pre-release: PyOhio meeting announcement

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Subject and below is what will go out and also will be used to title the videos.

ANN: PyOhio at Cartoon 1 Sat July 26, 9p

When: 9 AM Saturday July 26, 2014
Where: Cartoon 1

1. Panel Discussion: So You Wanna Run a Tech Conference.
Catherine Devlin, Eric Floehr, Brian Costlow, Raymond Chandler, Jason Green, Jason Myers
tags: plenary
(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
2. Getting Python All Up in Your Mobile with Kivy
Ben Rousch
tags: talk
You know you can use Python to make apps for desktops and the web, but did you know you can also use it to make mobile apps? Kivy is a Python GUI framework for making cross-platform multitouch applications. This talk will introduce Kivy's mobile dev stack, focusing mainly on Android. It will be made using a Kivy app on an Android device, and which was developed entirely on an Android device. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
3. Learn Python TDD Style with Python Koans
Greg Malcolm
tags: talk
This is a hands-on workshop for learning Python, mixed into a Test Driven Development setting.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
4.  Make API Calls Wicked Fast with Redis
Lindsey Brockman
tags: talk
Sure, your API calls may be fast. But could they be faster? Redis is a wonderful tool that can be used as a cache API responses. By implementing API caching, you can avoid hitting rate limits and/or reduce the load on your database, resulting in better performance for your web app.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
5. Scalable provisioning and deployment with Ansible
Morgan Reece Phillips
tags: talk
In this interactive tutorial we'll be using Ansible, the latest DevOps hotness, to provision a server and deploy a commonly configured Django application.   Along the way we'll leverage Ansible's features to deploy to IaaS providers and virtual machines; creating identical production and development environments in a DRY way. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
6. Introduction to Pandas
Jason Myers
tags: talk
Pandas is a great library for working reporting and statistical analysis.  We will cover data manipulation using Pandas, including indexing, alignment, join/merge methods, date/time types, and missing data.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
7. A Python Script to Replace a DOS Batch File Adventure
Craig Lang
tags: talk
An engineer who turned C++ programmer began an adventure well outside his comfort zone and found Python.  The discovery is highlighted while a dos batch script is converted into a much more powerful Python script.  Several standard modules that were useful in the script are covered.  This retrospective of one's discovery of Python is very newbie friendly and entertaining for experienced as well.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
8. Docker 101: Meet the portable future (tutorial)
Andrew T. Baker
tags: talk
Docker was one of last year’s most talked about open source projects - but what is it? And what does it mean for deploying applications? This tutorial will explain what docker is and where it fits in with other deployment and configuration management tools. Students will then learn the basics of working with docker containers, how to “dockerize” their apps, and some emerging docker best practices.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
9. Python for the Class of 2023
Amy Flatt
tags: talk
How do we reach students and help them learn to program in Python?  

By engaging teachers; but it's not as easy as it looks. Hear one teacher's story about how the community reached her. This talk includes coverage the Young Coders Classes she brought to her school in May 2014.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
10. Watch your Python script with strace
Brandon Rhodes
tags: talk
Modern operating systems sandbox each process inside of a virtual memory
map from which direct I/O operations are generally impossible.  Instead,
a process has to ask the operating system every time it wants to modify
a file or communicate bytes over the network.  By using operating system
specific tools to watch the system calls a Python script is making --
using "strace" under Linux or "truss" under Mac OS X -- you can study how
a program is behaving and address several different kinds of bugs.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
11. A gentle introduction to asyncio
Brian Costlow
tags: talk
Asyncio is the new standard library module for doing asynchronous IO and concurrency in Python 3.4. In this talk, I'll discuss some earlier strategies for writing such code in Python. I'll cover some of the decisions that went into it's design. Then I'll walk through a tuturial on asyncio itself. Finally, I'll take some well known example code for Gevent and Twisted, and rewrite it in asyncio.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
12. So you think you can PDB?
Clayton Parker
tags: talk
An intro to using PDB. Overview and example usage of all the basic commands.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
13. Using the Shapely Package for the Care and Feeding of your 2-D Spatial Data
Alison Alvarez
tags: talk
Shapely is a free python package for creating and manipulating points, lines and shapes with ease.   2-D spatial data can be used to create games, run virtual experiments, interpret political landscapes, or model human behavior.  The concepts in this talk should be accessible to anyone with basic python knowledge. 

 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
14. Pushy Postgres and Python
Daniel Rocco
tags: talk
PostgreSQL is widely regarded as a powerful, full-featured, high-performance,
scalable open source relational database management system.  But did you know
that Postgres has a built in publish-subscribe implementation? This powerful
feature offers exciting possibilities for distributed, data-centric

 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
15. Postgres with Python inside and out: PL/Python
Josh Williams
tags: talk
This talk will primarily cover PL/Python, allowing you to write procedural functions inside yoour databases.  Specifically we'll cover the basics of writing a function, touch upon some advanced usage like trigger functions, and then display some fun things that can be done when Python runs inside the database.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
16. Analyzing social media data with Python
Fletcher Heisler
tags: talk
What does the perfect tweet or a viral blog post look like? When should it be posted? We'll introduce various tools for working with data in terms of collecting (requests), exploring (IPython, pandas), analyzing (NLTK, scikit-learn) and visualizing (matplotlib). In the process, we will uncover some surprising strategies for getting content shared across social media.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
17. Solving the Heat Equation in Python!
Melvyn Ian Drag
tags: talk
In this talk we will solve two partial differential equations by using a very small subset of numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and python. We will then use a couple of techniques to generate beautiful animations of the solutions we find. The listeners will see how easy it is to get serious work done with only a beginner's knowledge of Python. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
18. Introduction to Celery
Caleb Smith
tags: talk
Many people in the Python community have heard of Celery and aren't really sure
when to use it or how to get started. This talk covers some of the first
questions of a new Celery user. It will also point out some common pitfalls
for beginning users.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
19. A new default web stack
Simon Willison
tags: talk
When building a new web application, the default set of tools used to be a web framework such as Django and a relational database such as PostgreSQL. In 2014, these tools are no longer enough. In this talk, I'll present a new default stack to help build applications that are faster, more robust, easy to scale and still support rapid iteration and fast feature development.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
20. Making and taking phone calls with octothorpe
Matt Behrens
tags: talk
An introduction to and demonstration of octothorpe, Matt's Twisted library for controlling the Asterisk telephony engine.  Watch what's going on inside Asterisk, answer the phone with "hello world", ring phones, and present an interactive phone menu, connecting up to just about anything else with Twisted.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
21. Functional programming in Python with PyToolz
Erik Welch
tags: talk
Learn the principles of functional programming from the comfort of Python.  I'll motivate the principles of standardization, composability, laziness, and purity within a standard workflow.  We'll go far beyond the standard libraries `itertools` and `functools` by using a functional standard library `toolz` and its high-performance counterpart `cytoolz` written in Cython.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
22. Lightning talks

tags: plenary
(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
23. The Quest for the Pocket-Sized Python
Christopher Neugebauer
tags: talk
This talk surveys the current landscape of Python on the major Mobile platforms, and ways you can start targeting Mobile platforms with your Python code. We'll look at considerations for Mobile web development, the state of Python-based mobile toolkits, and progress towards Python-coded native UIs.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
24. Warming up to Graphs
Brad Montgomery
tags: talk
Graphs are a powerful data structure and are increasingly relevant for today's social and data-centric applications. This talk offers a brief overview of Graphs, Graph theory, and explores scenarios where using a Graph database (particularly Neo4j) can be of great benefit.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
25. Using ZMQ for Fun and Profit
David Blewett
tags: talk
In this talk, we will discuss how to use the ZMQ library to build a distributed computing system. We will cover the basics of getting started with ZMQ, designing the flow of data through the system and offer some advice on best practices.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
26. HOWTO: Teach Python to Read
Douglas  Starnes
tags: talk
Not all data is numeric!  People find words a more efficient means of communication.  Manually analyzing text can be slow, subjective and inconsistent.  Fortunately, the Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) is ready to help.  NLTK can perform many techniques in natural language processing (NLP) and ships with many corpora.  This talk will survey fundamental NLP methods and how to use them with NLTK.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
27. Implementing Celery, Lessons Learned
Michael Robellard
tags: talk
This talk will include a walkthrough of using Celery and RabbitMQ. We will cover actual issues found and fixed during an actual implementation.
such as Queues in stage and production. Handling Failures. Retries, Failure Queues, and Logging. Integrating with SQL Alchemy for producers and consumers.

 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
28. Five Ounce Racer - Revving Up Pinewood Derby Software in Python
Matt McElheny
tags: talk
This talk will tour you through the ins-and-outs of running a pinewood derby, my experience revving up in Python to build the derby software, and how the choice to learn Python over the alternatives provided all the fuel necessary to make the job fast and fun. Revving up on Python had its challenges, but also got me across the finish line with a working product and time to spare.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
29. Creating Bomb-Proof Data Importers
Daniel Lindsley
tags: talk
Building importers that consume other peoples' data can sometimes feel a bit like dumpster-diving. Non-compliant formats, network errors and missing data are just some of the many ways your importer is a ticking time bomb. This talk presents ways to diffuse that bomb, so when the data's broke, you can still be the hero. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
30. The Clean Architecture in Python
Brandon Rhodes
tags: talk
Even design-conscious programmers find large applications difficult to maintain. Come learn about how the recently propounded “Clean Architecture” applies in Python, and how this high-level design pattern fits particularly well with the features of the Python language and answers questions that experienced programmers have been asking. (An update of my un-recorded talk from PyCon Ireland 2013!)
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
31. Bobo, a web framework that's easy to learn and remember
Jim Fulton
tags: talk
Bobo is a lightweight web framework designed to be easy to use and
remember.  In this talk, I'll give an introduction to Bobo.  I'll
discuss micro-frameworks and why they aren't limited to small
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
32. Digging into Abstract Syntax Trees for analyzing and modifying Python programs
Adam Haney
tags: talk
This talk will explain how the python interpreter uses the ast module to turn the code you write into Abstract Syntax Trees which are then executed. With an understanding of these underlying techniques we'll examine static analysis tools such as pyflakes and talk about how to create programs that analyze the structure of python scripts.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
33. Python, Hardware, Networks and your toolbox for Interactive Art.
Issac Kelly
tags: talk
Issac builds art and tells stories professionally with hardware and software. With an extraordinary project come extraordinary challenges. Having the right toolkit keeps you nimble enough to forge into the unknown with confidence. In this talk we'll explore a contrived art project with hardware, software, and networks, built with Python. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
34. Djangular
Matt Camilli
tags: talk
AngularJS is a powerful JavaScript MVC Framework that is growing in popularity among developers every day. Paired with the power of Django's ORM and the Django Rest Framework, developers can build complex applications that enforce good client side and server side separation. This talk will be a walk-through of the Django Tutorial using AngularJS on the front end. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
35. Configman - the grand unified theorem of configuration
K Lars Lohn
tags: talk
Have you ever noticed that none of the the Pythonic methods of configuration are compatible with each other? Command line modules know nothing of the multiple types of configuration files or environment variables. Configman,  the grand unified theorem of configuration, unites them all, giving a single API for all configuration and offering an inadvertent dependency injection framework with it.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
36. Painting on a Distributed Canvas: An Advanced Guide to Celery Workflows
David Gouldin
tags: talk
Celery is great for asynchronously sending emails from your web app.  But what happens when you grow beyond simple "set it and forget it" tasks? This talk explores Celery's workflow primitives and how to create complex distributed applications. It assumes knowledge of Python and Celery. By the end, you will better understand how to structure distributed work that robustly scales.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
37. Diversity in Tech
Cayci Gorlitsky
tags: talk
Recent statistics show an incredible lack of diversity in the tech industry.  I will explain the issues contributing to the lack of diversity, and demonstrate how diversity benefits individuals, companies, and society.  
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
38. Recognizing Speech in Python
Anoop Hallur
tags: talk
When it comes to computing heavy application such as recognizing speech, there is a tendency to move towards statically typed compiled languages citing speed. However I have built a speech recognizer completely in Python and able to achieve very good performance with it and hence would like to give a demo of it and share my experience.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
39. Machine learning the hard way -- a story about ponies
Nathan Taggart
tags: talk
Before you dive into a machine learning project, learn from the mistakes that I made while building a prediction engine for betting on horse races.  In this introductory talk, learn about common data science tasks like data munging, pre-processing, classification, regression, and interpreting results.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
40. Building Web APIs with Flask-RESTful
Sam Kimbrel
tags: talk
The Flask framework’s DIY nature makes it ideal for implementing REST APIs. Flask-RESTful is a Flask extension providing reusable, extensible behavior for common elements of REST APIs like content negotiation, input validation, and output marshalling. This talk will show how to use Flask-RESTful to build a REST API, demonstrating how to start from a blueprint to adapt it for your own use cases.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
41. Software Radio with CTypes
Thomas Winningham
tags: talk
The RTL-SDR is a ~$20 USB stick made for watching the European digital TV DVB standard. It was discovered it can also be a general purpose radio receiver and spectrum analyzer. We will evaluate these devices by listening to broadcast FM or emergency frequencies, and demonstrate an original open source Python library I wrote for them.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
42. Lightning talks, swag giveaways, and closing.

tags: plenary
(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  

Cartoon 1

About the group

Founded in 2008, PyOhio is a free annual Python programming language community conference based in Ohio. Content ranges from beginner to advanced and is intended to be relevant to all types of Python users: students, software professionals, scientists, hobbyists, and anyone looking to learn more.