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Welcome to Genesys - 0

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Introduction to Enterprise MediaWiki - 12

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Structured Authoring to Set Your Content Free - 12

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MediaWiki was first released in 2002 and got its name in 2003, and the term "enterprise MediaWiki" may have first appeared in 2014. This talk offers an overview of the history and philosophy of enterprise MediaWiki, plus (depending on time/interest) demos of some of the most commonly-used enterprise MediaWiki extensions. TEXT:MediaWiki was first released in 2002 and got its name in 2003, and the term "enterprise MediaWiki" may have first appeared in 2014. This talk offers an overview of the history and philosophy of enterprise MediaWiki, plus (depending on time/interest) demos of some of the most commonly-used enterprise MediaWiki extensions.

Dokit Approach to Turn MediaWiki Into a Packaged Product to Create User Manuals - 13

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General Electric's Approach to Putting Knowledge Into Context Using MediaWiki - 12

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Page Forms: State of the Extension - 12

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Meza: Why and How - 12

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The [[Extension:Page Forms|Page Forms]] extension is a key part of many enterprise MediaWiki installations. This talk will discuss some of the features added to Page Forms in the last year or so, plus some planned features and thoughts about the future of the extension. TEXT:The Page Forms extension is a key part of many enterprise MediaWiki installations. This talk will discuss some of the features added to Page Forms in the last year or so, plus some planned features and thoughts about the future of the extension. Page Forms https://www.mediawiki.org/Extension:Page Forms It looks like the problem is only from 24:00 to 24:08 - where you can also actually briefly see my emails, and maybe some other stuff. After that, my screen is visible but I think too small to see anything.

Release Automation - 13

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The MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group (#mwstake): What It Is and Why You Should Join - 12

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Wikis and bias - 13

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Nifty Semantic Structures That Do Stuff - 12

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A demonstration of how generic semantic structures can be effective and reusable. Features a Task manager, News feed and File manager built using Semantic MediaWiki. TEXT:A demonstration of how generic semantic structures can be effective and reusable. Features a Task manager, News feed and File manager built using Semantic MediaWiki.

Using MediaWiki-CodeSniffer So You Don't Need to Care About Spaces and Other Coding Style Nitpicks - 12

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How to Use MediaWiki's Newish Support for Content-Security-Policy (CSP) to Secure Your Wiki - 12

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Keynote: Wikidata and Beyond - 9

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Thoughts on MediaWiki's Role in Enterprise Knowledge Management - 12

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Get It Together: Fostering Collaborative Art Documentation Through MediaWiki - 12

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Transitioning an Existing Wiki to Incorporate Structured Data - 12

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=== Abstract === Knowledge is the most important and valuable asset for enterprises second only to their persons. Organizations (especially the big ones) mainly has an huge amount of information about business, know-how and more and more often about the complex underlyng IT systems landscape (think about [[:en:Industry_4.0|INDUSTRY 4.0]] and IOT). Often, due to a '''lack of methodology, culture and appropriate tools''', organizations are not able to manage and take full advantage of the potential of their data. Based on our experience on banks, insurrances and pubblic administrations '''in the last 10 years we have developed a practical approach and a set of tools based on Semantic Web standards''' (ontologies, RDF/OWL, [https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/ SPARQL] etc...) to help our clients to easly recollect their eterogeneus information, reconciling them accordigly to a formal ontological model to finally republishing them together in an open, standard '''Enterprise Knowledge Management platform'''. Here we will present this approach and give a focus on our practical experience expecially on the '''advanced usage that we made of''' [https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org '''Semantic Mediawiki''']. In fact [[MediaWiki 1.31|Mediawiki]] with a set of specific extensions (i.e Semantic Mediawiki, Page Form, Semantic Result Format, Semantic Drilldown etc...) represents a core component of the KM platform enpowered with some custom components we made for d'''ata integration/mapping, enrichment, visualization and finally to republishing''' all information as a queryable '''Enteprise Knowledge Graph'''. All presented results are taken from real business cases: we will see implementation for IT governance and [[:en:Enterprise_architecture|Enterprise Architecture]] portal for big european bank and insurrance groups. Next we will see implementations for costs allocation and budgeting distributions in the complex IT services scenario. We will show an implementation for Personal Data Treatments Register in related to the '''[https://eugdpr.org/ GDPR]''' european normative compliancy and last but not the least we will presents an interesting application of Semantic Mediawiki as open data '''portal for vertical services of Pubblic Administrations''' and in particular for '''local turism promotion''' through a federation of portals called '''Smart City Hubs'''. TEXT: Abstract Knowledge is the most important and valuable asset for enterprises second only to their persons. Organizations (especially the big ones) mainly has an huge amount of information about business, know-how and more and more often about the complex underlyng IT systems landscape (think about INDUSTRY 4.0 and IOT). Often, due to a lack of methodology, culture and appropriate tools, organizations are not able to manage and take full advantage of the potential of their data. Based on our experience on banks, insurrances and pubblic administrations in the last 10 years we have developed a practical approach and a set of tools based on Semantic Web standards (ontologies, RDF/OWL, SPARQL etc...) to help our clients to easly recollect their eterogeneus information, reconciling them accordigly to a formal ontological model to finally republishing them together in an open, standard Enterprise Knowledge Management platform. Here we will present this approach and give a focus on our practical experience expecially on the advanced usage that we made of Semantic Mediawiki. In fact Mediawiki with a set of specific extensions (i.e Semantic Mediawiki, Page Form, Semantic Result Format, Semantic Drilldown etc...) represents a core component of the KM platform enpowered with some custom components we made for data integration/mapping, enrichment, visualization and finally to republishing all information as a queryable Enteprise Knowledge Graph. All presented results are taken from real business cases: we will see implementation for IT governance and Enterprise Architecture portal for big european bank and insurrance groups. Next we will see implementations for costs allocation and budgeting distributions in the complex IT services scenario. We will show an implementation for Personal Data Treatments Register in related to the GDPR european normative compliancy and last but not the least we will presents an interesting application of Semantic Mediawiki as open data portal for vertical services of Pubblic Administrations and in particular for local turism promotion through a federation of portals called Smart City Hubs. SPARQL https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/ '''Semantic Mediawiki''' https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org GDPR https://eugdpr.org/ INDUSTRY 4.0 https://www.mediawiki.org/:en:Industry_4.0 Mediawiki https://www.mediawiki.org/MediaWiki 1.31 Enterprise Architecture https://www.mediawiki.org/:en:Enterprise_architecture

Using (Semantic) Mediawiki on an Enterprise Knowledge Management Platform - 12

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Document Control With Multiple Digital Signatures Using MediaWiki+Extensions - 12

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This talk will illustrate a process for adding structured data to an existing wiki already populated with content. Examples will be given using both [[Extension:Semantic MediaWiki|Semantic MediaWiki]] and [[Extension:Cargo|Cargo]]. A transformation script written in Python using [[Pywikibot]] to manipulate the wiki content will also be demonstrated. TEXT:This talk will illustrate a process for adding structured data to an existing wiki already populated with content. Examples will be given using both Semantic MediaWiki and Cargo. A transformation script written in Python using Pywikibot to manipulate the wiki content will also be demonstrated. Semantic MediaWiki https://www.mediawiki.org/Extension:Semantic MediaWiki Cargo https://www.mediawiki.org/Extension:Cargo Pywikibot https://www.mediawiki.org/Pywikibot

Finnish Institutional Wikifarm: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting - 13

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Usage of Cargo with Lua on LoL Gamepedia - 12

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One slide each: *Monthly Enterprise MediWiki meetings -- we invite more participation * [[w:Diplopedia|Diplopedia]] - explanation, growth/change? update en.wp if possible ** characterize sponsors and users and usage of each of these, if possible * [[w:Intellipedia|Intellipedia]] (Peter needs to request update, [https://www.wired.com/2017/04/american-spies-now-smartphone-app ''Wired'' from 2017], update en.wp if possible) * Powerpedia - update, platform, templates, usage? * Statipedia RIP; backups, FOIA, some follow-on experiments at eedi * New: ITC wiki, NRC wiki (more from its sponsors in lightning talks) * many other examples, e.g. DOL's, without detail * anything at VA? * [[w:Gcpedia|Gcpedia]] update? (Peter and/or Tom to follow up) * Wikimedians in Residence, e.g.: at Smithsonian Natural History, NARA, [https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2019/01/24/wiki4/ CDC/NIOSH] -- this contributes to the basic knowledge needed to get along on wikis which are really different from other federal platforms * Other related federal efforts, and pointers to connect to them: ** code.gov -- no mediawiki prjects yet but there's an ongoing effort to get US govt source code into the open-source mainstream ** FCP CCS -- crowdsourcing discussions (crowdsourcing.gov? find platform) ** OSTP/[[w:NITRD|NITRD]] -- a range of interagency computing discussions, e.g. SPSQ, CSIA topics * something about [[w:VPAT|VPAT]] effort? Clarifying differences with [[w:SharePoint|SharePoint]] wiki? * consider updating, drawing from, and avoiding duplication with [[User:Econterms/U.S._Federal_Government_MediaWikis|my 2016 presentation on this]] TEXT:One slide each: Monthly Enterprise MediWiki meetings -- we invite more participation Diplopedia - explanation, growth/change? update en.wp if possible characterize sponsors and users and usage of each of these, if possible Intellipedia (Peter needs to request update, Wired from 2017, update en.wp if possible) Powerpedia - update, platform, templates, usage? Statipedia RIP; backups, FOIA, some follow-on experiments at eedi New: ITC wiki, NRC wiki (more from its sponsors in lightning talks) many other examples, e.g. DOL's, without detail anything at VA? Gcpedia update? (Peter and/or Tom to follow up) Wikimedians in Residence, e.g.: at Smithsonian Natural History, NARA, CDC/NIOSH -- this contributes to the basic knowledge needed to get along on wikis which are really different from other federal platforms Other related federal efforts, and pointers to connect to them: code.gov -- no mediawiki prjects yet but there's an ongoing effort to get US govt source code into the open-source mainstream FCP CCS -- crowdsourcing discussions (crowdsourcing.gov? find platform) OSTP/NITRD -- a range of interagency computing discussions, e.g. SPSQ, CSIA topics something about VPAT effort? Clarifying differences with SharePoint wiki? consider updating, drawing from, and avoiding duplication with my 2016 presentation on this ''Wired'' from 2017 https://www.wired.com/2017/04/american-spies-now-smartphone-app CDC/NIOSH https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2019/01/24/wiki4/ Diplopedia https://www.mediawiki.org/w:Diplopedia Intellipedia https://www.mediawiki.org/w:Intellipedia Gcpedia https://www.mediawiki.org/w:Gcpedia NITRD https://www.mediawiki.org/w:NITRD VPAT https://www.mediawiki.org/w:VPAT SharePoint https://www.mediawiki.org/w:SharePoint my 2016 presentation on this https://www.mediawiki.org/User:Econterms/U.S._Federal_Government_MediaWikis

Panel: Creating the International Space Station Wiki by Merging Topic Wikis - 12

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Update on Some Internal Government Wikis - 12

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Lightning Talks - 12

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Panel: State of the MediaWiki Ecosystem - 12

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review