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Young Coders class - 1

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Open-Source Society (PyOhio 2015 keynote) - 12

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Slot - 1

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Pandas Dataframes At The Cinema - 12

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Best Practices for Python Scripting - 12

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Video seems to get cut off and no Next day logo at the end. PA system not feeding recording. First talk in that room, Set Channelcopy to 10. no clue why there is no footer. will double check on next encode/upload. Check and fix sound (09/16)

Putting the D&D in TDD - 1

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Learning to learn Python - 12

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Coroutines, Async/Await, Asyncio and the Pulsar Library - 12

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Stumbling blocks of a Python newbie - 12

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Rethink your database with RethinkDB - 1

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How I built a power debugger out of the standard library and things I found on the internet - 12

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Super Intermediate Python 3 - 12

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PA not hooked to recording, used camera mic. Check end time, may consider ending sooner (09/16)

Rust 1.0 Launch Party - 0

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Talk added, not on conf schedule. Sent a memorabe email to Raymond asking for a description and a few other things.

Art and Science With Six Million Timelapse Images and Python - 12

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Using Python to Get Out the Vote - 12

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Is that spam in my ham? A novice's inquiry into classification. - 12

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Simple Games for Python Beginners - 12

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Automating Your Browser and Desktop Apps - 12

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From Synchronous to Asynchronous Postgres with Tornado - 12

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Filling the Flask - 12

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PlaidCloud Analyze: The Solution to Business Analytics Tedium - 1

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How I learned Python while working at Eventbrite - 12

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Teaching a Computer to Fight Itself (Implementing an OGRE AI) - 12

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Data Science: It's Easy as Pyǃ - 12

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Python as the multitool of data science - 12

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Network Automation using Ansible and Python - 12

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You Gotta Want It: Building Up Women in Computer Science - 12

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How I taught my dog to text me selfies - 12

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Name Things Once - 12

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A Calendar for Mars - 12

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How to be a good mentor - 12

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**Lightning talks!** - 12

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No Next day Video logo at the end. Weird. trying again...

The Well Tempered API - 12

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From idea to presentation: how to speak at a conference - 12

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To Mars or Bust: Making the transition from MATLAB to Python for Mars mission planning. - 1

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Why You Can't Sit With Us - Understanding Network Analysis in Python With Mean Girls - 12

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Growler - Using asyncio to Build a Web Framework - 12

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Python Packaging from Init to Deploy - 12

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Fumbling Forward - Docker Don'ts - 12

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Developing a RESTful Python service on Windows - 12

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Making the "Best Decisions" in Python from the Very Beginning - 1

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Testing the Database Layer: typical problems & best practices - 12

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Typing better and potentially faster with python - 12

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REPL-driven development - 12

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Making sense of CORS using web.py - 12

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F12 - Tools & Tips for Tuning and Debugging the Web - 12

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Python for Economists: An overview of Python tools for Economists - 12

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Production Django: Building a Highly Scalable, Secure Django Site - 12

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A Trip to the SPA - 12

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Catching the bus on time -- Using Python, a Pebble Watch and (kind of) Open Data - 12

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Synchronizing Objects to YAML using Black Magic - 12

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Introduction to PySchool.net - 12

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**More lightning talks!** - 11

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review