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Slot - 12

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Chris Neugebauer / Karen Sandler Opening & Welcome @chrisjrn @o0karen0o

Opening remarks - 0

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Introduction - 0

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Opening remarks - 0

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Decoding Satellites with SatNOGS - 12

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the encode ends early. I see it when I run Shotcut and load Decoding_Satellites_with_SatNOGS.mlt .mlt file uses h:m:s to mark start and end, so I am not sure whyit is happening. easy solution: add 20 seconds to the end of the talk, encode, see what happens.

The Opposite of the Cloud - 12

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WOOTconf Introductory remarks - 0

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Making Night in the Woods Better with Open Source - 12

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Human-Driven Development - 12

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Advances in CPU Frequency Management - 12

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Interface citizen scientists with government. - 12

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ScummVM Retrospective - Lessons learnt, from games preserved. - 12

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Lightweight inventory management with Pallet Jack - 12

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Sparse warnings - 12

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Almost Open - Just close the door behind you - 12

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Every Game Should Have An API Like Destiny - 12

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Continuous Dashboarding - your devops airbag - 12

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My adventures building hamlib support for the OpenSDR board - 12

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Seeing the big picture – using open source images - 12

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Kernel-bypass networking for fun and profit - 12

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Multiplayer gaming and distributed state - 12

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Let's put wifi in everything. - 12

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The Sound of Silencing - 12

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Running production workloads in a programmable infrastructure - 12

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Knit One, Compute One - 12

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Are You Ready for Amateur Radio? - 12

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An open programming environment inspired by programming games - 12

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How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement in Government - 12

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post 12088 How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement in Government deleted http://youtu.be/XAlE_84ZgiU Uploading file to YouTube... Video id 'YwC8WAfRT3w' was successfully uploaded. http://youtu.be/YwC8WAfRT3w Uploading file to Archive.org... ia: https://archive.org/details/lca2017-How_govCMS_is_part_of_the_open_government_and_open_data_movement_in_Government post 12099 Doing 'Blockchain' Things deleted http://youtu.be/7mkFdG5FdVw Uploading file to YouTube... Video id 'Qi7xBVmkm44' was successfully uploaded. http://youtu.be/Qi7xBVmkm44 Uploading file to Archive.org... ('ia_uploader.py', HTTPError(' error uploading Doing_Blockchain_Things.mp4 to lca2017-Doing_Blockchain_Things, The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received. - content-md5 submitted with PUT: 769e53be7063d4687833ffc2f641f870 != recieved data md5: 2cbfe67a3a8751c71b19375e4174b6d0also not equal to base64 version: LL/mejqHUccbGTdeQXS20A==',)) Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. (InteractiveConsole) >>> Internet archive.org error! run time: 847.5333333333333 minutes

Making kernel objects movable: A history and the way forward - 12

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Sharing the love: making games with PICO-8 - 12

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Mice and Maps - 12

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Managing performance parameters through systemd - 12

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GPL Compliance/Enforcement session - 0

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The Openness of Closed Systems - 12

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Building My Own Little World with Open Data - 12

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Imposter Syndrome - 12

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Overview of HPSDR - 12

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Go for DevOps - 12

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Play Session - 0

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Hannah Gets Go-ing - 12

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Building Escape Room Horror Experiences with Arduino and C++ - 12

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Open Source and Radio Panel Discussion - 12

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Open Meets Science @ Google - 12

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Turtles all the way down - Thin LVM + KVM tips and Tricks - 12

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Why Twisted Is The Best And How It Will Make Your Application Awesome - 12

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Managing Storage with a File System - 12

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Porting Games To Linux - 12

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Open Discussion and Lightning Talks - 0

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Condensed History of Lock Picking - 12

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Samba and the road to 100k users - 12

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Planning Alerts, State Contracts then The World - 12

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Demo from Mice and Maps - 12

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Earth Moon Earth (EME) Radio Propagation - 12

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Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Rock Star Developers - 12

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The School for Sysadmins Who Can’t Timesync Good and Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too - 12

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Lightning Talks - 0

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Lightning Talks - 0

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Linux Australia Annual General Meeting - 12

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Slot - 0

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Choose Your Own Adventure, Please! - 12

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Welcome - 0

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securely backing up gpg private keys.. to the cloud‽ - 12

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First ver had the mini conf opening included at the start. removed, encoding....

Greetings and Welcome - 0

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QA in the Open - 12

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Fishbowl discussion - GPL compliance - 0

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Quiz - 0

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Preventing Deserialization attacks in Java applications - 12

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Blue Ocean: a new user experience for Jenkins - 12

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U 2 can U2F - 12

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A Beautiful Build: Releasing Linux Source Correctly - 12

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Prize Session - 0

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Community Leadership Summit Summary - 12

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Doing 'Blockchain' Things - 12

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Pelcgbtencul 101 - 12

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Discovering edge cases with property-based testing. - 12

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ESP32 Microcontroller Hardware and Software - 12

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Stephen King's practical advice for tech writers - 12

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IoTuz hardware design, manufacturing, working with KiCad - 12

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Apache Metron: Centralised Security Monitoring and Analysis with Big Data Technologies - 12

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Sorting out the mess: How information architecture can help - 12

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Pushing on a Piece of String - OSIAs adventures in influencing governments - 12

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Make your testing Groovy - 12

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Kernel documentation: what we have and where it's going - 12

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IoTuz software design challenges and ESP-IDF (Iot Development Framework) - 12

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Make more Secure Code! - Overview of Security Development Lifecycle and Static Code Analysis - 12

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the relationship between openness and democracy - 12

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Writing less, saying more: UX lessons from the small screen - 12

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Panel on The Future of Community Efforts to Protect FOSS using Legal Tools - 12

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microPython for ESP32 - 12

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CuriosityKilledThe.cat@fastmail.com - 12

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The Internet of Scary Things - tips to deploy and manage IoT safely - 12

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Rage Against the Ghost in the Machine - 12

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ESP32 development example using IoTuz - 12

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Effective docs writing: Practical writing style explained with computer science. - 12

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Better Testing Through Statistics - 12

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Helping Caterpillars Fly - 12

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Lightning Talks - 12

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A Layperson's Guide for Talking about Free Software Law - 12

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FreeIPA project update (turbo talk) - 12

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Politely socially engineering IRL using sneaky magician techniques - 12

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Thanks! - 0

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Slot - 0

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Designing for Failure - 12

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The kernel report - 12

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Enlightenment Foundation Libraries - Case studies of optimizing for wearable devices - 12

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Listening to the Needs of Your Global Open Source Community - 12

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Docker from Scratch - 0

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Servo Architecture: Safety and Performance - 12

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Future privacy - 12

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Engaging with Open Data through Video Games - 12

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Stranger in a strange land: Breaking language monocultures with open source - 12

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The Future of the Linux Page Cache - 12

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The Internet of Houses: Whare Hauora - 12

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In Case of Emergency: Break Glass - BCP, DRP, & Digital Legacy - 12

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JavaScript is Awe-ful - 12

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Why haven't you licensed your project? - 12

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400,000 ephemeral containers: testing entire ecosystems with Docker - 12

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Are you a bad enough dude to take down your network? - 12

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An Introduction to .NET Core on Linux & Docker - 12

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Slot - 0

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Type driven configuration management with Propellor - 12

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Organizational Change: Challenges in shipping open source firmware - 12

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BPF: Tracing and More - 12

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Ada ❤️ Lace - 12

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Community Building Beyond the Black Stump - 12

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The dangerous, exquisite art of safely handing user-uploaded files - 12

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Automate your home with MQTT - 12

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Handle Conflict, Like a Boss! - 12

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Drink from the firehose: release-monitoring.org - 12

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Challenges when Scaling: Continued adventures in Swift's sharding - 12

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A tour of the ARM architecture and its Linux support - 12

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Non-native English speakers in Open Source communities: A True Story - 12

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Open Compute Project down under - 12

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Slot - 0

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Progress in the Alliance for Open Media - 12

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ChaosKey To Production - 12

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Slot - 0

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Consider the Maintainer - 12

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The Vulkan Graphics API - what it means for Linux - 12

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Land Matters: Creating Open Technology for Land Rights - 12

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Lobbing cats into the walled garden - a beginners guide to reverse engineering IM protocols - 12

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Reusable R for automation, small area estimation and legacy systems - 12

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Linux-Kernel Memory Ordering: Help Arrives At Last! - 12

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Rust 101 - 12

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Rewriting MMU for fun and profit - 12

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Reproducible Builds for a Better Future - 12

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Network Protocol Analysis for IoT Devices - 12

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Slot - 0

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Building reliable Ceph clusters - 12

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The Trouble with FreeBSD - 12

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Content as a driver of change: then and now - 12

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A Practical Guide to Compliance with the GNU GPL - 12

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Slot - 0

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Optimizing a new processor architecture - 12

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ODF: Great standard, but what works? - 12

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Python Profiling and Performance Tuning in Production - 12

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The journey of a word: how text ends up on a page - 12

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The Future of Power Management in Linux - 12

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I am your user. Why do you hate me? - 12

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Phase 4 - Status update on the AMSAT Geosynchronous satellite effort - 12

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/sys/class/gpio/Parking Brake: Hacking my car - 12

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Intro to SaltStack - 12

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GPU Accelerated JPEG Rendering - 12

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Open Source Accelerating Innovation - 12

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Life in the Armoury - 12

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Package Managers all the way down - 12

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Slot - 0

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At-rest Encryption in OpenStack Swift - 12

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Surviving the Next 30 Years of Free Software - 12

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Using Python for creating hardware to record FOSS conferences! - 12

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Rootless Containers with runC - 12

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Slot - 0

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Keeping Linux Great - 12

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Adventures in laptop battery hacking - 12

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Data Structures and Algorithms in the 21st Century - 12

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Reproducible builds: Two years in the trenches… - 12

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Production high-performance networking with Snabb and LuaJIT - 12

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Publicly Releasing Government Models - 12

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Managing internal PKI system at scale with Anchor - 12

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Maintainers Don't Scale - 12

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My personal fight against the modern laptop - 12

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Election Software - 12

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Preparing For The Next Generation of Contributors - 12

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post 12062 Preparing For The Next Generation of Contributors Uploading file to YouTube... Video id 'URmfKyIT898' was successfully uploaded. http://youtu.be/URmfKyIT898 Uploading file to Archive.org... ('ia_uploader.py', HTTPError(' error uploading Preparing_For_The_Next_Generation_of_Contributors.mp4 to lca2017-Preparing_For_The_Next_Generation_of_Contributors, We encountered an internal error. Please try again. - Failed to get necessary short term bucket lock for lca2017-Preparing_For_The_Next_Generation_of_Contributors, please try again',)) Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. (InteractiveConsole) >>> [0] 0:python- 1:python* 2:bash 3:python 4:bash 5:[tmux> "gw1" 15:53 20-Jan-17

Hacking democracy and playing the long game - 12

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The Business of Community - 12

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libtls: Rethinking the TLS/SSL API - 12

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Getting into the Rusty Bucket: Lessons from Integrating Rust with Existing C - 12

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A guide to selecting FOSS licences for programmers and open culture enthusiasts - 12

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The proper care and feeding of communities and carnivorous plants - 12

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Integrating high speed fabrics into the Linux network stack - 12

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Defending the Security and Integrity of the 'Net - is Open Source helping? - 12

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Designing a Race Car with Open Source Tools - 12

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Continuously Delivering Security in the Cloud - 12

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Lightning Talks and Conference Closing - 12

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review