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Episode Count: 9
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
10336 Main Stage Fri 09 09:10 09:50 00:40:00 11 Lambdas and a List of Cats: Test-Driving Lambdas Corey Haines y Y 4 Y
10337 Main Stage Fri 09 09:55 10:35 00:40:00 11 Programming's Greatest Hits from the 60s and 70s Michelle Brush y Y 3 Y
10338 Main Stage Fri 09 10:55 11:35 00:40:00 11 In Search of the Perfect Abstraction for My Web App Irina Guberman y Y 8 Y
10339 Main Stage Fri 09 11:40 12:20 00:40:00 11 The Refreshingly Rewarding Realm of Research Papers Sean Cribbs y Y 6 Y
10340 Main Stage Fri 09 13:20 14:00 00:40:00 11 Grace Hopper: The Original Pirate Hacker Melissa Pierce y Y 8 Y
10341 Main Stage Fri 09 14:05 14:45 00:40:00 11* Rainbows and Unikernels Garrett Smith y Y 3 Y
10342 Main Stage Fri 09 15:05 15:35 00:30:00 11 The Adventures of printf: A Short Story Fred Hebert y Y 4 Y
10343 Main Stage Fri 09 15:40 16:10 00:30:00 11 The Neutrino Monologues Dr. Deborah Harris y Y 2 Y
10344 Main Stage Fri 09 16:15 16:55 00:40:00 10 Getting Uphill on a Candle: Crushed Spines, Detached Retinas and One Small Step Brian Troutwine y Y 4 Y

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