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Introduction to Machine Learning with Functional Programming - 1

cooked audio

Building Smart Microservice Clients with React, Redux and React-Router - 1

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Building Distributed Systems with Akka.NET - 1

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Welcome Reception @ Ringler's Pub - 1

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Doors Open, Attendees Mingle - 1

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Introduction - Day 1 - 5

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Communication is just as important as code - 5

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Agile experiments in Machine Learning - 5

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Cross platform .NET, welcome to the new age! - 5

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Docker All the Things - .NET 4.6 apps and Windows Containers - 5

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.NET CORE, OAuth, and OpenID Connect - 5

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Lightning Talk - Typing In Dvorak - 5

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Lightning Talk - Vanquish Legacy Code in 5 Minutes Flat - 5

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Lightning Talk - Create full dynamic sites in no time - 5

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Lightning Talk - FAKE it til you make it - 5

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Lightning Talk - How to be more inclusive in tech - 5

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Lightning Talk - Giving Back: Your First Pull Request - 5

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Lightning Talk - Event Storming For .NET Projects - 5

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Lightning Talk - Making Deployment Less Painful - 5

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The F# Path to Relaxation - and what it means for .NET - 5

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So You Want To Be A Mobile App Developer - 5

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Developing Apache Spark Jobs in .NET using Mobius - 5

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Distributed .NET microservices architecture with Kubernetes in the cloud - 5

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Mobile testing for grown ups - 5

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Getting productive with F# Open Source tooling - 5

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Private Party at Ground Kontrol - 1

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Doors Open, Attendees Mingle - 1

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Introduction - Day 2 - 1

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10 years of JSON.NET - 0

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Looks like it didn't get recorded: ~/Videos/veyepar/troy/dnf2016/dv/crystal_ballroom/2016-07-12$ ls -lh total 85G -rwxrwxrwx 1 carl carl 118M Jul 12 10:40 08_40_09.ts -rwxrwxrwx 1 carl carl 6.0G Jul 12 11:51 09_21_54.ts -rwxrwxrwx 1 carl carl 2.3G Jul 12 12:06 09_51_54.ts

The F#orce Awakens - 5

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Introducing NBench - Automated Performance Testing and Benchmarking for .NET - 5

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Triage Some Open Source - Live! - 5

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Hadoop.NET - 5

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Lightning Talk - Domain Modeling with the Neko Atsume Kitty Collector Game - 5

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enc error: No cutlist found.

Lightning Talk - High performance multi-target logging with Logary - 5

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Lightning Talk - How to run an open source project - 5

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Lightning Talk - Everything you think you know about software development is wrong. Probably... - 5

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Lightning Talk - Introduction to Avalonia - 5

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33:07.ts 3:24

Lightning Talk - Structuring large scale React/Redux Apps - 5

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Lightning Talk - New C#/VB Project System - 5

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Lightning Talk - scriptcs, what's new - 5

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How to make a living as a contrarian developer: Living your developer life on the edge. - 5

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Feed the links, tuples' a bag – An introduction to Linked Data APIs - 5

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.Net Core, Clojure and Elixir: a newbie's experience - 5

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A Smart House Powered by .NET - 5

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Xamarin Apps in GPU wonderland - 5

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Giving Your Way To Greatness - 5

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review