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Episode Count: 4
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
8898 Tutorial Track 2 Fri 12 10:00 13:00 03:00:00 0 Introduction to Web Security Hugh Davenport y Y
8899 Tutorial Track 1 Fri 12 10:00 13:00 03:00:00 0 Python and the Pydata ecosystem for data analysis Nicolas Fauchereau y Y
8916 Tutorial Track 1 Fri 12 14:00 17:00 03:00:00 0 Deep dive into understanding human language with Python Alyona Medelyan y Y
8917 Tutorial Track 2 Fri 12 14:00 17:00 03:00:00 0 Assemble, Develop and Deploy Python Programs with Buildout Roman Joost y Y

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review