pre-release: Pumping Station: One meeting announcement

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ANN: Pumping Station: One at Room 1 Mon June 23, 7p

Pumping Station: One
When: 7 PM Monday June 23, 2014
Where: Room 1


1. JavaScript on BeagleBone
Jason Kridner 

hopefully Jason can provide
 recording release: maybe  
2. Real-time programming with BeagleBone PRUs
Jason Kridner

 Jason Kridner, co-founder and co-creator of BeagleBone, gives an introduction to the PRUs (Programmable Realtime Units).  These microcontrollers on BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black offer powerful capabilities for real-time applications.
(Slides in PDF format under Related URLs at bottom of page)

 * 00:00:00 Intro of Jason Kridner, & BeagleBone
 * 00:04:40 Intro to PRU (Programmable Realtime Unit) microcontrollers on BeagleBone (What are they?; Why use them?; History; Example projects)
 * 00:50:30 Intermission in PRU talk for Q&A
 * 01:01:00 PRU talk per Jason's slides continues: compiler support; hardware architecture; linux driver support: uio_pruss versus remote_proc; PRU tools & libraries
 * 01:21:30 PRU pins & pinmux; mini-lecture on Device Tree: history, board files vs DT, DT structure, DT overlays, BeagleBone usage; Cape Manager usage; migration from Cape Manager & Device Tree overlays to Cape Universal; config-pin utility
 * 02:02:30 PRUspeak demo: BotSpeak interpeter on the PRU; PRUspeak is Google Summer of Code project
 * 02:22:30 Q&A: what will get you to use the PRU? C library? Arduino sketch support?
 * 02:28:50 Using TI StarterWare C library to access peripherals from PRU; license for StarterWare
 * 02:41:45 END OF PRU TALK SLIDES; BEGIN general Q&A and ad-hoc demos
 * 02:41:45 Cloud9 & Bonescript security; Cloud9 path config
 * 02:50:30 BoneScript demo using Bone101 (runs on port 80 out of box)
 * 02:54:00 Cloud9 new features: python, ruby
 * 02:55:00 How bonescript communicates from browser using to node.js on BBB
 * 02:58:00 Python modules: PyBBIO versus Adafruit BBIO 
 * 03:03:00 More Cloud9 features; userspace Arduino runs sketches on BBB
 * 03:07:00 systemd: how the BBB handles init, services & logging
 * 03:10:30 Bonescript: What's new? What's the dev roadmap?
 * 03:19:30 How to upgrade kernel on Debian; How to load eQEP driver
 * 03:23:30 Kernel: status on mainline progress, running 3.14, # patches not in mainline
 * 03:28:30 eCAP: enhanced capture and compare hardware peripherial
 * 03:29:45 more Bonescript demos: graph analog input with flot, misc HTML widgets
 * 03:45:30 jsfiddle: easy way to run Bonescript examples
 * 03:47:40 Google Summer of Code projects for BBB
 * 03:56:00 New browser-based image updater
 * 04:03:00 How to change beagle.local hostname? used for mDNS (aka zeroconf) by Avahi
 * 04:15:15 Suprise! BBB Black has a Virtual Serial Port
 * 04:20:00 How to do 6LoWPAN networking on BBB
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  

Room 1

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