pre-release: PyCon Australia meeting announcement

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ANN: PyCon Australia at Derwent 1 Fri July 5, 9p

PyCon Australia
When: 9 AM Friday July 5, 2013
Where: Derwent 1


1. DjangoCon AU Opening

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  

2. Keynote: A divided web, a review of the role of frameworks
Alex Gaynor

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
3. Porting Django apps to Python 3
Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Django 1.5 now supports Python 3, so now's the time to start thinking about porting your apps and sites. Come see how! I'll talk about the porting techniques that work, and present two case studies: porting a site, and porting a reusable app.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
4. Unleash the ponies! Using FeinCMS to add content tools that users love to any Django model
Greg Turner

Site editors often struggle with editing rich content and managing variations in layout in Django admin. By rich content we mean text, images, video, tables, and so on. Trying to squeeze all this content into a single rich-text editor is like trying to jam a magical pony into a dog kennel. A better approach is to use a rich content framework like FeinCMS. FeinCMS is a sensible, flexible framework which allows rich content of any shape to be manipulated within any Django model in your project.

This talk describes what FeinCMS does and how it works, and most importantly whether it should be pronounced to rhyme with "Vein" or "Vine". The talk is supported with working example code that shows the progression of a FeinCMS project through several levels of functionality, plus some real-world demonstrations of fully-developed functionality.

A FeinCMS Document model is just like any Django model, except it has one or more 'templates'. Each 'template' has one or more regions, and each region is a place where an unlimited amount of rich content types can be added, removed or rearranged to form the content in that region. This is all wrapped up in a nifty lightweight Javascript interface for Django's admin, and a surprisingly simple implementation at the database level.

The types of content available in a given region is defined by a collection of abstract Django models (e.g. one model to represent a passage of text, another model to represent an image, and so on). Developers are free to define their own FeinCMS content types, using all the usual features of Django models.

At the HTML template level, each FeinCMS content item renders a standard template, and can optionally render different templates in different circumstances.

This flexibility allows Django developers to quickly design and build CMSes that match the content and layout perfectly, meaning happier content editors, fewer maintenance headaches and greater magical pony freedom.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
5. Secrets of the testing masters
Russell Keith-Magee

Django ship with a wide range of tools to help you test your web application, but some of the best tools for testing Django don't come in the box.

In this talk, you'll get a brief introduction to two of those tools - Mock and Factory Boy - showing when they should be used, and some practical examples of their usage in a Django test suite.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
6. Django Unstrained
Simon Meers

A compilation of outstanding tips, tricks and tools for meeting perfectionist's deadlines with even greater elegance and efficiency. Topics include project structure tips, time-saving template tags, handy model mixin classes, admin ninja skills, testing tools, robust handling of dynamic hyperlinks within rich text content, replacing raw ID widgets with client-friendly ones, convenient view and model method decorators, novel ways of keeping DRY, harnessing inheritance in CBVs, and as much more as I can fit into my time allocation.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
7. The Server Side: The coolest parts of backend development with Django
Tom Eastman

There are few feelings more sweet than being a web-app backend developer, and knowing that the vaguaries and frustrations of front-end design, Javascript inconsistencies, and web-browser quirks are "Someone Else's Problem". 

The backend developer, instead, has just three goals: Make the system lightning fast and infinitely scalable; ensure its absolute security and impregnability; and guarantee its absolute correctness, stability, and general perfection in the face of all input at all times.

I'll take that over having to debug CSS rendering quirks any day of the week.

In this talk I'll cover these three goals and how Django helps make each one achievable, including a tour of some of the lesser known features of the framework, such as:

 - Magic tricks you can do with Django's caching framework beyond the naive "cache this page", and its ability to take advantage of the browser's own cache in marvellous ways.
 - Taking Django's testing framework to its logical (and illogical) extremes. Including clever uses of selenium and webdriver to run unit tests, integration tests and even Javascript tests.
 - Considerations of Django use and web security. Including the sorts of things Django does a great job of protecting you from, and the things where your own due dilligence will always be required.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
8. A state of REST.
Curtis Maloney

In the Django world there are currently two major REST API libraries, with a new one starting to take hold.

But how do you choose?

In this talk I plan to give details on how these three apps (TastyPie, Django REST Framework, and django-nap) differ, as well as overlap.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
9. Core Developer Panel

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
10. Keynote: The myth of goldilocks and the three frameworks, Pyramid, Django and Plone
Dylan Jay

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
11. DjangoCon AU Lightning Talks

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  
12. DjangoCon AU Closing

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY-SA  

Derwent 1

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