Hi user
Opening - 11
Pragmatic Python for Social Change - 11
Distributed pub-sub infrastructure with Apache Kafka - 12
An Introduction to Image Classification - 11
Python @ CloudFlare - 11
A little scripting goes a long way: automating data processing in science - 11
Numberplate recognition using python, opencv and some other magic. - 11
OpenCanary: a new Python-based honeypot - 11
The Split-Apply-Combine Pattern for Data Science in Python - 11
Thursday Lightning Talks - 11
PyCon Montréal in 30 min - 11
"Python in Production" Panel Discussion - 11
How PyPy runs your program - 11
Community Security - ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) on your Pi - 11
How I learnt to stop worrying and love Boost.Python - 11
Property-based testing with Hypothesis - 11
Supporting Python 3 - 11
What's the point of Object Orientation? - 11
The Road to Continuous Deployment - 11
Friday Lightning Talks - 11
Kivy Showcase: a short exploration of how Kivy is changing the world - 11
Closing - 11
Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review