pre-release: tv meeting announcement

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ANN: tv at Room 1 Wed May 13, 10:15p

When: 10:15 AM Wednesday May 13, 2015
Where: Room 1

1. State of Blink
Kent Tamura & Doug Stockwell

Kent and Doug give an update on the state of Chrome's rendering engine Blink. 

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 
 recording release: yes license:   

2. Blink Layout
Emil A Eklund

Emil gives an update on the Blink Layout team and their current projects. The talk include special attention to the team's progress around making text layout fast even in the hard cases.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

3. Blink Allocator
Kentaro Hara

Kentaro gives an update on the Oilpan and PartionAlloc projects for improving memory allocation inside Chrome's rendering engine, Blink.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

4. Video Rendering power optimization
William Xie

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: no  

5. Houdini
Shane Stephens & Ian Kilpatrick

Shane and Ian give an update on the Houdini project, an effort to explain paint and layout on the web.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 
 recording release: yes license:   

6. Lightning Talks

Attendees at the BlinkOn 4 conference gives short talks on topics they are thinking about, interested in or care about. The talks include;
 * Scrolling - "Do sweat the small stuff"
 * Blob Hearding
 * Input Device - Fixing Mouse and Touch events
 * Out of process iframe (OOPIF) status update
 * A Light-Speed Intro to Speed-Infra
 * Binding Team Update
 * Numeric Types
 * Something
 * Layered Web Platform
 * Abusing Flexbox to relive the 90s
 * Shadow DOM
 * Merge repository update
 * Pointer Events

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 
 recording release: yes license:   

7. Slimming Paint Update
Chris Harrelson

Chris gives an update on the Paint team and their current projects. The talk include special attention to the team's progress around the siliming paint project.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

8. BeginFrame Scheduling
Simon Hong & Tim Ansell

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license:   

9. Moving OWP Security Forward
Joel Weinberger

Joel gives an update on improving web security and new policies around delivering new features.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

10. Service Workers
Matt Falkenhagen & Tsuyoshi Horo & Kunihiko Sakamoto

The service worker team gives an update on service workers and what is coming next.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

11. Skia Update
Heather Miller

Heather gives an update on the Skia project and the cool new things they are working on.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

12. Q&A Panel

Leaders within the Blink Community answer questions from the audience.

This talk was given at BlinkOn 4, a low-key conference for Blink contributors, held May 13 and 14 2015 in Google’s Sydney office. More details can be found at 

 recording release: yes license:   

Room 1

About the group