pre-release: PyTennessee meeting announcement

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Subject and below is what will go out and also will be used to title the videos.

ANN: PyTennessee at Room 200 Sat February 22, 11p

When: 11 AM Saturday February 22, 2014
Where: Room 200
History will be made!

The first annual PyTennessee Regional Conference, will be a sight to be seen!

1. Semantic Search and Recommendation with Solr and SciPy
John Berryman
tags: 45min
Under the hood, search engines such as Solr are really just sophisticated token-matching engines. They lack the ability to understand a user's query and provide relevant documents based upon meaning and they lack the ability to provide recommendations based upon user similarity. This session will cover ongoing work in which machine learning techniques are being used to make search smarter!
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

2. Using IPython Notebook to analyze Django model data
Adam Haney
tags: 45min
Quickly and easily visualize and analyze data that's stored in the models of your Django project without having to write complicated view code. We'll use IPython Notebook as a tool for ad hoc data analysis of Django model data. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

3. Building a salt-based development infrastructure
Tim O'Guin
tags: 45min
Salt is a remote execution and configuration management framework with a tremendous amount of flexibility and power. This talk will give a brief overview of the core features of Salt, as well as short descriptions and examples of how the other various components work together to make up Saltstack.

 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

4. Pyramid Development in a Nutshell
Tres Seaver
tags: 2hr
Pyramid is a web framework for Python 2 and 3. This tutorial gives a Python 3/2-compatible, high-level tour of the major features.

This hands-on tutorial covers "a little about a lot": practical introductions to the most common facilities. Fun, fast-paced, and most certainly not aimed at experts of the Pyramid web framework.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

5. Building rich web apps with ember.js and django
Toran Billups
tags: 30min
Are you tired of writing jQuery soup? Looking for a client side framework that provides all the necessary tools required to build a modern web application with django? I'll describe my experience building rich client applications with ember.js and the django-rest-framework.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

6. Open Sourcing Mental Illness
Edward Finkler
tags: 45min
An open, honest discussion about mental illness from the perspective of an open source developer. I'm talking about my own struggles with mental illness to raise awareness and end the stigma.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

7. Why Twitter Is All the Rage: A Data Miner's Perspective
Matthew Russell
tags: 30min
In order to be successful, technology must amplify a meaningful aspect of our human experience, and Twitter’s success largely has been dependent on its ability to do this quite well. Although you could describe Twitter as just a “free, high-speed, global text-messaging service,” that would be to miss the much larger point that Twitter scratches some of the most fundamental itches of our humanity.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

8. When Firefox Face-plants: Socorro, the Mozilla Crash Reporter
K Lars Lohn
tags: 45min
When Firefox crashes, it cries out to home at Mozilla: collectively, millions of times per day.  This is the story of  what the fox says and who is listening.

Socorro is a home grown Open Source distributed Python application analyzing crash data.  Gluing HBase, Postgres, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ and Google Breakpad together, Socorro gathers and serves terabytes of data per year.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

9. Understanding and Augmenting Reality with Python
Eric Floehr
tags: 45min
Computer Vision is used in motion detection, face recognition, OCR, etc. It is also used in augmented reality for things like real-time translation and scene overlays. This talk will present an overview of computer vision and augmented reality using Python, walking through an example which uses CV to understand a sudoku puzzle and solve it in the scene using augmented reality.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

10. Building and breaking a Python sandbox
Jessica McKellar
tags: 30min
What does it take to make a Python sandbox that can run untrusted code? Learn some surprising language features and experience security challenges first-hand as we work through building a Python sandbox from scratch. You'll leave this talk with renewed appreciation for the dynamic nature of Python, some sneaky language tricks, and a solid background in classes of sandboxing security issues.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

11. See Docs Run.  Run, Docs, Run!
Catherine Devlin
tags: 30min
Code executes. Docs just sit there looking pretty. Now it's time to blur that boundary! Tools like the IPython Notebook, Sphinx, dexy, and old-fashioned doctests blend code with docs, making package docs, educational materials, and system-level docs more engaging, relevant, and trustworthy. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

12. Documentation is King
Kenneth Reitz
tags: 45min
Every design decision should be documented. Imagine not having to have tap your coworkers on the shoulder when you’re working on an unfamiliar part of the codebase, or on-boarding a new employee. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

13. Amazon Redshift: What You Need To Know
Brian Dailey
tags: 45min
Amazon has introduced a new product in their arsenal that is targeted at large sets of data. On the surface, it looks a lot like a Postgres 8.x database, but what do you need to know about it before you decide to use it? We’ll be looking at it’s advantages and disadvantages. We’ll also discuss what it looks like to use it with Python framework like Django.

 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

14. JavaScript all the Things
Jacques Woodcock
tags: 1hr
JavaScript is a very powerful, cross browser, language that allows for more than DOM manipulation. In this talk we'll cover the power of JavaScript by building a full application using 1 html page and JavaScript.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

15. Testing: It's Not Just For Your Code
Christopher Laco
tags: 45min
TDD/BDD/ADD/*DD is great, but your product has a life outside of red green refactor. Let's take a look at where and how things go wrong;
how we can use tests to reduce the pain, prevent regressions and deliver strong deployments.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

16. Bayesian Statistical Analysis with PyMC
Chris Fonnesbeck
tags: 30min
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is the de facto standard computational approach for Bayesian modeling and estimation. PyMC implements a suite of MCMC sampling algorithms in Python and provides a simple, intuitive and extensible way to specify and fit models. Additionally, PyMC provides facilities for output summarization, plotting, goodness-of-fit and convergence diagnostics.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

17. A Gentle intro to the Go programming language
Fred Alger
tags: 45min
GIL got ya down?  Wish you could write faster applications?  Maybe you should learn Go!  This session starts with a whirlwind tour of the Go language, broad brush strokes that will give you an idea of what it's like to wield the power Go.  It concludes with real code examples and ideas for how to apply Go to your projects — web programming, system administration, embedded systems, and more!
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

18. Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres
Craig Kerstiens
tags: 30min
With most frameworks the ORM attempts to treat all databases equally, this results in developers being limited in how many advantages they can take of their database. In particular Postgres has many features which developers would love to take advantage of but are not easily accessible via the Django ORM.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

19. Developing Flask Extensions 
Rachel Sanders
tags: 30min
You can create a web application with Flask in seven lines of code, and you can grow that app to thousands. How do you create reusable, shareable libraries? We'll use a simple but real extension I created (Flask-FeatureFlags) to look at the different ways you can make Flask awesome. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

20. Let's build a Twitter bot!
Steve Winton
tags: 1hr
In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of building a scalable bot that lives on Twitter, drawing on my personal experience of building the BBC's @BBCWeatherBot. Bring a laptop, code along, and build your own bot to take home!
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

21. Planting Open Source Seeds
Kenneth Reitz
tags: 45min
An in-depth review of the stages that most open source projects go though, and the decisions their maintainers face. Requests will be used as an example — lessons learned and best practices will be covered. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

22. Test-driven Django Development
Kevin Harvey
tags: 45min
Most developers know that they ought to write tests for their Django applications but don't know how to get started. Luckily, it's easy to learn and the time invested pays dividends when refactoring and adding new features. This talk will be an introduction to testing in Django and cover a few of the tools available to developers. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

23. UX: How to
Laurie Kalmanson
tags: 1hr
Why would someone use what you are thinking about building?

Who are the people you are thinking about?

What do they need?

How will you delight them?

When and where will they use what you are making for them?
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

24. Supporting the Community: Helping to build Nashville's Thrieving Dev Community
Jacques Woodcock
tags: 45min
Over the past few years, I've been very active in supporting the development community grow in Nashville. In this talk, I want to discuss techniques I've seen employed, lessons learned about getting engineers engaged, and specifics that work for event organization.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

25. A Nice API for Postgres
Chad Whitacre
tags: 30min
We tried SQLAlchemy on but decided it was overkill. I wrote a database library called that provides a sane run/one/all wrapper around DB-API 2.0, and implements the ORM pattern that Mike Robellard introduced at PyOhio 2013. In this talk I'll walk through the features of the library.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

26. Python for Music Nerds: Fun With the Echo Nest API
Josh Mock
tags: 30min
Learn to use the Echo Nest Developer and Remix APIs to build your own Pandora-style recommendation engine, programmatically remix your favorite songs and play with a massive dataset that contains all sorts of interesting metadata about your favorite bands.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

27. Open Sourcing your Python Project
Martha Girdler
tags: 30min
In 30 minutes we'll cover:
*Why Open Source?
*Github étiquette
*How to package your project
*What makes a complete project?
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

28. Postgres Performance for Humans
Craig Kerstiens
tags: 45min
To many developers the database is a black box. You expect to be able to put data into your database, have it to stay there, and get it out when you query it... hopefully in a performant manner. We'll walk through a bit of a clearer guide of how you can understand how database is doing from a 30,000 foot perspective as well as analyze specific problematic queries and how to tune them. 
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

29. Statistical Data Analysis in Python
Chris Fonnesbeck
tags: 2hr
This hands-on course will introduce users to statistical data analysis in Python. We will cover data manipulation using Pandas, including indexing, alignment, join/merge methods, date/time types, and missing data, as well as data modeling procedures using NumPy and SciPy, such as data distribution fitting, estimation of linear and non-linear models, and an introduction to Bayesian methods.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

30. PRISM as a Service: Not Subject to American Law
Lynn Root
tags: 45min
This talk is a look at what exactly PRISM is, how PRISM affects cloud services, and how best to approach securing data and preserving privacy within the cloud.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

31. Systematic Bias & The Software Developer
Brian Dailey
tags: 45min
Systematic biases affect the ability of developers, managers, and analysts to make judgements of all kinds. What are they, and how can we account for them in our day-to-day work?
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

32. A Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Sarah Guido
tags: 30min
Scikit-learn is one of the most well-known machine learning Python modules. But how does it work, and what, for that matter, is machine learning? This talk gives a beginner-level overview of how machine learning can be useful, important machine learning concepts such as supervised and unsupervised learning, and how to implement them with scikit-learn using real world data.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

33. lambda and the Nature of Data
Jason Orendorff
tags: 45min
What if there were no strings, no numbers, no lists or dicts? No if-statements, no loops? What if there were only functions? Could you still write programs? This is not a practical talk. It’s a puzzle talk. It’s about the foundations of computer science and the nature of data. We will write real code, though: we’ll build numbers, and much more, out of nothing but Python lambdas.

 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

34. Walking the Line: A Beginner's Tightrope Trek From GIS to Python
Jason Haley
tags: 45min
ArcGIS desktop allows users to create custom scripts and tools using the ArcPy module. This talk will focus on the experience using ArcPy with ArcGIS. The talk will focus on an overview of using the module as well as a critique of the ArcPy experience from an advanced GIS user who's just getting started with Python.
 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

35. Substance D: Build Civilized Web Applications
Chris McDonough
tags: 45min
Chris will demonstrate Substance D, a new web application server based on the Pyramid web framework and written by memebrs of the Pylons Project community. It has an administrative UI, user management, built-in security, text indexing, workflow, monitoring, undo, and auditing features out of the box. It can be used to build most kinds of sites including content management and ecommerce sites.

 recording release: yes license: All Rights Reserved  

Room 200

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