Hi user
Opening - 1
Keeping up with the pace of a fast growing community without dying - 1
An introduction to interfacing with C using CFFI - 1
Running Django Applications on GAE - Flexible Environment(Previously Managed VMs) - 1
Python, Pet of Architects - 1
Listen to the Snake - 1
Scaling Django from server to browser through an efficient caching strategy - 1
Python in Viral Bioinformatics Research - 1
Introduction to Test Driven Develpoment with Python - 1
RevDB, a reverse debugger - 1
Optimizing Python programs, PyPy to the rescue - 1
Beating the bugs: simulating drug resistance in viral and bacterial DNA using Python and AWS - 1
Ensure Python Development: Practical strides that we can take to ensure Python skills development - 1
Experiments with test setup - 1
Some Less obvious uses of SQLite - 1
Contributing to python open source Infrastructure and projects - 1
Stream processing made easy with riko - 1
Public Python for the greater good - 1
Thursday Lightning Talks - 1
Panel Discussion: Teaching Python - 1
Juggling GPU tasks with asyncio - 1
Experiences debugging memory bloat and high CPU consumption in python - 1
Open Source Software Initiatives in Zimbabwe - 1
Selling groceries online using Postgres, Flask, Docker & Android - 1
Reliably Distributing Binary Modules - 1
Deep Learning in Python - 1
MicroPython: Python for microcontrollers and constrained environments - 1
How to use python and flask to capture downtime losses on a production line - 1
Distributed Applications in Python: Celery vs. Crossbar - 1
Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit - 1
Machine Learning in Python - Gaussian Processes - 1
Get Instrumented: How Prometheus Can Unify Your Metrics - 1
Building for 100x scale - 1
Computer Vision - Creating a complex color polling project using Python, OpenCV and Raspberry Pi - 1
Traversing the last mile to the financially underserved with Python - 1
Python-assisted creative writing: managing dynamic gender in RPG scenarios - 1
Friday Lightning Talks - 1
How development models affect the team - 1
Closing - 1
Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review