pre-release: ChiPy meeting announcement

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Subject and below is what will go out and also will be used to title the videos.

ANN: ChiPy at Braintree *new* HQ Thu December 11, 7p

When: 7 PM Thursday December 11, 2014
Where: Braintree *new* HQ

1. Python For Humans
Kenneth Reitz

Python’s ecosystem is held up to a high standard, but it falls short in a few key areas. A handful of crucial APIs are an absolute pain to work with. We’ll go over where these APIs went wrong and learn about strong and elegant API design. The high barriers to entry in Python will be discussed. Potential solutions will be proposed. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  
2. A lightning look at O'Reilly's Python books
Tanya Schlusser

Wouldn't it be awesome if ChiPy wrote its own book? We'd be able to get BEvERages for weeks, maybe months on the royalty! If so, we'd need to see what's already out there.

This lightning talk takes a look at O'Reilly's Python books using requests and BeautifulSoup, with a little of scipy's hierarchical clustering on the book descriptions. It is presented in an iPython notebook.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY  

Braintree *new* HQ

About the group

Chicago Python User Group known as ChiPy was founded in 2003. We are an active user group organized around the Python.programming language.   Our meetings are open to all of all proficiency and experience levels.