpenStack Diane Mueller Y 2 R
7923 H.2215 (Ferrer) Sun 02 17:20 17:35 00:15:00 5 Your Complete Open Source Cloud Dave Neary Y 1 R

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