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PyCon Canada 2013 Keynote - Jacob Kaplan-Moss - 11

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Notable Features of Python - 1

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NLTK vs Twitter: A Voyage into Linguistic Frontiers - 1

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Android: The Land that Python Forgot? - 1

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UnRESTful APIs with Tastypie - 1

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How to Make Friends and Influence Developers - 1

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Git Happens - 1

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The Importance of Experimentation - 1

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250GB of RAM for 34ยข/hour: EC2 spot instances - 1

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Saturday Morning BreakfastSerial: Hacking Arduinos in Python - 1

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Making Embeddable Web Widgets Without Iframes - 1

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Hyperopt: A Python library for optimizing the hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms - 1

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Communicating Sequential Processes: Multicore Programs in Standard CPython - 1

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Fundamentals of Python Debugging - 1

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PRISM-AS-A-SERVICE: Not Subject to American Law - 1

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Supporting Everything - Python2/3, Mac/Linux/Windows - 1

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The Joys and Pains of Using Pyramid - 1

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Skyfield and 15 Years of Bad APIs - 1

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Python Webapp Modern Workflow - 1

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From Source to Code: How CPython's Compiler Works - 1

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Diving into Open Data with IPython Notebook & pandas - 1

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Open source circuit simulator in Python - 1

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A Flask of full-text search with PostgreSQL - 1

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Bloomcast - Python Facilitating Operational Oceanography - 1

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A 65-Year-Old Map Nobody Has Ever Seen - 1

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PyCon Canada 2013 Keynote - Hilary Mason - 1

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PyCon Canada 2013 Keynote - Karen Brennan - 1

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Exploring the Google Analytics API - 1

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Why Open Source Works - 1

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Python and Hadoop: Big Data Application Development with PyCascading - 1

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EduPsych Theory for Python Hackers v.2.0 - 1

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Mobile Web Performance Hits You Didn't Know About - 1

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Bayesian Methods for Hackers - 1

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Pyramid-Royal: building restful web services the easy way - 1

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Job Security (in Python) - 1

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Switching character sets with the engine running (on the web) - 1

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Cool stuff in Augmented and Virtual Reality - 1

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Shopify Checkout - 1

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Introduction to Security Testing with SAT Solvers - 1

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Ontario Beer Finder App - 1

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Quick Wins for Better Website Security - 1

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SASS me up, Scotty - 1

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The Red Balloon: Lessons on community building from the Public Lab - 1

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An Overview of the Facebook cache - 1

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Single Artifact Deployments for Python Applications - 1

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Planting Open Source Seeds - 1

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Build Your Infrastructure - with Python! - 1

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Lessons from Classic Industrial Design for a Digital World - 1

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Hy: A Lisp That Compiles to Python - 1

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Testing Django Projects at Scale - 1

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Lessons Learned in Teaching Python - 1

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Go for Python Hackers - 1

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How to Learn Python in Five Minutes - 1

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playSVG: scripting vector graphics with geometry - 1

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A Bad Idea in Python - 1

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Built in Numb support in Python 3-4 - 1

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review