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Episode Count: 11
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
7864 K.4.401 Sat 01 11:00 11:30 00:30:00 5 TDD with BabyMock2 Attila Magyar Y 4 R
7865 K.4.401 Sat 01 11:30 12:00 00:30:00 5 How to get a JIT Compiler for Free Stefan Marr Y 4 R
7866 K.4.401 Sat 01 12:00 12:30 00:30:00 5 Pharo3: Status Marcus Denker Y 3 R
7867 K.4.401 Sat 01 13:00 13:30 00:30:00 5 Annual Squeak Shoutout Craig Latta Y 4 R
7868 K.4.401 Sat 01 13:30 14:00 00:30:00 5 Pharo4: Plans and Dreams Marcus Denker Y 3 R
7869 K.4.401 Sat 01 14:00 14:30 00:30:00 5 Objective-Smalltalk Marcel Weiher Y 2 R
7870 K.4.401 Sat 01 14:30 15:00 00:30:00 5 Visualizing Delphi with Moose Stephan Eggermont Y 3 R
7871 K.4.401 Sat 01 15:00 15:30 00:30:00 5 Gravel Wouter Gazendam Y 3 R
7872 K.4.401 Sat 01 15:30 16:00 00:30:00 5 PhaROS Santiago Bragagnolo Y 2 R
7873 K.4.401 Sat 01 16:00 16:30 00:30:00 5 A Spoonful of Raspberry Pi Craig Latta 46 Y 4 R
7874 K.4.401 Sat 01 16:30 19:00 02:30:00 5 Getting started with Smalltalk Stephan Eggermont Y 3 R

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