Hi user
OzCode Workshop - 1
Akka.NET for Beginners - 1
Workshop: Elasticsearch and the ELK Stack for .NET Developers - 1
Akka.NET for Advanced Users - 1
Conference Reception (Pre-Registration) - 1
Can a Woman Do Any Job Here? - 1
Welcome to .NET Fringe! - 1
How to Succeed in OSS Without Really Trying - 7
No logo at end of video. (9/19)
not sure why, the rest of it is ok, so not going to bother fixing.
Space, time and state - 7
OWIN, an update - 1
The Most Important File Format - 1
Prism the Next Generation - 8
Akka.NET: The Future of Distributed Programming in .NET - 8
Building C# Powered Robots Controlled by C# Mobile Apps - 1
Spice Up Your Apps - Tips on Building Great User Experience - 1
Functional GUI Apps - 8
Lightning Talk - Brighter Command - 8
Lightning Talks - None
Lightning Talk - Code comments - 8
Lightning Talk - Bridge.net - 8
Lightning Talk - Microservices: Built to Last? - 8
Lightning Talk - RxApp - 8
Lightning Talk - Couchbase Lite - 8
Open Source Hacking the CoreCLR - 1
Stewardship of the Open-Source Riak .NET Client - 8
Nancy, the super duper happy OSS .NET project - 8
Tooling for the HTTP Uniform Interface - 1
NotNet - What Lies Beyond the Wall - 1
scriptcs, Adventures In Scripting - 8
Serilog - The best logging library for .NET You've Never Heard Of - 1
C# going dynamic, Ruby style! - 8
DDD Dead Simple - 7
Investigating the production-readiness of Mono via Event Store - 1
Devops: what's next? - 1
On the fringe of Node.js and .NET with Edge.js - 7
Panel: State of OSS .NET - 8
Lucene.NET: The resurrection - 8
Doing development in the open – a story of a CQRS Journey - 1
The Joys of Being A Maintainer - 1
Your Code, Your Brain - 8
Relax and let the HTTP Machine do the Work - 1
Chemical structure searching using Lucene.NET and Indigo - 8
Lightning Talks - 1
Lightning Talk - Stack Overflow Startup Rapup - 8
Lightning Talk - Noda Time - 8
Lightning Talk - Web Tasks - 8
Lightning Talk - Lilac - 7
Lightning Talk - Fixie - 8
Lightning Talk - How to do distributed transactions with Akka.NET - 8
Lightning Talks - Mining Github commits with Splunk and Oktokit - 8
Bringing Tasks to NETMF via a Batmobile - (or a Batmobile code off) - 8
Modern Web Diagnostics with a Glimpse into ASP.NET - 1
Chocolatey Goodness - From Fringe to Mainstream - 1
Legacy.. What? - 8
Embellishing APIs with Code Analyzers - 1
Embracing Clouds - 8
Simplifying Machine Learning with nuML - 1
Omnisharp: .NET sans Microsoft - 8
Oscillations in Open Source at Microsoft - 8
Social Coding - 8
Closing - 1
Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review