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Episode Count: 16
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
8070 K.3.201 Sun 02 09:00 09:30 00:30:00 1 Logic Programming in Python Pierre Carbonnelle Y
8071 K.3.201 Sun 02 09:30 10:00 00:30:00 1 Introduction to py.test fixtures Floris Bruynooghe Y
8072 K.3.201 Sun 02 10:00 10:30 00:30:00 1 OpenPyXL Eric Gazoni Y
8073 K.3.201 Sun 02 10:30 11:00 00:30:00 1 Introducing the Eve REST API Framework Nicola Iarocci Y
8074 K.3.201 Sun 02 11:00 11:30 00:30:00 1 Stack switching for fun and profit Saúl Ibarra Corretgé Y
8075 K.3.201 Sun 02 11:30 12:00 00:30:00 1 SQLAlchemy Drill Erik Janssens Y
8076 K.3.201 Sun 02 12:00 12:30 00:30:00 1 Some recipes with Alembic Claude Huchet Y
8077 K.3.201 Sun 02 12:30 13:00 00:30:00 1 Post-mortem Debugging and Web Development Alessandro Molina Y
8078 K.3.201 Sun 02 14:00 14:30 00:30:00 1 The next generation Python Software Foundation (PSF) Marc-André Lemburg Y
8079 K.3.201 Sun 02 14:30 15:00 00:30:00 1 How PyPy makes your code run fast Romain Guillebert Y
8080 K.3.201 Sun 02 15:00 15:30 00:30:00 1 Using All These Cores: Transactional Memory under the hood (PyPy) Armin Rigo Y
8081 K.3.201 Sun 02 15:30 16:00 00:30:00 1 A deep dive into PEP3156, the new asyncio module Saúl Ibarra Corretgé Y
8082 K.3.201 Sun 02 16:00 16:30 00:30:00 1 Concurrent programming with Python and my little experiment Benoit Chesneau Y
8083 K.3.201 Sun 02 16:30 17:00 00:30:00 1 Integrating Python and C using CFFI Floris Bruynooghe Y
8084 K.3.201 Sun 02 17:00 17:30 00:30:00 1 PyPy : a fast Python Virtual Machine Romain Guillebert 12 Y
8085 K.3.201 Sun 02 17:30 18:00 00:30:00 1 Generators, or how to step to the infinite and beyond Andrea Crotti Y

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