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Saturday Welcome - 12

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Changing Lives through Open Source, Passion and Mentoring - 12

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“Who’d I Lend That Book To?” Hard Questions Answered with Python - 12

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Becoming a Better Curator of Your Code - 12

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Big Data with Small Computers: Building a Hadoop Cluster with Raspberry Pis - 12

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Demystifying Machine Learning - 12

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Enough Python to Fake It - 12

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Need Slides!!! I found this: https://github.com/catherinedevlin/talks/blob/master/just_enough_python/slides.md But that isn't the same, and it doesn't give me nice screens to add to the video.

Adopt-a-pytest - 12

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Feature Engineering: An Apprentice’s Guide to the “Dark Art” of Machine Learning - 12

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delay=1.0 The video of my talk doesn't start until the 15:00 minute mark in the video. The entire break time between the videos is included. In addition, the video isn't matched with the audio.

Lessons from Zero-Defect Software - 12

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Distributed Deep Neural Network Training using MPI on Python - 12

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How to Write Pytest Plugins - 12

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A Brief History of Fire Brigades - 12

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Using Dash to Create Interactive Web Apps for Non-Technical Audiences - 12

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Explicit is Better than Implicit: Making Culture Visible with Team Charters - 12

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A Gentle Introduction to Linear Programming in Python - 12

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Python Improvements (or This Is Not Your Teacher's Python) - 12

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Scraping Your Way to a Dataset - 12

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A Hands-On Guide to Building Interactive Command-Line Apps with cmd2 - 12

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Docker-Composing Your Way to a Better Development Environment - 12

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Django in Production with PEX - 12

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The Magic of Python - 12

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Hands-On Web UI Testing - 12

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If Statements are a Code Smell - 12

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Building Docs like Code: Continuous Integration for Documentation - 12

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The Value of Docstrings - 12

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delay=1.0 The audio is constantly out of sync by about 1 second. The audio stops at 19:08

The Blameless Post Mortem: How Embracing Failure Makes Us Better - 0

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Mic went out, cut out the down time, re-encoded and upload. please re-review. On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 9:31 PM Chris Wilcox <chris@crwilcox.com> wrote: Hi Carl. This is intentionally not approved. I can't find a way to state that though?

Find Your Feature Fit: How to Pick a Text Editor for Python Programming - 12

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# TODO: Add Comments: 5 Tips for _Winning_ at Code Comments - 12

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Using Python & R in Harmony - 12

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Your Own Personal Bootcamp: How to Efficiently Learn Your Next Technology - 12

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Sipping the Nectar of Amazon from the Serverless Chalice - 12

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Saturday Lightning Talks - 12

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Sunday Welcome - 12

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The Gig is Up: Radical Shifts That Save Cultures, Teams, and Companies - 12

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Surviving Without Python - 12

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Quickly Build Your Own Personal Website with Python - 12

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Leave Your Inhibitions at the Database Connection - 12

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gRPC and What, Why, How? - 12

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Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Inference in Python - 12

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Hi, this video is wrong. I think this is video of the tutorial that came after me.

The Mediocre Programmer - 12

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What's the Buzz with Machine Learning - 12

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The Riddle of the Intersphinx: Configuration and Cross-Reference Composition - 12

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I Lost 25 Pounds Thanks to Python: Personal Data Analytics Using Pandas and Numpy - 12

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Automated Discovery of Cancer Types from Genes - 12

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Learn How Computers Work Between Silicon and Assembly: Build a CPU with Python - 12

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A Practical Introduction to Integer Linear Programming - 12

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Keeping Fun in Computing - 12

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Search Logs + Machine Learning = Auto-Tagged Inventory - 12

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Making Games with ppb - 12

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Is there a break, or did you go 2 hours straight? I bet you went 2 hours ;)

Gathering Insights from Audio Data - 12

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Deep Learning Like a Viking: Building Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras - 12

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Let's Build an ORM - 12

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Dynamic Data Pipelining with Luigi - 12

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A/V Streaming Workflow in Python - 12

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Is This Your Card? Computer Vision for Playing Card Recognition - 12

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Refactor Yourself - 12

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Sunday Lightning Talks - 12

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review