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Asynchronous programming: Futures

00:00 I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)
00:26 I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)

* [(00:00)](None?t=0h0m0s) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)
* [(00:26)](None?t=0h0m26s) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)

* [(00:00)](None?t=0h0m0s) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)
* [(00:26)](None?t=0h0m26s) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)
* [(09:13)](None?t=0h9m13s)

* [(00:26)](None?t=0h0m26s) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise) 8.0 min
* [(09:13)](None?t=0h9m13s) 6.0 min

(00:00) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)
(00:26) I get no audio in the embedded player (only background noise)

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review