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Conference Opening - 1

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Haecksen by Lana Brindley - 1

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Multimedia and Music Miniconf by Jonathan Woithe - 1

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Open Programming Miniconf by Christopher Neugebauer - 1

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Sysadmin Miniconf by Simon Lyall - 1

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Arduino Miniconf by Jon Oxer and Andy Gelme - 1

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High Availability and Distributed Storage by Tim Serong - 1

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Business of Open Source Miniconf by Martin Michlmayr - 1

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Browser Miniconf by Shane Stephens and Cameron McCormack - 1

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High Availability and Distributed Storage by Tim Serong - 1

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Browser Miniconf by Shane Stephens and Cameron McCormack - 1

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Business of Open Source Miniconf by Martin Michlmayr - 1

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Sysadmin Miniconf by Simon Lyall - 1

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Open Programming Miniconf by Christopher Neugebauer - 1

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Arduino Miniconf by Jon Oxer and Andy Gelme - 1

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Multimedia and Music Miniconf by Jonathan Woithe - 1

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Haecksen by Lana Brindley - 1

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Haecksen by Lana Brindley - 1

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Business of Open Source Miniconf by Martin Michlmayr - 1

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Open Programming Miniconf by Christopher Neugebauer - 1

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Arduino Miniconf by Jon Oxer and Andy Gelme - 1

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High Availability and Distributed Storage by Tim Serong - 1

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Sysadmin Miniconf by Simon Lyall - 1

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Multimedia and Music Miniconf by Jonathan Woithe - 1

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Browser Miniconf by Shane Stephens and Cameron McCormack - 1

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Speakers' Briefing Session - meet at Caro Founders' Theatre - 1

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Keynote - Bruce Perens - 1

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Optimizing Web Performance with TBB - 1

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Smashing a square peg into a round hole: Automagically building and configuring Linux systems that are wildly different. - 1

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The Kernel Report - 1

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The best Software Freedom Day in the world - and how you can do it too! - 1

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Creating the Open Source Academy - 1

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scaling web applications with message queues - 1

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Extracting metrics from logs for realtime trending and alerting - 1

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EFI and Linux: the future is here, and it's awful - 1

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Mistakes were made - 1

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antiSMASH: Searching for New Antibiotics Using Open Source Tools - 1

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Low-hanging Fruit vs. Micro-optimization, Creative Techniques for Loading Web Pages Faster - 1

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This Old Code, or Renovating Dusty Old Open Source For Fun and Profit - 1

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Tux in Space: High altitude ballooning - 1

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Erlang in production: "I wish I'd known that when I started" - 1

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IPv6 Dynamic Reverse Mapping - the magic, misery and mayhem - 1

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Scaling OpenStack Development with git, Gerrit and Jenkins - 1

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Codec 2 - Open Source Speech Coding at 2400 bit/s and Below - 1

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Operating System Support for the Heterogeneous OMAP4430: A Tale of Two Micros - 1

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POLICY CIRCLES - Freedom to Think Aloud - 1

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Moving Day: Migrating Big Data from A to B - 1

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Opus, the Swiss Army Knife of Audio Codecs - 1

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Efficient multithreading with Qt - 1

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Multi-tenancy, multi-master, Sharding, scaling and analytics with Drizzle - 1

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where is your data cached and where should it be cached - 1

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Keynote - Paul Fenwick - 1

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I Can't Believe This is Butter! A tour of btrfs. - 1

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Beginning with the Shell - 1

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Developing accessible web applications - how hard can it be? - 1

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OGPC - One Geek Per Classroom - 1

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The Web as an Application Development Platform - 1

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XFS: Recent and Future Adventures in Filesystem Scalability - 1

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TBA - 1

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Design your own Printed Circuit Board using FOSS - 1

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Testing CTDB - not necessarily trivial - 1

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Ubuntu ARM from netbook to Server, the journy from the beginning and where it's going - 1

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Mentoring: We're Doing It Wrong - 1

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Data mining packages to assess update risks. - 1

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Helping your audience learn - 1

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1,000,000 Watchpoints, 20 Applications, 1 Driver, 0 Kernel Modifications - 1

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How good are you, really? Improving your technical writing skills. - 1

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The Samba tour of scripting languages - 1

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The Serval Project presents Rhizome - Self Replicating Software and Data Distribution in Resilient Mesh Networks - 1

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Linux as a Boot Loader - 1

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Freedom, Out of the Box! - 1

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Serval Maps - Building Collaborative Infrastructure Independent Maps on Mobile Devices - 1

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BITS: Running Python in GRUB to test BIOS and ACPI - 1

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Keynote - Karen Sandler - 1

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Desktop Home Hacks - 1

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High Availability Sprint: from the brink of disaster to the Zen of Pacemaker - 1

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Torturing OpenSSL - 1

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Making video streaming interactive, heckling user groups from the clouds! - 1

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World domination and party tricks with the Android Open ADK - 1

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Cheap tabloid tricks: The truth about Linux, open source and the media - 1

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mitmproxy - use and abuse of a hackable SSL-capable man-in-the-middle proxy - 1

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Android Accessories Made Easy With Arduino - 5

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http://antibioticswithoutadoctorsprescription.top/ <a href=http://antibioticswithoutadoctorsprescription.top/>antibiotiс</a>

A (Mostly) Gentle Introduction to Computer Security - 1

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Women in open technology and culture worldwide - 1

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The copyright safe harbour is no longer safe - 1

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Australia’s Toughest Linux Deployment - 1

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Ending Software Patents in Australia - 1

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Hack everything: re-purposing everyday devices - 1

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Ganeti: Clustered Virtualization on Commodity Hardware - 1

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Challenges for the Linux plumbing community - 1

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Android is not vi: mobile user experience for geeks - 1

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Adventures in Logo Design: One Coder's Pain is Your Gain. - 1

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What is in a tiny Linux installation - 1

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Gang Scheduling in Linux Kernel Scheduler - 1

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Using Open Source to Build a Gravitational Wave Observatory - 1

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Keynote - Jacob Appelbaum - 1

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The Fallacy of the Zero-Sum Game - 1

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Creating social applications with Telepathy and Libsocialweb - 1

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Guerrilla Data Liberation - 1

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Bloat: How and Why UNIX Grew Up (and Out) - 1

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An Introduction to Open vSwitch - 1

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Cloud meets Word Processor -- RDF and abiword in the Browser. - 1

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VCS Interoperability - 1

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Rescuing Joe - 1

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Best Of #1 - 1

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Best Of #2 - 1

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Best Of #4 - 1

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Best Of #3 - 1

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Lightning talks - 1

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Conference Close - 1

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Ballarat Observatory Tour - 1

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review