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Episode Count: 10
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
15293 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 10:15 10:30 00:15:00 3 Saturday Opening Y 5
15301 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 10:30 10:55 00:25:00 10 PEP talk Mariatta y Y 9 Y
15287 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 11:05 11:30 00:25:00 10 I Take Exception to Your Exceptions: Using Custom Errors to Get Your Point Across Joe Kaufeld y Y 9 Y
15306 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 11:40 12:05 00:25:00 10 Teaching with Jupyter Moshe Zadka y Y 7 Y
15302 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 13:30 13:55 00:25:00 10 Have you tried... Paloma Fautley y Y 8 Y
15304 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 14:05 14:30 00:25:00 10 Make Your Engineering Team A Fabulous Place for Programmers with ADHD and Autism Erin "August" Allard y Y 6 Y
15299 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 14:40 15:05 00:25:00 10 Ship your Python code faster with PEX Shalabh Chaturvedi y Y 4 Y
15292 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 15:40 16:05 00:25:00 10 Back to the Future of Hypermedia in Python Mario Munoz y Y 6 Y
15300 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 16:10 16:35 00:25:00 10 Beyond Programming Paradigms (with Python examples) Luciano Ramalho y Y 5 Y
15295 Reis River Ranch Sat 29 16:45 17:00 00:15:00 0 Saturday Close Y 3

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review