Hi user
Introduction - 11
The Beauty of Bad Code - 11
I Play the JavaScript - 11
Deep learning in your browser - 11
Reactive Query - an alternative to REST for universal JS web apps - 11
“I can’t work on my phone” - desktop all the things - 11
Fantastic ASTs and Where to Find Them - 11
Moving fast without crashing - 11
Putting the Fun back into Functional with Lambda Calculus - 11
Open Sourcing Mental Health - 11
Pushing the web to the next level - 11
Behaviour & Your Team - 11
enc error: No cutlist found.
Being a paradigm tolerant JS developer - 11
I've got the keys! Using lenses and transducers simplify your life. - 11
Building serverless apps with Node.js - 11
The Art of Exploitation - 11
Exploring Static Isomorphism - 11
Getting Started with JavaScript Bundling - 11
Introduction to the second day - 0
Searching for Beauty and Humanity in Data - 11
Your browser wants you to be secure - 11
Psychology and the Art of Pair Programming - 11
Around the world in 80 shades 🌏📊 - 11
Serverless Applications - behind the hype - 11
CTO's Perspective of Angular2 adoption from an early stage - 11
Augmenting Reality with JS - 11
Teaching and learning on a fullstack, bootcamp, JavaScript course - 11
Vues from the Server - 11
W.W.E.D. (What would Ember.js do?) - 11
React Native - Next Generation JavaScript Mobile - 11
Embracing Subjectivity - 11
Hands on with A-Frame - 11
Rats of the Maze - 11
Technology for Everyone - 11
Conference closing - 11
Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review