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Hello Types - 0

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Introduction to Python for Data Science, Part 1 - 0

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Introduction to Python for Data Science, Part 2 - 0

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Building Web Mapping Applications using GeoDjango and other FOSS GIS - 0

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Distributed microservices in the real world - 11

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Playing with Python's internals - 11

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Python as a tool for e-health systems - 11

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Elementary, my dear Python - 11

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Bring Django Girls Workshop to Mozambique. - 11

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Reproducible Data Science with Docker - 11

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The Developer's Guide to Data Science - 11

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An introduction to concurrent programming with asyncio - 11

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microphone was dodgy - may want to mix the two channels...

A Brief Introduction to PyGame Zero - 11

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From Idea to Product: Customer Profiling in Apache Zeppelin with PySpark - 11

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Creative ideas specific to Python - 0

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Deploying and Managing Python with Kubernetes - 11

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Jupyter Notebooks for Data Science - 11

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lots of microphone crackle. Right channel could be better.

Testing in the wild - 11

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Teach kids (7-17) to code with python & CoderDojo - 11

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How to deploy your Python Web App on Google Cloud Platform - 11

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Test your Docker images with Python - 11

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Thursday Lightning Talks - 11

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Python on Azure - 11

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Batteries Included - 11

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So What's the Story? - 11

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Python Community Development in East Africa - 11

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(Re)solving an appliance traffic dilemma with the DNS loophole - 0

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From Zero to kind of a hero: Getting your Python side project ready for deployment - 11

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Dimensionality reduction - squeezing out the good stuff with PCA - 11

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Building Python communities in Africa - 1

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Guide to choose right deep Learning framework for your AI project - 11

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Developing good ORMs is HARD! - 11

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Two approaches to python web services - 11

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Sanic: Async Python (uvloop) with a familiar flask like feel. - 11

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Building Rest API with Django Rest Framework - 11

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Bayesian Analysis in Python: A Starter Kit - 11

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Python as a tool to boost productivity in (electronic) product and system development. - 11

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My Journey into Artificial Intelligence - 11

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Fast random number generation in Python and NumPy - 11

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Teaching coding to children (with python) - 1

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Custom metadata plugins for Calibre: cataloguing an old paper library - 11

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Parallel Programming with (Py)OpenCL for Fun and Profit - 11

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Insight into Customer Segmentation - 11

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Friday Lightning Talks - 11

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Machine Learning in Real Life - 11

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review