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Conference Opening & Housekeeping - 10

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Computer Science, Software Engineering, and the Scientific Method - 10

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Nobody Expects the Python Packaging Authority - 10

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Python 102 - a recap and a bit more. - 10

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Schemas for the Real World - 10

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Building secure web apps: Python vs the OWASP Top 10 - 10

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Salt: How to be Truly Lazy - 10

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Testing: Choose Your Weapons - 10

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Pythonic iterators and generators - 10

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How to turn the image processing wheel faster using Cython and Numba. - 0

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Modules 101: how to avoid spaghetti, big balls of mud and houses of straw! - 10

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scikit-learn, machine learning and cybercrime attribution - 10

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The life of a web request - techniques for measuring and improving Django application performance - 10

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Software Carpentry arrives Down Under! - 10

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Testing for Graceful Failure with Vaurien and Marteau - 10

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Learning Parseltongue: Wizardry in Python - 10

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Limiting Execution Time Through Interrupt Driven Programming - 10

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Exploring Science on Twitter with IPython Notebook and Python Pandas - 10

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Why I use py.test and maybe you should too - 10

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Transitioning from PHP to Django on the sly - 10

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Using Python to design, configure, and measure large-scale networks - 10

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Using Cython for distributed-multiprocess steganographic md5sum-collision generation - 10

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Saturday Lightning Talks - 10

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MooresCloud - The Internet of Things - 1

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PyLadies Breakfast presented by Google - 0

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Conference Opening & Housekeeping - 1

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Solving problems by sharing them... with Python! - 11

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PiDoorbell - Instantaneous Video Notifications with Arduino & RaspberryPi - 11

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Modern scientific computing and big data analytics in Python - 10

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Making Python More Fun for Everyone - 10

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Making games in pygame - 10

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Growing Open Source Seeds - 10

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Using Python to drive Australian water availability forecasting - 10

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Don't Do This - 10

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The Framework Framework - 10

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request: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <ns0:entry xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:ns1="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns:ns2="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007"><ns1:group><ns1:keywords>pyconau,pycon_au_2013,Python,PyCon,PyConAU,AdamTerrey</ns1:keywords><ns1:description type="plain">Adam Terrey http://2013.pycon-au.org/schedule/30073/view_talk For when things should be pluggable... for when you want users to be able to extend your app... what should you do? "I will write a framework!", I hear you say. No need to invent your own pluggable system - use Component Architecture! The framework for frameworks (tested on animals). PyCon Australia is the national conference for users of the Python Programming Language. In July 2013, we're returning to Hobart, bringing together stude</ns1:description><ns1:title>The Framework Framework</ns1:title><ns1:category label="Education" scheme="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat">Education</ns1:category></ns1:group><ns2:accessControl action="list" permission="denied" /></ns0:entry> error: {'status': 401, 'body': 'NoLinkedYouTubeAccount', 'reason': 'Unauthorized'} request: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <ns0:entry xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:ns1="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns:ns2="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007"><ns1:group><ns1:keywords>pyconau,pycon_au_2013,Python,PyCon,PyConAU,AdamTerrey</ns1:keywords><ns1:description type="plain">Adam Terrey http://2013.pycon-au.org/schedule/30073/view_talk For when things should be pluggable... for when you want users to be able to extend your app... what should you do? "I will write a framework!", I hear you say. No need to invent your own pluggable system - use Component Architecture! The framework for frameworks (tested on animals). PyCon Australia is the national conference for users of the Python Programming Language. In July 2013, we're returning to Hobart, bringing together stude</ns1:description><ns1:title>The Framework Framework</ns1:title><ns1:category label="Education" scheme="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat">Education</ns1:category></ns1:group><ns2:accessControl action="list" permission="denied" /></ns0:entry> error: {'status': 401, 'body': 'NoLinkedYouTubeAccount', 'reason': 'Unauthorized'} request: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <ns0:entry xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:ns1="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns:ns2="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007"><ns1:group><ns1:keywords>pyconau,pycon_au_2013,Python,PyCon,PyConAU,AdamTerrey</ns1:keywords><ns1:description type="plain">Adam Terrey http://2013.pycon-au.org/schedule/30073/view_talk For when things should be pluggable... for when you want users to be able to extend your app... what should you do? "I will write a framework!", I hear you say. No need to invent your own pluggable system - use Component Architecture! The framework for frameworks (tested on animals). PyCon Australia is the national conference for users of the Python Programming Language. In July 2013, we're returning to Hobart, bringing together stude</ns1:description><ns1:title>The Framework Framework</ns1:title><ns1:category label="Education" scheme="http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat">Education</ns1:category></ns1:group><ns2:accessControl action="list" permission="denied" /></ns0:entry> error: {'status': 401, 'body': 'NoLinkedYouTubeAccount', 'reason': 'Unauthorized'}

Web testing for Ninjas with Splinter - 10

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Dynamic visualisation in the IPython Notebook - 10

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Python? Ruby? Go? Oh My! - 10

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Build your infrastructure - with Python! - 10

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Tinkering with Tkinter - 10

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Big Data Deduplication and data matching using Python - 10

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The ultimate CMS vs Framework showdown - 10

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My big gay adventure. Making, releasing and selling an indie game made in python. - 10

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Managing scientific simulations with Python with RQ (Redis Queue) - 10

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Buildbots Rollout! - 10

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Getting the most out of Stack Overflow - 10

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Building data flows with Celery and SQLAlchemy - 10

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Sunday Lightning Talks - 10

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Conference Close - 10

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review