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00:00 start: 13_09_13 end of chap: 848.0
26:24 start of this chapt: 379.0

* [(00:00)](?t=0h0m0s) start: 13_09_13 end of chap: 848.0
* [(26:24)](?t=0h26m24s) start of this chapt: 379.0

* [(00:00)](?t=0h0m0s) start: 13_09_13 end of chap: 848.0
* [(04:13)](?t=0h4m13s)
* [(04:28)](?t=0h4m28s)
* [(09:18)](?t=0h9m18s)
* [(09:41)](?t=0h9m41s)
* [(15:05)](?t=0h15m5s)
* [(15:12)](?t=0h15m12s)
* [(20:05)](?t=0h20m5s)
* [(20:08)](?t=0h20m8s)
* [(20:17)](?t=0h20m17s)
* [(25:18)](?t=0h25m18s)
* [(25:39)](?t=0h25m39s)
* [(26:24)](?t=0h26m24s) start of this chapt: 379.0

* [(00:00)](?t=0h0m0s) start: 13_09_13 end of chap: 848.0 4.0 min
* [(04:28)](?t=0h4m28s) 4.0 min
* [(09:41)](?t=0h9m41s) 5.0 min
* [(15:12)](?t=0h15m12s) 4.0 min
* [(20:17)](?t=0h20m17s) 5.0 min

(00:00) start: 13_09_13

end of chap: 848.0
(26:24) start of this chapt: 379.0

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review