pre-release: ChiPy meeting announcement

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ANN: ChiPy at DSSG - The University of Chicago (downtown) Thu August 14, 7p

When: 7 PM Thursday August 14, 2014
Where: DSSG - The University of Chicago (downtown)


1. Conservation Institute
*Varun Chandola, Nadya Calderon, Scott Cambo, Christopher Lazarus, Raphael Stern

Conservation International (CI) is a non-profit organization that works to protect nature through scientific research and partnerships with communities, industry, and governments. A key aspect for evaluating the impact of conservation projects is to account for natural capital – ecosystem goods and services, such as fresh water, flood control, agriculture, and forest products.
 recording release: no  
2. World Bank
*Eric Rozier, Jeff Alstott, Dylan Fitzpatrick, Carlos Petricioli, Misha Teplitskiy 

The World Bank Group lends billions of dollars every year to fund large infrastructure projects around the globe. Project-related contracts are awarded to companies and entities via open and competitive bidding processes. Such processes can sometimes be subject to collusion and corruption risks.
 recording release: no  
3. Sunlight Foundation
*Varun Chandola, Nadya Calderon, Scott Cambo, Christopher Lazarus, Raphael Stern

Government legislation is not designed for readability, and their volumes of text are not easily analyzed. Advocacy and research groups would like a way to digest bills quickly, filtering out the bureaucratic jargon and leaving the important details. The Sunlight Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit that uses technology to make governments more accountable. Their API for federal bills are valuable streams of legislative text that can be used for analysis given the right tools.
 recording release: no  
4. Mexico
*Ben Yuhas, Julius Adebayo, Nick Eng, Eric Potash, Layla Pournajaf

The maternal deaths in Mexico from pregnancy, childbirth or postpartum complications have decreased from 89 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 43 in 2011. Despite this improvement, the rate of decline has significantly slowed and Mexico is not on track to achieve its Millennium Development Goal of reducing maternal mortality 75% by 2015.
 recording release: no  
5. Nurse-Family Partnership 
*Young-Jin Kim, Sarah Abraham, Jeff Lockhart, Sarah Tan, Rafael Turner

Young, low-income, first-time mothers and their babies often face dramatically increased risks to their health, education, and economic self-sufficiency. Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), a national nonprofit organization, intervenes by pairing these mothers with specially-trained, registered nurses. Expectant mothers receive regular home visits from pregnancy until the baby is two years old. The result: healthier pregnancies, more stable families, and better developmental outcomes for children.
 recording release: no  

DSSG - The University of Chicago (downtown)

About the group

Chicago Python User Group known as ChiPy was founded in 2003. We are an active user group organized around the Python.programming language.   Our meetings are open to all of all proficiency and experience levels.