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HDF5 is for Lovers - 5

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Intro to NumPy - 5

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Pandas - 5

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IPython-parallel - 5

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Beautiful Plots With Matplotlib - 5

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Bayesian Machine Learning & Python – Naïve Bayes - 5

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Social Network Analysis - 5

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scikit - image - 5

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Creating Interactive Applications in Matplotlib - 5

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Learning Python - 5

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Python in an Evolving Enterprise System - 5

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Intro to Network Science - 5

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UV-CDAT Resharable Analyses and Diagnostics - 5

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Blaze - 5

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Disco: Not Just MapReduce Any More - 5

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PyCascading for Intuitive Flow Processing With Hadoop - 5

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Wise.io a Machine-Learning Platform - 5

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Practical Time Series Modeling and Analysis - 5

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Scaling Machine Learning in Python - 5

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Introduction to Marinexplore - 5

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Thin Client Data Science - 5

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Data Visualization With Nodebox - 5

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IPython: a modern vision of interactive computing - 5

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Data Wrangling Kung Fu With pandas - 5

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Luigi - Batch Data Processing in Python - 5

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Big Data in Fashion - 5

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Dataflow Programming Using Generators and Coroutines - 5

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Zipline in the Cloud: Optimizing Financial Trading Algorithms - 5

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Bitdeli - A Platform for Creating Custom Analytics in Your Browser - 5

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Building Analytic Database Engines With Python - 5

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How Web APIs and Data-centric Tools Power the Materials Project - 5

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MARS Modeling on the Python Data Stack - 5

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Measuring the New Wikipedia Community - 5

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Lighting Fast Cluster Computing with PySpark - 5

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Escape from the Curse of the Cluster and the Headache of Hadoop - 5

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review