pre-release: ChiPy meeting announcement

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Subject and below is what will go out and also will be used to title the videos.

ANN: ChiPy at Braintree Thu September 12, 7:20p

When: 7:20 PM Thursday September 12, 2013
Where: Braintree


1. Post djangocon: An overview of edX

edx is a major django application serving huge numbers of students for MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Berkely, and more.  
- A brief history of Computer-Based Instruction (python has a role);
- incomplete survey of current open-source CBI;
- edX: how's it different / what's it's rough structure, what (besides django/python) is involved;
- edX: hacking the platform (django development);
- edX: hacking courses; a deployment-level VM, and how to get started there;
- finally: future topics:  deployment; what this can't do (maybe) and why;
- wrapup: call for interest & edx project night(s);

I'll try to have some USBs for anyone who want to try one of the edX VMs during the talk

 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
2. Set it, and forget it! Auto Scale on Rackspace
Brian Curtin

Rackspace is rolling out a new service to allow your cloud to scale on its own, called Auto Scale. Built on Monitoring, Auto Scale allows you to grow or shrink your fleet of resources as demand changes.

pyrax, a Python package for working with OpenStack-based clouds like Rackspace's, just released Auto Scale and Monitoring support with version 1.5.0.

I'll show how you can use pyrax to deploy servers and automatically add or remove them based on their usage.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
3. What's Love Got to do with It? / Love: for techies

What you think Love is - is (probably) wrong.
The correct metaphor / definition for live will make much more sense to the software person.  In fact, it will help with team building and design too.  Yup.

Grab a beer.   I'll tell you a story about how this evolved (turing machine example), how and where evolution selected it, and why it works - and how it works for approaching problems (design) too.
Then I'll lay out the "api" (functional description).

Don't take it too seriously.
You couldn't have known.
Now you will.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  


About the group

Chicago Python User Group known as ChiPy was founded in 2003. We are an active user group organized around the Python.programming language.   Our meetings are open to all of all proficiency and experience levels.