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Episode Count: 14
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
8896 Track 1 Sun 14 09:00 09:45 00:45:00 12 Francesco Biscani: A Snake in Space (Keynote) Francesco Biscani Y Y R
8901 Track 2 Sun 14 10:40 11:10 00:30:00 12 Deploying a Django application using Juju Tim Penhey y Y Y R
8902 Track 1 Sun 14 10:40 11:10 00:30:00 12 Cloud Craft for Spatial Cadets Katie Miller y Y Y R
8907 Track 2 Sun 14 11:20 11:50 00:30:00 12 An introduction to Python and graph databases with Neo4j Holger Spill y Y Y R
8905 Track 1 Sun 14 11:20 11:50 00:30:00 12 PyPy.js: What? How? Why? Ryan Kelly y Y Y R
8911 Track 1 Sun 14 12:00 12:30 00:30:00 12 Understanding human language with Python Alyona Medelyan y Y Y R
8910 Track 2 Sun 14 12:00 12:30 00:30:00 12 basil - making it easy to spin up best practice python web frameworks Grant Paton-Simpson, Ben Denham y Y Y R
8914 Track 2 Sun 14 13:30 14:00 00:30:00 12 Bottle + uWSGI: simple web app configuration and fun hidden features Reed Wade y Y Y R
8915 Track 1 Sun 14 13:30 14:00 00:30:00 12 Multimedia programming using Gstreamer (and, of course, Python) Douglas Bagnall y Y Y R
8897 Track 1 Sun 14 14:00 15:45 01:45:00 12 Lightning Talks N Y R
8923 Track 2 Sun 14 15:40 17:10 01:30:00 12 Making a scalable course search engine with python Robert King y Y Y R
8922 Track 1 Sun 14 15:40 16:10 00:30:00 12 Deploying test and production systems with Ansible Juergen Brendel y Y Y R
8927 Track 1 Sun 14 16:20 16:50 00:30:00 12 Surprise features you didn't ask for Mike Haworth y Y Y R
8926 Track 2 Sun 14 16:20 18:50 02:30:00 12 goto in python. Yes. Really. Carl Cerecke y Y Y R

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