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Episode Count: 9
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
12334 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 09:00 10:00 01:00:00 11 Keynote: Py in the Sky Qumisha Goss y Y 9 Y
12335 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 10:00 10:15 00:15:00 8 **Opening remarks** N 3 Y
12338 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 10:30 11:20 00:50:00 11 How We Changed The World With Open Source Ed Finkler y/y Y 8 Y
12345 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 11:30 12:20 00:50:00 8 Building an awesome community around an open source project Tim Abbott y Y 7 Y
12357 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 14:00 14:20 00:20:00 11 Coffeebot 3000 - An IoT story with a RaspberryPI, Redis, LEDs, and Mario James Alexander y/y Y 6 Y
12359 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 14:30 14:50 00:20:00 11 Using Machine Learning to play chess Aubhro Sengupta y Y 6 Y
12368 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 15:00 15:50 00:50:00 9* Paho Silver, Away! Saddle up to IoT with MicroPython Greg Svoboda y Y 7 Y
12373 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 16:00 16:50 00:50:00 11 Multimethods? In MY Python? Lindsey Brockman y/y Y 6 Y
12377 Cartoon 1 Sat 29 17:00 18:00 01:00:00 8 **Saturday Lightning Talks** y 1969 Y 13 Y

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review