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Saturday Welcome - 0

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Keynote - 10

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Serverless AI Inferencing Using Python and WebAssembly - 10

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Snakes & Ladders: A Gentle Introduction to Generators and Iterators - 10

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So, I Got Some Code Working… Now How Do I Share It?! - 10

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Enhancing the JupyterLab Notebook to Overcome Bioinformatics Analysis Challenges with GiN - 10

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Quantum Computing with Qiskit in Galaxy - 10

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Canceled: Building Resilient Applications with Circuit Breakers and Retries Using FastAPI - 0

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A Python Sequence (Un)Packing Primer - 10

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What Django Deployment is Really About - 10

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Data Science & Agile: Strategies for Working Together - 10

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Efficient Path Planning for Search and Rescue Missions Using Neural Networks - 10

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How to Use Static Typing in Python with Type Hints, MyPy and Pydantic - 10

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Simplifying Python Web App Operations: Automating K8s Ops with Open Source - 10

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Python <3 Rust - 10

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Validating Complex Types Using Pydantic - 10

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Boosting Neuroimaging Analysis and Results Digestibility 🧠 - 10

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How to Do the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Yield Different Results - 10

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20 GOTO 10: How to Make Scrolling ASCII Art - 10

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Boosting Python Numeric Computations with Dynamic C++ Integration - 10

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Data Engineering: The World Between Worlds - 10

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Keynote - 10

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Lightning Talks - 10

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Sunday Welcome - 0

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Stress Less: Easy Database Load Testing Using Python and Locust - 10

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Signal Processing in Electrochemistry with Python: Applications to the US Opioids Crisis - 10

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A Confession of My Python Sins - 10

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Hot: Pathlib, Not: String Paths - 10

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Device Authorization Flow 101: Logging in From Input Constrained Devices - 10

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Mastering the Zen of Dev Experience: Kubernetes and the Art of Simplicity - 10

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Introducing Immortal Objects: Building Block Towards a Multi-core Python Runtime - 10

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Asyncio by Example - 10

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Canceled: Gotta Go Fast! Using Asyncio for More Efficient Web Scraping - 0

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Building Vector-Symbolic Architectures with Python - 10

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Zen Commandments - 10

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Evolve or Die: How I Stopped Avoiding and Starting Loving Python Upgrades - 10

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Technical Empathy - 10

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Wagtail: The Python CMS Taking the World by Storm - 10

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Python + Discord = Great Bots! - 10

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23, Python and Me: Using Machine Learning in Python to Analyze Consumer Genomics Data - 10

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Keynote: Brains Are Beautiful Liars - 10

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Closing Remarks - 0

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review