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Episode Count: 19
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
2843 Room 200 Sat 22 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 1 Semantic Search and Recommendation with Solr and SciPy John Berryman y Y
2844 Room 400 Sat 22 11:00 12:45 01:45:00 1 Pyramid Development in a Nutshell Tres Seaver y Y
2845 Room 100 Sat 22 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 1 Building a salt-based development infrastructure Tim O'Guin y Y
2846 Auditorium Sat 22 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 1 Using IPython Notebook to analyze Django model data Adam Haney y Y
2851 Room 200 Sat 22 11:55 12:25 00:30:00 1 Why Twitter Is All the Rage: A Data Miner's Perspective Matthew Russell y Y
2852 Room 100 Sat 22 11:55 12:25 00:30:00 1 Building rich web apps with ember.js and django Toran Billups y Y
2853 Auditorium Sat 22 11:55 12:25 00:30:00 1 Open Sourcing Mental Illness Edward Finkler y Y
2858 Room 100 Sat 22 13:20 13:35 00:15:00 1 Understanding and Augmenting Reality with Python Eric Floehr y Y
2859 Room 200 Sat 22 13:20 13:35 00:15:00 1 When Firefox Face-plants: Socorro, the Mozilla Crash Reporter K Lars Lohn y Y
2863 Auditorium Sat 22 13:35 14:10 00:35:00 1 Building and breaking a Python sandbox Jessica McKellar y Y
2864 Room 400 Sat 22 13:35 14:10 00:35:00 1 See Docs Run. Run, Docs, Run! Catherine Devlin y Y
2865 Room 400 Sat 22 14:15 15:15 01:00:00 1 JavaScript all the Things Jacques Woodcock y Y
2866 Auditorium Sat 22 14:15 15:00 00:45:00 1 Documentation is King Kenneth Reitz y Y
2867 Room 200 Sat 22 14:15 15:00 00:45:00 1 Testing: It's Not Just For Your Code Christopher Laco y Y
2868 Room 100 Sat 22 14:15 15:00 00:45:00 1 Amazon Redshift: What You Need To Know Brian Dailey y Y
2869 Auditorium Sat 22 15:15 16:00 00:45:00 1 Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres Craig Kerstiens y Y
2870 Room 400 Sat 22 15:15 16:00 00:45:00 1 A Gentle intro to the Go programming language Fred Alger y Y
2871 Room 200 Sat 22 15:15 16:00 00:45:00 1 Developing Flask Extensions Rachel Sanders y Y
2872 Room 100 Sat 22 15:15 16:00 00:45:00 1 Bayesian Statistical Analysis with PyMC Chris Fonnesbeck y Y

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review