pre-release: Debian meeting announcement

Please take a moment to review your details and reply with OK or edits.
Subject and below is what will go out and also will be used to title the videos.

ANN: Debian at Amsterdam Thu August 13, 10p

When: 10 AM Thursday August 13, 2015
Where: Amsterdam

1. DebConf registration system sprint

DebConf registration system sprint and streaming test
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

2. Opening Ceremony
Martin Krafft, Margarita Manterola, Michael Banck
tags: Plenary
The classic kickstarting session of every DebConf.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

3. Debian Package Infrastructure walk through
Andi Barth
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
This talk describes how the core debian package infrastructure parts work together, that is ftp archive, buildds, release scripts (including but not limited to "how did it evolve")
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
4. Let's get ready to Go
Margarita Manterola
tags: Other
This talk is an introduction to the Go language. It will go over what Go is and what it's not. A little bit of its history, the basics of the language and a few live demos. It will also cover the state of Go in the free software world in general and Debian in particular.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
5. I still haven't found what I'm looking for - some ramblings about Xapian
Olly Betts
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Debian uses Xapian-powered search extensively, both in the software we package and in our own infrastructure.

I'd like to share some thoughts on these different searches, where they work well, where they don't, and how we can improve them.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
6. Using Obnam for backing up your data
Lars Wirzenius
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
Obnam is an easy, secure backup program. It de-duplicates data, and encrypts it locally before transferring the backup data to a remote server over sftp. It supports a FUSE filesystem for restoring data using normal file management tool 

This talk shows how Obnam is used in various cases, and covers both basic and advanced use.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
7. Stateless & Cloud Friendly Debian
Dimitri Ledkov
tags: Containers and Cloud Computing with Debian
Configuration file handling is complex, stable, yet error-prone in Debian today. It's trivial to forget handling conversions to/from symlinks, removal of config files, reintroduction of config files, and moving them between packages. Can we work towards minimising/removing config files? Dropping many maintainer scripts that manipulate those as well? The talk will have a life demo of a system that is fully operation without any non-user created files in /etc
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
8. Debian's Central Role in the Future of Software Freedom
Bradley M. Kuhn
tags: Plenary
Debian is among the oldest GNU/Linux distributions still active 
today.  A community-led project with democratically elected
leadership, Debian remains a shining example of a project that
serves developers and users rather than for profit interests and
wealthy trade associations that so commonly control and
manipulate Open Source projects today.  Debian culture embodies
the ethos of software freedom and the tradition of enthusiasts
and hobbyists (rather than businesses) directing the future of
Free Software projects.

As an independent observer and Debian user, in this keynote, I 
will examine the reasons why these principles have served Debian
well, considered early decisions that Debian made that have
assured a commitment to principle, explore how Debian can
continue to help everyone, introduce future collaborations that 
might succeed in helping Debian in its goals, and discuss the
unique role Debian can play in advancing software freedom.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

9. Job Fair

Looking for job opportunities in a company that cares about Debian?
Visit our job fair and talk with representatives of some of our major sponsors about available positions.
There will also be a job corner with posters and leaflets from our sponsors.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

10. What to expect from MySQL 5.7
Norvald H. Ryeng
tags: Other
MySQL 5.7 contains more new functionality and improvements than any previous release. Some of these changes were made specifically to make packaging of MySQL and software that uses MySQL easier, often based on input from package maintainers in Debian and other distros.

Join us for a tour of packaging improvements and challenges, and how we work with these topics upstream.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
11. Debian High Availability Hackers BoF
Christoph Berg
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
The debian-ha group was pretty much MIA during the jessie release cycle, so the release missed pacemaker, rendering existing HA setups un-upgradeable.

In the meantime, a new group has formed. This BoF discusses the current state of the HA stack and the next steps to take.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
12. Contributing to Distro Tracker
Christophe Siraut
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Distro tracker presents us with an insightful view on Debian packages. In this talk we will introduce its design, discover how easy it is to contribute, and discuss changes and improvements.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
13. The Debian Long Term Support Team: Past, Present and Future
Raphaël Hertzog
tags: Debian Success Stories
Almost anybody will acknowledge that maintaining 18000 software packages secure over 5 years is a challenge and even more so in the context of Debian where most volunteers tend to skip the parts that are not fun. Still the story of the Debian LTS team shows that it is possible. This talk will explain how we got started and where we are today.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
14. Lightning talks

tags: Other
They're talks.  They go like lightning.  
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
15. Xapian BoF
Olly Betts
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Xapian is used to provide fast search in several parts of the Debian infrastructure (lists.d.o, packages.d.o, search.d.o, wiki.d.o, debtags.d.n) and is also used by dozens of packages in the archive, from aptitude to zeitgeist-core.  It's installed on 95% of machines reporting to popcon.

This BoF is an opportunity for the maintainers and developers of these packages and services to get together and discuss all things Xapian.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
16. GNU/kFreeBSD explained
Steven Chamberlain
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
An overview of how GNU/kFreeBSD works, and what it can do.  We present a rationale for porting work within Debian, and think about the future.  There will be a live demo of a jessie-kfreebsd system.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
17. New Members BOF
Enrico Zini
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Front Desk members, Debian Account Managers, Application Managers, current or prospective New Member applicants are invited to ask questions, tell stories and exchange tips about everything related to handing out Debian Developer hats.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
18. Free Communications with Free Software
Daniel Pocock
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
Is there a genuinely free alternative to Skype, or is there hope that we can create one?  This talk provides an introduction to Free Real-Time Communications technologies, including SIP, XMPP and WebRTC, the possibilities with free software and why this is important.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
19. Linux in the City of Munich (AKA LiMux)
Jan-Marek Glogowski
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian,Debian Success Stories
Technically started in 2005, Munich's LiMux project was officially and successfully finished in 2013; albeit with a long delay, compared to our initial project plan, as much more work croped up.

Nevertheless the work on our Linux client(s) continues. New releases get rolled out, bugs get fixed and new features are implemented to improve the client, adapt it to the changing needs of the municipal IT, and support our users.

This talk will put the spotlight on the current situation and does a quick glance on the history, the technical tools used to manage our 33 000 users and 18 000 clients and a little future outlook.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

20. DNS in Debian
Robert Edmonds
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is widely used by Internet-connected hosts, including Debian systems. It is most commonly associated with the "hostname to address" lookup service needed by many Internet protocols, but it has an extensible design and is capable of distributing many types of information.

The DNS has a highly componentized architecture and no individual package in Debian is responsible for implementing DNS support as a whole. This talk will introduce the DNS architecture and explain how individual packages in the Debian archive together implement this architecture.

Other topics covered will include:

 - The DNS data model.

 - The broad history of the protocol, and likely future developments.

 - How the DNS is commonly deployed on the Internet.

 - How Debian's DNS support compares to other operating systems like Fedora and FreeBSD.

 - Privacy, security, and governance considerations.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
21. Why Children need an open source community and what they contribute

tags: BoF
Why Children need an open source community and what they contribute
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

22. Creating a more inviting environment for newcomers - New experiences from MoM, SoB, Teammetrics
Andreas Tille
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
Since 2008 I'm working on graphing data about teams in Debian.  In 2011 a GSoC project "Teammetrics" established some better infrastucture and some additional measures were added.  The last addition was a      number of maintainers per packaging graph which also creates some enlightment how good a team works together.

Besides measuring how teams are working together I'd like to explain ways how to gain new team members by lowering the entry barrier.  This is done in the Mentoring of the Month project for Debian Med.  I was  also running a Mentoring of the Month for Women by droping the constraint of medical software.  It was a specific challenge for me to introduce an outsider into a team I'm no member of and where I was unaware  of the specific team policy.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
23. Tails: a technical overview
intrigeri, Andres Gomez
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
Tails is a Debian GNU/Linux based live system that aims to preserve user privacy  and anonymity. This talk gives an overview on the technical details behind Tails, how privacy, anonymity and security are enforced on top of Debian. We will explain the challenges that Tails faces. This talk also presents the current
Tails project roadmap and future goals, and the evolution of the relation with Debian, from
a technical point of view.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
24. Meet the Technical Committee
Andi Barth, Bdale Garbee, Keith Packard, Didier Raboud, Steve Langasek
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
An opportunity to meet the members of the Debian Technical Committee who are in attendance at Debconf, hear the status of open issues, and discuss pending and future issues with the committee.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
25. New to DebConf BOF
Enrico Zini, Francesca Ciceri
tags: Special Event
A bof especially targeted at DebConf first timers, from DebConf old timers. What to expect, how to communicate effectively, how to get the most from this experience.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

26. Debian Birthday Party

The Debian project turns 22 - let's celebrate!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

27. Concert: bellsparx

tags: None
From Mannheim, bellsparx will be playing in the downstairs disco. Their music is Free and might be described as experimental rock. Please follow the link(s) to get more information
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

28. Debian and HP:  A Fresh Perspective
Bdale Garbee
tags: Plenary
Invited talk by Bdale Garbee
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

29. Community BOF
Wouter Verhelst
tags: Other
Debian used to have a reputation of having a rather harsh community, where flamewars were the normal way of handling conflict.

Over the past decade or so, however, things have gradually improved to the point where this is no longer the case. In recent years, we've had two general resolutions in this area: the diversity statement in 2012, and the code of conduct in 2014. Together, they are the Debian community's instruments in ensuring that our project remains a welcoming environment.

Are these instruments working? Do we need more of these? Or are we perhaps overreaching in our effort to keep discussion civil, to a point where these instruments are counterproductive?

Let's talk about that.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
30. Auditors Workshop
Héctor Orón Martínez
tags: Other
Informal Auditor Team meet-up
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
31. Debian and the FSF: Ending disagreements by solving problems at the source
John Sullivan
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
Debian and the Free Software Foundation, along with its GNU Project,
share many goals and ideals. They are two of the most mature and
dedicated organizations working in the free software movement.

Last year at DC14, FSF executive director (and Debian Developer) John
Sullivan presented a list of joint initiatives that the FSF and Debian
could work on together to advance the cause of free software, even
without Debian being officially recommended by the FSF. As a group, we
also talked about some of the reasons that Debian is not on the FSF's
list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions.

I will give an update on the status of these joint initiatives,
especially about progress on the database of hardware that
is compatible with Debian main and the FSF's endorsed distributions (a
cooperative initiative that was announced shortly after DC14), and
about the import of package info from Debian main into the FSF's Free
Software Directory.

I'll talk about the thorny problem of navigating between, on one side,
recommending nonfree software to users, and on the other side, giving
them a distribution that won't work on the laptop they currently use
-- and what we could do together in order to get out of this jam.

Finally, I'll present some new ideas for us working together and
continuing to strengthen our relationship, and hope that you do the

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
32. AppStream, Limba, XdgApp: Where we are going.
Matthias Klumpp
tags: Other
AppStream is a metadata-enhancement project for both Linux distributions and upstream projects which develop for Linux. It allows upstreams to provide distributors with a machine-readable description of an application or generic software package, links to screenshots and websites and several other useful metadata.
It also allows projects to assign a unique identifier to their software, which allows other software to find it in the distribution's package repositories.
AppStream also is the basis for new exciting projects, like automatic UEFI firmware updates.

The first half of the talk will go into detail about why we need AppStream, and the work which was done to integrate it with Debian.

The second half of the talk will give an overview on the current plans to change the way software is distributed on Linux. Traditionally upstream software is packaged by a downstream Linux distributor and then released as a Linux distribution. Currently, work is going on on solutions to allow projects to distribute their software directly to the end user, as well as for sandboxing the 3rd-party software and isolating it from the rest of the system.
I will give a brief introduction on the Limba and XdgApp approaches to the software-distribution issue, and what we at Debian should prepare for in future.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
33. GnuPG: Past, Present and Future
Werner Koch
tags: Plenary
Invited talk by Werner Koch
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

34. Enforcement of a system-wide crypto policy
Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
Currently each and every shipped application in distributions enforces its own policy on the allowed cryptographic algorithms/protocols. While for some this is a desirable property, for most unmanaged applications like wget, curl, and similar, it prevents enforcing a consistent security level. The purpose of this talk is to describe the approach we've taken in Fedora to counter the issue, and enforce a system-wide policies, discuss the current outcome, lessons learned, and invite Debian maintainers to participate.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
35. Preferred Debian Packaging
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
I've written up my "preferred packaging" techniques at -- I'd like to briefly present them in person, with a projector to show how I work with the tools and how i investigate a package's revision history this way.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
36. sharing ideas on dbconfig-common 
Paul Gevers
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
In this BoF I like to take some time to explain what dbconfig-common can do for packages that require a working database. dbconfig-common has recently seen a lot of long standing bugs fixed, so I think it is time that more packagers are aware of it's possibilities. I would like to take the opportunity to solicit for further enhancements and help.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
37. Philosophy of Free Software
Allison Randal
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
As a community, Debian is driven by many passions, but none so deep and lasting as the philosophy of Free Software. Born in an era of increasing social freedom but increasing political and corporate conservatism, Free Software didn't begin as a rebellion against an entrenched proprietary majority, but more as a jolt of surprise that earlier attitudes of open collaboration were disappearing. Academic experimentation gave way to the "Big Business" of software, and to economic motivations to lock down legal ownership. Until the 1970's, the United States considered software as a "utilitarian good" and granted it no copyright protection. Free Software and proprietary software grew more-or-less at the same time, in response to new ideas of software as a creative work, due the same treatment as other forms of property.

Free Software has always been firmly planted in the ideals of freedom, liberty, equality, and a society of individuals working toward a common good. These concepts are steeped in a heritage stretching back centuries, including Socrates, Plato, Scotus, John Locke, Thomas Paine, Thomas Hill Green, and numerous others. This talk explores the philosophical roots of Free Software, for a deeper understanding of the movement today.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
38. GnuPG in Debian report
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure,Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
Big changes are afoot in the world of OpenPGP and GnuPG as well.

The Debian GnuPG packaging team will present some of the changes we have in store, what they might mean for other parts of the infrastructure, and how our operating system can make use of the new features.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
39. Git BoF
Richard Hartmann
tags: Other
How do you use Git for code, personal files, and Debian?
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
40. More Entropy, Please
Niibe Yutaka
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
In this talk, I will discuss Monty Hall problem by its computer simulation and will show how Random Bit Generator is important, and more entropy is needed.

In Debconf 14, I listend the talk by Tom Marble, which was titled "Security not by chance: the AltusMetrum hardware true random number generator".

It was very impressive for me.  (I had a TRNG implementation of mine, but I didn't recognize its importance.)

Since then, I have been considering some promotion for more entropy, and l wrote the article (see the first URL).

The story doesn't directly discuss TRNG itself, but it explains that bias should be killed and it discuss an effective side channel attack, and it emphasizes more entropy is required.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
41. Cumulus Linux: Debian for Network Switches
Nolan Leake
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
Cumulus Linux is a Debian derivative distribution that runs on Network Switches.  This talk will introduce the distribution and its use cases, as well as discuss our relationship with Debian and other upstream projects.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
42. git-buildpackage skillshare
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
patch queues!  upstream VCS tags!  pristine tar! tracking security updates! contributing back to upstream!

Do you use git-buildpackage (gbp) in your debian packaging?  Do you have special tricks that you find sanity-preserving, time-saving, or otherwise handy?  Do you want to learn more about this workflow?  come to this skillshare/discussion to share and learn.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
43. Why favour Icinga over Nagios?
Markus Frosch
tags: Other
We try to explain some of the problems Nagios has had for years, what the differences to Icinga are, and how Icinga 2 can ease up monitoring in small, as well as really big environments.

Most sysadmins have a love-hate relationship with Nagios based monitoring solutions. Backed by a sizable community, users have learned to live with it’s shortcomings in scaling, configuration, and modern integration options.

Taking advantage of the tremendous number of supported hard- and software, Icinga leaves all legacy limitations behind. It delivers an easily
scalable solution, with clustering, load balancing, automated replication,
and even business process monitoring out-of-the-box. Based on a new
configuration format with advanced language features - like conditional
processing and complex type support - monitoring agile environments works like a breeze. Existing modules for Puppet, Chef and Ansible ramp up the rollout time and ensure a continuous and up to date monitoring environment.

The talk will demonstrate how popular tools such as Graphite, Logstash, or Graylog integrate better and easier than ever before. In addition to that we’ll introduce the new Icinga Web 2 interface and give a brief introduction into the technical architecture.

Icinga is shipped with Debian for years now, and we brought Icinga 2 into Debian just after its first stable release, which is know included in Jessie. I will show you the safe and most recent update channels for your environment.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
44. hOpenPGP 2
Clint Adams
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
Since the hOpenPGP talk at DC14, a few things have changed.  This will briefly summarize what's new with hOpenPGP and hopenpgp-tools.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
45. Debian, Finance, Crypto Currency + Bitcoin

tags: BoF
Debian, Finance, Crypto Currency + Bitcoin
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

46. Git-buildpackage BoF
Guido Günther
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
git-buildpackage{,-rpm} are used inside and outside of Debian for creating Debian and RPM packages out of Git repositories.

What workflows do you use? Where can gbp be improved for that? What's missing? Where should it integrate better into other tools? What about DEP-14?

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
47. Live demos

tags: Other
Show off your project!  NB: It will be mandatory to set up your laptop before the session, in order to assure a smooth transition between speakers.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
48. Bits from the DPL
Neil McGovern
tags: Other
The annual State of the Union address
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
49. Two contests, no waiting!
Jon 'maddog' Hall
tags: Embedded Debian and Hardware-Level Systems,Plenary
This talk will discuss two contests with two issues.
First contest: Inveneo, LeMaker and ARM have sponsored a contest to develop a
solar-powered, highly available, scalable, passively cooled "Micro Data Center"
for developing countries.  The first part of the contest was to develop a
design for the hardware that would use up to 15 ARM-based Single Board
Computers (SBCs) and up to ten SSDs with a 16-port Gbit data switch that could
be powered by a Solar Panel or other 12 volt supply.  Over fifty entries were
submitted to a contest ending June 10th, with the results being announced July
20th.  Some number of the winning Micro Data Center designs will be built by a
company called ProCase.

Then a second part of the contest will be to create and configure the software
to run these data centers in a secure, highly available, easily updated

The speaker would like the Debian community, spear-headed by Debian developers
at Debconf, to create such a package of software.

Second Contest: Linaro, a non-profit organization trying to help companies put
GNU/Linux on their ARM processors and SoCs, has noticed about 1400 programs in
GNU/Linux that still have assembly language in them.  This assembly language
has often been there a long time, and may (in the days of multi-core,
multi-pipelined, multi-level cache) cause the programs to run slower and less
efficiently, not faster.

Examples of these performance and efficiency issues will be briefly given in
the talks.

Linaro has designed a contest to port these 1400 programs to ARM-64, and at the
same time test to see if the programs efficiency can be improved by recoding
the assembly language sections.

These contests will be discussed in the talk, perhaps with workshops set up to
help address them at Debconf.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
50. Sec-team meeting

tags: BoF
Sec-team meeting
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

51. Fifty shades of MIA
 Ricardo Mones
tags: Other
The unbelievable story of a team committed to make you to work less so Debian can be better.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
52. The initramfs in stretch
Ben Hutchings
tags: Other
initramfs-tools in Debian is on life support. None of the current maintainers has a lot of time for it. Aside from the fsck/mount changes that came far too late into the jessie release cycle, maintenance is mostly reactive. Although the Ubuntu maintainers are doing some work on it, their branch has diverged quite a way and they haven't sent any changes to Debian for a long time.

initramfs-tools depends on udev, which will probably become dependent on D-Bus by the time of stretch release. The system bus would probably have to be set up by systemd running as init. I think that this would require rewriting much of initramfs-tools.

dracut has been adopted by several other distributions and has an active upstream, but it doesn't yet work as well in Debian. In particular, many of the Debian packages that hook into initramfs-tools don't hook into dracut (and it has weaker support for such hooks). It does already support the use of systemd as init in the initramfs.

I believe we have to make a decision soon as to which of these to use by default in stretch, and then begin work on the necessary changes.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
53. Live packaging workshop
Andreas Tille
tags: Other
I'd like to give a packaging workshop with the goal to do some "live packaging" on some software which is not yet included in Debian but wanted by some attendee of the workshop.  So if you want to join this    workshop please be prepared by bringing your own Laptop as well as a target software to package.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
54. apt install YOUR_NEIGHBORHOOD
Andreas B. Mundt
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
The talk shows how to install Debian on a set of machines (a computer lab, a school, or your neighborhood!) more or less automatically.  

We start with a so called "InstallBox", a machine that provides a package cache and PXE boot installer images (di-netboot-assistant, squid).

The installation may be customized using preseeding techniques. We start with minor modifications and end up deploying  a DebianLAN network.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
55. What should be allowed to call itself "Debian"?
Richard Hartmann
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Debian is being offered as part of a service more and more often.
Hosted servers, Debian installations on Android, pre-installed laptops, cloud images, and containers are just some examples.

We need a common set of guidelines to determine when something can be called "official Debian", "Debian", and "based on Debian"
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
56. brithint - toying with temporal tables
Anthony Towns
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Databases are great at remembering things, but most of the time we only let them know what the current state of the world is. Temporal tables are the database equivalent of using version control -- allowing you not only to see how things are now, but also to be able to see how things used to be, and who changed them and why.

brithint is a python tool that uses temporal tables to manage britney's hints database, so that it's possible to track when hints were introduced or removed, who they were introduced by -- and even better, it's possible to review that data to see where the release team gets bottlenecked.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
57. Debian GNU/Hurd status update
Samuel Thibault
tags: Other
This will give a brief update on the progress of the GNU/Hurd port in the past few years.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
58. Crowdfunding for Free Software BoF

tags: BoF
Crowdfunding for Free Software BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

59. Firmware - a hard or soft problem?
Steve McIntyre
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
We've been shying away from including non-free firmware packages in
Debian for a long time for the obvious DFSG/SC reasons. But arguably
we're also not solving the problems a lot of our users face. Official
installation and live media is often not useful to many people today
because of this: imagine installing a laptop with only wireless
connectivity, and the wireless needs non-free firmware to

More and more people seem to be using the "unofficial" installation
and live media now. Others are having to add "non-free" to their
sources.list after installation. What could / should we do about this?

A number of people have suggested adding a new (sub)component to the
archive ("non-free-firmware", "non-free/firmware" or similar), such
that we could treat this slightly differently to the rest of the stuff
in non-free. This will hopefully help people by allowing users to
choose only this limited set of non-free stuff for their system, but
nothing more.

Should we consider adding this new section to our installation media?
I don't think there are any easy answers here - please join in the

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
60. Debian Trademark Team BoF
Richard Hartmann
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
The Debian Trademark Team invites all interested parties to join and discuss with us.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
61. QtQuick for beginners
Sune Vuorela 
tags: Other
QtQuick is the current best maintained and actively developed way of making graphical applications in a nice and mostly declarative way.

This talk will give you a introduction to the concepts and basic workings of QtQuick. 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
62. Continuous Delivery of Debian packages
Michael Prokop
tags: Debian Success Stories
How would it be to just commit your packaging changes to the version control system and get automated Q/A tests plus Debian packages for different releases without any further manual work required?

This is what we're doing for a company who relies 100% on Debian packages. The OpenStack project jenkins-job-builder allows us to manage more than 800 Jenkins jobs through a few YAML configuration files  without touching the Jenkins web interface. jenkins-debian-glue takes care of Debian package builds, building on cowbuilder, lintian, piuparts and autopkgtest. Code review using Gerrit as well as configuration management (Puppet + Ansible) helps us control the workflow and infrastructure.

All the involved software is open source and in this talk I'll provide an overview how such a system can look like, how you might benefit for your own project and which challenges you might face. 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
63. Blackroll Physio BoF

tags: BoF
Blackroll Physio BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

64. What's new in the Linux kernel
Ben Hutchings
tags: Other
The Linux kernel is under rapid development. Stable releases are made around 5 times per year, each including many new features and support for new hardware. This talk will summarise the features that have been added and enabled in the last year.

There have been many changes to Linux between 3.16 and 4.1. Some of these will require new or updated userland applications to take advantage of them. I will attempt to summarise the most interesting changes and the state of integration in Debian.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
65. A vision of backups in Debian
Lars Wirzenius
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
I would like a default Debian desktop or server install to provide a good backup solution by default. This would mean that all the software is installed, and that it requires minimal configuration to start making backups. Further, backups should be as automatica as possible (no or minimal user interaction required), restores are simple, and that the backup system requires no or minimal administration once configured.

This talk outlines my thoughts about this.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
66. ARM ports BoF
Steve McIntyre, Wookey
tags: Other
Discussion of the state of the ARM ports, and planning for the future.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
67. BoF: (big) data packages
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Problem is nothing new (e.g. see -- some fields of endeavor require making some data available withing the conveniences of Debian distribution.   Multiple approaches were suggested, utilized to different degrees, and we do bare with few relatively large packages (>=1GB) in the archive.
In this BoF we would like to discuss possible approaches on how to deal with "data packages" hopefully to arrive at a scalable and sustainable solution.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
68. Debian on Microsoft Azure Q&A
Joshua Poulson, Bastian Blank, Martin Zobel-Helas
tags: BoF
Debian on Microsoft Azure Q&A
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

69. DebConf Fundraising BoF

tags: BoF
DebConf Fundraising BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

70. Challenges and opportunities for free real-time communications
Daniel Pocock
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
What are the problems people have encountered (both technical and organizational) in deploying Free RTC?  This session aims to document some of the problems holding us back in this area and look at how this field is evolving to address people's concerns.  We can look at some examples of problems people have encountered and also look at troubleshooting techniques and strategies for improving the chances of success.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
71. Debian Installer: Jessie & Stretch
Cyril Brulebois
tags: Other
This talk will include a wrap-up of important changes that happened during the Jessie release cycle, and also present what's happening during the Stretch one.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
72. pkg-kde team meetup
Maximiliano Curia
tags: BoF
pkg-kde team meetup
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

73. Improving privacy and security for notmuch mail.
David Bremner
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
One of (at least my) primary motivations for working on Notmuch [1] is
reducing my dependence on cloud services, and supporting the secure
sending and receiving of signed and encrypted mail.  Like any real
world piece of software, notmuch is far from perfect, and several
areas related to privacy and security could clearly be
improved. During this BoF we'd like to plan out some topics to work on
in followup hacking sessions. Anyone is welcome, even if they don't
feel like hacking on notmuch. Potential topics of discussion and
hacking include:

- S/MIME signatures and encryption
- Improving the security of the Emacs MML mime composer
- Searching of GPG encrypted mail
- Auditing and fixing "webbug" style problems in front ends
- Making notmuch build reproducibly


 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
74. Hack on Debian Contributors
Enrico Zini
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Hands-on session on writing code to improve Debian Contributors. We will start by creating our own data source to submit data to the site, and continue with a look at the server-side data model, and how to deploy a local development version of the site.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
75. Tutorial: functional testing of Debian packages
Antonio Terceiro
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
A tutorial on how to implement functional testing in your packages using the DEP-8 standard (a.k.a autopkgtest) in a way that the Debian CI will automatically run it for you. I will explain the foundations of the DEP-8 spec, how to run tests on your own development box, commons tips and tricks for writing tests (e.g. how to run the upstream test suite), and present several examples from packages in the archive.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
76. Alternative users of the BitCoin Block Chain

tags: BoF
Alternative users of the BitCoin Block Chain
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

77. Ruby Packaging Workshop
Cédric Boutillier
tags: Workshop
Go over a few Ruby packages, discussing ruby-specific issues and how to solve them.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

78. hLinux: HP's Debian derivative a year later
Joshua Powers
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
A year after visiting DebConf14 the HP's hLinux team would like to present on a few of the efforts, lessons learned, and direction of hLinux. We also want to solicit feedback. Presented by Joshua Powers (HP).
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
79. Automating Architecture Bootstrap
Helmut Grohne
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Bootstrapping an architecture refers to building the initial set of binary packages to populate the archive.  The early phase discussed in this talk uses cross building to obtain essential packages.  The following questions will be addressed:

Why should we care about architecture bootstrap?  What aspects are manual, but don't have to be?  What are build profiles and why do we need them?  Which packages need to support cross compilation?  How to translate Build-Depends for a cross build?

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
80. The Debian Haskell BoF
Joachim Breitner
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
As every year, those who care about Haskell in Debian meet and discuss. In contrast to last year, there will be no (or only very little) presentation before, so that we have more time to discuss.

Possible topics are:

 * Report from the DebCamp: What, if anything, did we produce there?
 * How can we automate the packaging and upgrading more, using cabal-debian.
 * What is our relation to Stackage and Stackage LTS? how can we best build on their work?
 * Can we better define the scope of what we want to have packaged in Debian and, especially, what not?
 * Do and can we want to provide up-to-date packages in backports?
 * Is there a better VCS-workflow for us, and what would it be?
 * Generally: How can we distribute the work on more shoulders?
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
81. mips* porter meeting
Andi Barth
tags: Other
Porter meeting for mips*-architectures
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
82. Preparations

There are things to be done and volunteers are needed. Coordination will take place at the Under Heidelberg hacklab.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

83. Enrico's semi serious stand up comedy
Enrico Zini
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
I will ramble freely about Debian and everything else I care about. I will cover topics including, but not limited to, anarchism, relationships, sex, violence, society stereotypes and expectations, and it will really all be about Debian.

I expect that this talk will be both unsuitable and insightful for pretty much any kind of audience I can think of.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
84. Cheese and Wine Party!
Nicolas Dandrimont

The traditional DebConf Cheese and Wine party!

Bring cheese, wine or any other goods you think are representative from your country/region/town/borough/house/garden. No limit as long as it is:

• tasty

• preferrably smelly

• able to survive a few days before being used.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

85. dgit - treat the Debian archive as a git repository
Ian Jackson
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure,Plenary
dgit is a tool which allows you to dgit clone any package in Debian, and get a git tree.  You can work on the package in git, and when you are ready do dgit build and dgit push to upload.  Other dgit users see your git history.

dgit is particularly useful for NMUers and downstreams.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
86. Debian GIS BoF
Andreas Tille
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
The Debian GIS Blend gained some new activists in the last two years.  So its time to reserve a slot for GIS enthusiasts in Debian to meet in one place and discuss common issues and further development.  I'd   like to present some teammetrics stats and give some short introduction into the Blends GSoC project to rewrite Blends tasks pages to ask for comments about potential enhancements which could help the Debian   GIS team.

I'd be more than happy if somebody of Debian GIS would serve as additional speaker and bring in more ideas for this meeting.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
87. PHP (+ pecl) packaging

tags: BoF
PHP (+ pecl) packaging
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

88. The state of Icedove
Carsten Schönert
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
The talk will give an compressed overview on the current state of Icedove and related packages, the work of the maintainers on Icedove in the last years, current problems and issues, also a short overview about the future planes for Icedove in Debian.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
89. Multiarch/Crossbuild/Bootstrap/Toolchain minisprint
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure,Workshop
Discussion of the state of Multiarch, Crossbuilding, Bootstrapping, and Cross-toolchains in Debian. There has been good progress in these areas recently, but numerous issues remain, such as Multiarch dpkg/apt/aptitude inconsistencies, cross-dependencies, and how Cross-toolchains in the archive should look.

Not everyone is interested in all of this so the session will be spit into chunks:
11:00 Multiarch
13:00 Crossbuilding and bootstraping
15:00 Cross-toolchain packaging

Multiarch things:

 * Multiarch (not!) in Policy
 * dpkg/apt/aptitude inconsistencies
 * cross-dependencies
 * bootstrapping-related issues
 * embedded interpreter problem

Agreement on the correct interpretations of some things is needed:

 1) if a package foo with arch:A depends on bar:any where bar is m-a:no and arch:A, is that dependency satisfied?

 2) Do we accept If not what should we do instead?

3) Should we declare 666772 (apt cross-build-dep handling should be liberal with Arch: all packages) wontfix officially (and document corollary) ?


General roadmap - what still needs doing?

Feedback from users on what we have so far is very welcome.

 * Cross-dependencies
 * Multiarching more packages
 * toolchain support packages
 * Cmake crossing - state?
 * Using build profiles
 * sbuild issues
 * Documentation


 Followup from Helmut's talk on Monday.


gcc-5 uses -cross standalone packages
gcc-4.9 uses wdotap multiarch packages

 * Everyone happy with standalone packages?

 * Should cross-toolchains be multibbed?

 * What set of toolchains should be pre-built in the archive?

 * What about toolchains not provided as binaries? Cross-gcc source-generator OK?

 * What ancilliary packages are needed?

Full details in gobby document on in the path                          

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
90. Quality Assurance BoF

tags: BoF
Quality Assurance BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

91. dh-dist-zilla: From dist.ini to .deb in one go
Axel Beckert
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
dh-dist-zilla is a debhelper plugin which allows you to build Debian packages of your own Dist::Zilla based CPAN distributions (i.e. Perl modules) without having to first generate all the files by debhelper.

dh-dist-zilla calls "dzil build" and friends for you in a transparent way, so that you can build you Debian package from the very same VCS checkout (which usually doesn't contain any generated files like Makefile.PL or Build.PL) from which you would also build the CPAN distribution of your Perl module.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
92. Debian: A giant with a tiny voice?
Cédric Boutillier
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
The  Debian Publicity team's motto is "Make Debian famous" and this means to  try to spread the word about Debian to a wider audience but also spread  the word inside the Debian community about the cool things that happen.

This  talk will show an overview of the different services that the Publicity Team handles, and how can people get involved.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
93. Keeping PostgreSQL 8.4 alive for squeeze LTS
Michael Banck
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Both Debian squeeze and the PostgreSQL version it ships with (8.4) were discontinued in Summer 2014. To support squeeze-lts, credativ GmbH has maintained a LTS branch of PostgreSQL 8.4, backpatching applicable changes from the next-younger branch (9.0).

So far, three releases have been made on the same day or shortly after the official point releases by the PostgreSQL community. Those releases were then uploaded to squeeze-lts.

This short talk will present the PostgreSQL-LTS effort, which policies were set and what problems we had during the project.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

94. Developing products in the open
Andy Simpkins
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context,Embedded Debian and Hardware-Level Systems
Over the last couple of decades the world of product development with embedded systems has changed considerably.  
Changing to Open Source (for hardware as well as software)  is not easy.  The world resists change, this is a brief history of where I have succeeded, where I have failed and the lessons learned.  

This is a not a technical talk, more a collection of observations.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
95. SCAP tools & guides

tags: BoF
SCAP tools & guides
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

96. GSoC Students Presentations
Nicolas Dandrimont
tags: Debian Success Stories
This year's GSoC students have worked on various projects all summer, and DebConf is a great opportunity for them to present a summary and let the community look at their work.

The full program will be published in due time, but we expect around six short presentations.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
97. Python BoF
Piotr Ożarowski
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
any Python related topics
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
98. Xen upstream BoF
Ian Campbell, Ian Jackson
tags: Other
The Xen upstream developers would like to to open up a session to users of Xen within the Debian community as well as the packagers of Xen and packages which depend upon or integrate with Xen.

We are interested in use case and pain points for end users as well as discovering what upstream could do to make things easier in order to improve the Xen experience in Debian.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
99. OpenStack update
Thomas Goirand
tags: Containers and Cloud Computing with Debian
Lots of new things happend since last year in the OpenStack world. One very nice thing that we are currently working on is doing the packaging using upstream infrastructure using Gerrit, in a new collaboration with Ubuntu people. This talk will present you this, and the new projects and features in OpenStack which are now available in Debian.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
100. schroot sbuild BoF

tags: BoF
shroot sbuild BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

101. Debian Publicity: what can we do better?
Ana Guerrero Lopez, Cédric Boutillier
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context
The Debian Publicity team's motto is "Make Debian famous" and this means to try to spread the word about Debian to a wider audience but also spread the word inside the Debian community about the cool things that happen.

The Publicity work is kind of transversal to each other Team in Debian, but there are some areas in which collaboration with Publicity is key to success: outreach/diversity/newcomers, DebConf and MiniConfs, Release, collaboration with other entities

In this BoF, we will discuss how we can improve the services handled by the Publicity team, which new tools or services can be created, and how can people get involved.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
102. A glimpse of Limux: maintaining lightweight office-based business applications

tags: BoF
A glimpse of Limux: maintaining lightweight office-based business applications
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

103. Group photo
Aigars Mahinovs
tags: Other
This year the group photo will take place in the grass behind the talk rooms.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

104. GnuPG Packaging BoF
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Members of the GnuPG packaging team, upstream, and anyone else interested are welcome to come to discuss outstanding work, divvy up tasks, and get things done.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
105. Debsources as a Platform
Matthieu Caneill, Stefano Zacchiroli
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
Debsources provides Web access to all of Debian source code. Debsources allows to browse, search, and render Debian source code, as well as compute code metrics and statistics that encompass all available source packages.

This talk will emphasize new features being developed, mainly by two GSoC students and a former Outreachy intern.

On the one hand, Debsources is being extended to scale better, by switching the Debsources updater to an asynchronous architecture. This change allows to distribute indexing tasks over multiple workers, potentially running on multiple independent machines. It also allows to easily re-index previously indexed data in batch (e.g., upon changes to the available indexing plugins, or when injecting new releases from scratch), a use case that is challenging to support properly with the current synchronous architecture.

On the other hand, requests to extend Debsources with new features and to support new use cases, not always related to source code publishing, are on the raise. We want to address them by turning Debsources into a base software platform capable of running multiple Web applications on top of the same underlying database. The Debsources code base is being refactored to make this possible. As concrete use cases to test this change we are developing 2 new Web applications on top of Debsources: 1) a "" web app, allowing to browse, search, render, and export debian/copyright files; 2) a "patch tracker" web app to publish details about the source code differences that Debian packages carry with respect to upstream releases of the same software.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
106. Creating bootable Debian images
Riku Voipio
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
The standard method for installing Debian is using debian-installer. However, there is considerable demand for ready Debian images for a large range of purposes. People want computers pre-installed with debian, live CD's for demos, cloud images for virtual machines, sd-card images for embedded boards. There is also growing interest in non-bootable images for containers. Debian main archive carries almost a dozen different tools for creating images - and outside debian there are dozens of others. All tools tend to use debootstrap as their, base, and add a bunch of common things on top - typically set up partition, filesystem, bootloader, default user and credentials, and possibly a custom kernel.  

This talk explores the available methods and their use cases. I intend to look if there is room for consolidation in image creation tools, and how improve the quality and safety of prebuilt Debian images floating in the internet.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
107. Bof: Debian in Corporate IT
Michael Meskes
tags: Other
Debian while seeing more deployment in corporate IT still gets neglected by a lot of companies for various reasons. This BoF is to discuss whether or not we care, and if we do, how to improve our standing and the impact cloud computing has on this topic.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
108. This APT has Super Cow Powers
David Kalnischkies
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Package management is a solved problem. Everyone knows how it works, nothing ever changes and there are enormous teams maintaining the tools involved which many people use and complain about everyday. In short: Fun is to be had elsewhere - or is it?

Confessions of an apt developer about the past, present and future of APT, the super cow powers in it and why you might want to care.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
109. Preparing for Wheezy LTS
Raphaël Hertzog, Holger Levsen
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
Work sessions between the members of the security team and of the LTS team to prepare for Wheezy LTS:

- infrastructure changes so that repositories can be used by the LTS team

- discussing what will be supported in Wheezy LTS

- etc.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
110. Let's Encrypt
Peter Eckersley
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
Invited talk about Let's Encrypt
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
111. Breaking your machine with dracut workshop

tags: Workshop
Breaking your machine with dracut workshop
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

112. Debian Games BoF
Andreas Tille
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
While not beeing an active member of the Debian Games Blend I'd like to reserve a slot for all those games enthusiasts in Debian to meet in one place and discuss common issues.  I'd like to present some        teammetrics stats and give some short introduction into the Blends GSoC project to rewrite Blends tasks pages to ask for comments about potential enhancements which could help the Debian Games team.

I'd be more than happy if somebody of pkg-games would serve as additional speaker and bring in more ideas for this meeting.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
113. A practical introduction to English Country Dancing (leisure-time activity)
Karsten Merker

English Country Dance is a traditional form of folk dance which is based on performing a series of dance figures together with the neigbouring dancers who form a "set" (usually consisting of 4 dancers). Many of these dances are structured in a way that there are two counter-movements in the dance which lead to changing sets with each round of the music, so that during the dance, everybody gets do dance with everybody else.

Historically, English Country Dances were built up from a number
of "couples", i.e. female dancers on one side of the set and male dancers on the other, but this is just a convention; the
basic dance figures are the same for all dancers and it is absolutely common in modern sets to have some women dancing in the men's position and vice versa.  Traditional English Country
Dancing does not happen in classical "dancing hold"; instead the dancers in a set are only "loosely coupled", either moving on their own or while giving a hand to their current
partner, so nobody has to fear stepping on anybody's toes :-). The basic dance figures are easy to learn and no prior dancing experience is necessary.

The idea behind this event is to teach the basic dance figures and a number of easy dances, and simply have a lot of fun together.  We will have live music, kindly provided by some of
our fellow DDs.

Please register for the event if you would like to take part, as we need to reserve a room which is large enough for all dancers. The number of participants is in principle unlimited, as long as we can get a large enough room.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

114. Daytrip!

A fundamental part of DebConf is knitting the Debian project into a community. Spending a day away from code and talks is a great way to do it!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

115. Concert: Oktober Folk Club

From Munich, the three guys of Oktober Folk Club will be mingling with folks to play 1920s-style jug-band blues on banjo, fiddle, and a washing trough as base.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

116. Debconf Poetry Night

tags: Other
This is the third installment of a Poetry Night at debconf. The first event at debconf12 was a success, with people presenting poems/poetry from all round the world in different languages.  At debconf13 it did continue at the bonfire during the 20th year celebration. Lets continue this and present poems/poetry that touches our heart, either of our own or from artist we adore, in whatever style or language it might be.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
117. Stretching out for trustworthy reproducible builds - creating bit by bit identical binaries
Holger Levsen, Lunar
tags: Plenary,Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
With free software, anyone can inspect the source code for malicious flaws. But Debian provide binary packages to its users. The idea of “deterministic” or “reproducible” builds is to empower anyone to verify that no flaws have been introduced during the build process by reproducing byte-for-byte identical binary packages from a given source.

This talk will explain the current status of the Debian Reproducible Builds project, how this is relevant for the complete free software eco system and how you can contribute.

see and
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
118. Rethinking monitoring with Prometheus
Martín Ferrari
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
This talk will introduce a new tool for the discerning sysadmin: Prometheus.

It will start with an overview of the challenges of packaging a Go application in Debian: the small number of packaged libraries, the very particular model of dependency management and compilation, etc. It will be followed with an overview of the system and a taste of what you can do with it. If time permits, I might even do a small demo.

Most sysadmins face a similar problem: the state of FOSS monitoring tools is still stuck in the 90s. Nagios, Munin and friends get the job done, and you might think this is enough. But once you have a taste of what you can do with a tool like Prometheus, you will never want to come back!

Prometheus is a very different system. Instead of checking good/bad states of services, or just nicely graphing values, it collects information. A lot of information! At its core, it is just a time-series database and data collector. What makes it powerful is the advanced calculations you can make on the fly with the collected data, from which you can derive nice graphs, fire alerts, or just store for future analysis.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
119. Debian emacs addons

tags: BoF
Debian emacs addons
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

120. Debichem BoF

tags: BoF
Debichem BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

121. Reproducible builds roundtable - Discussing the changes needed for officially reproducible builds
Holger Levsen
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
A roundtable with relevant Debian parties to discuss and plan what needs to be done, so that reproducible builds can become a official supported feature for (at least some packages in) Debian Stretch.

We would like to see ftpmaster team members, dpkg maintainers, release team members, tech-ctte members and you at this event!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
122. Debian Website Single Sign-On
Enrico Zini, Martin Zobel-Helas
tags: Other
Status on the setup of

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
123. Debian derivatives panel
Paul Wise
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
A panel bringing together different representatives of Debian and our derivatives. We will introduce represented derivatives, discuss their relationships with Debian, what they need from Debian, what Debian needs from them and strategies for integration. People who are interested in joining the panel are explicitly invited to contact me.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
124. Ruby BoF
Antonio Terceiro
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
The anual gathering of the Ruby team, to discuss all things Ruby in Debian.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
125. Debian Women BoF
Margarita Manterola
tags: BoF
* We will meet at the stones at the end of the venue *

Debian Women is the project to bring more women to contribute to Debian. It
was founded 11 years ago, during DebConf4. In the past we've done several
different activities (mentoring, irc tutorials, mini-debconfs and others) and
now we need new ideas for things to try that may help bring more women to
participate in Debian.

If you have experienced or witnessed obstacles preventing women from
participating in Debian and/or you have ideas of things that we may do to make
more interested women able to participate, please join us to discuss this.

Mini agenda for the meeting:

A) Brainstorm problems that women face when approaching Debian / trying to
B) Brainstorm things that Debian Women could do to make the situation better.
C) If we find some nice ideas and volunteers to do them, try to commit to making them a reality.

Please note that everyone that shares the goal of helping more women
participate in Debian is welcome, regardless of their gender.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

126. 32 bit archs in Debian

tags: BoF
32 bit archs in Debian
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

127. A web-native package manager, with many lessons from Debian
Asheesh Laroia
tags: Containers and Cloud Computing with Debian,Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration,Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
This talk introduces Sandstorm, a free software package manager for web applications with a focus on usability and security. The talk dives deep into how Sandstorm works and why. You'll see how Sandstorm is similar to and different from Debian, and you'll learn:

* Why Sandstorm exists, and why I think it fits the web better than packaging the same apps in Debian directly
* How people turn open source web apps into Sandstorm packages

* How (and why) every Sandstorm app package is a Debian derivative

* Why Debian should use this for Debian Developer-oriented infrastructure

* Examples of web apps that Sandstorm is, and isn't, good for

* How our community structure is different from Debian's -- with many lessons I've personally learned through my work on Debian

* How Sandstorm adds security and access control to any web app

You'll leave with a sense of the purpose of Sandstorm, an understanding of why we made it, and a desire to run it yourself.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
128. spam, ham and other food or how to distribute spam to 110k email addresses
Alexander Wirt
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
This talk wants to give an overview about the current state of affairs about 

Where are we? 

- some statistics
- problems
- features not everyone is familiar with

Where do we want to go to?

- Spamhandling
- We need help
- New search frontend
- Other planned Improvements 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
129. BoF - The archive of
Holger Levsen, Joerg Jaspert, Richard Hartmann
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
BoF about and the archive structure behind it.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
130. Debian derivatives infra work session
Paul Wise
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian,Workshop
During this session we will introduce Debian's derivatives related infrastructure, work on improving it and figure out plans for the future.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
131. systemd: How we survived jessie and how we will break stretch
Michael Biebl, Martin Pitt
tags: Debian Success Stories
We look back at what challenges we faced with the SysVinit → systemd transition during the jessie release cycle and how we managed to survive it in the end.

We will also introduce some planned and potential changes for stretch and how you can get involved.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
132. Rebuilding Debian as a Toolchain Test
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
ARM needs to test toolchain fixes, and 'all of debian' is a good way of finding whether your fix works 'everywhere', and how likely a particular code sequence is.

This talk describes how we set the build system up to rebuild everything as quickly as possible, and shows the results we got. Feedback from others doing this sort of thing would be appreciated.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
133. AppStream Integration

tags: BoF
AppStream Integration
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

134. DC17 Montreal Bid meeting
Louis-Philippe Véronneau
tags: BoF
Discussion and preparation of the bid presentation
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

135. DSA BoF
Martin Zobel-Helas
tags: Other
What has DSA done for you and what you can do for DSA.

The (nearly) yearly Q&A Session with your friendly DSA Team.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
136. Lightning talks
Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
tags: Other
They're talks.  They go like lightning. 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

137. AppArmor Crash Course
Christian Boltz
tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography
AppArmor is an effective and easy-to-use Linux application security system. AppArmor proactively protects the operating system and applications from external or internal threats, even zero-day attacks, by enforcing good behavior and preventing even unknown application flaws from being exploited. AppArmor security policies, called profiles, completely define what system resources individual applications can access, and with what privileges. A number of default profiles are included with AppArmor, and using a combination of advanced static analysis and learning-based tools, AppArmor profiles for even very complex applications can be deployed successfully in a matter of hours.

This talk gives an introduction to AppArmor. I'll show the AppArmor tools to create and update profiles and also explain the profile syntax so that you can understand and manually edit profiles. I'll also show some advanced usage - securing a typical webserver, setting up read-only root access to do backups and how to (ab)use AppArmor for  debugging.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
138. Conference dinner

DebConf social conference dinner
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

139. Conference Dinner Transportation

Conference Dinner Transportation
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

140. Onwards to Stretch (and other items from the Release Team)
Niels Thykier
tags: Other,Plenary
The Release Team will be reflecting on the Jessie and the Stretch release cycle.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
141. SPI BOF
Bdale Garbee
tags: Other
Software in the Public Interest is the legal and financial umbrella organization providing services to Debian in the United States. This session will provide an opportunity to meet the members of the SPI board attending Debconf, hear a brief update on the organization's activities in the last year, and get your questions answered.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
142. The Economics of Volunteers: Three Debian stories
Asheesh Laroia
tags: Debian Success Stories
Volunteer economics is the notion that even though contributors frequently work without financial cost to a project, there are social, personal, and technical costs that affect their ability to do that work. These costs relate heavily to the question of which projects can sustain themselves on volunteer energy.

We’ll dive into three stories:

* The demise of How outcompeted it, through a technical structure that enabled it to grow with fewer people having to collaborate.

* Why no one uses “apt-get” to install web applications: Although many server, command line, and desktop software packages are available in Debian, very few of today’s open source web applications are. This section provides a brief overview of Debian’s attempts to make web applications packageable, and an examination of where the efforts have & haven’t succeeded, and considers how volunteer incentives to maintain desktop software don’t apply cleanly to web applications.

* The rise of reproducible builds in Debian: What binary-reproducible builds mean, and within 18 months, how a community member was able to create the volunteer energy required to make 80% of all packages truly verifiable.

We’ll conclude by re-visiting some common, cliche questions people ask of free software — “where are all the designers?” “where are all the documentation writers?” — and consider if these stories provide any answers.

The talk assumes no particular background with Debian or maintaining Linux systems. Some of the topics have technical content, but we will provide the necessary background as part of the talk.

(For what it's worth: This is also a talk I gave at Open Source Bridge 2015, compressed somewhat since I expect more familiarity with the topics at Debconf.)
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

143. Debian derivatives discussion
Paul Wise
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
Debian is the basis for a number of other software distributions. This BoF provides a space for representatives from derivatives and Debian to share experiences, find out what is is being worked on and discuss problems, solutions and tools. We will begin with a quick round of introductions and then begin open discussion.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
144. FPGA hacking

tags: BoF
FPGA hacking
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

145. Debian women wiki @ edit a thon

tags: BoF
Debian women wiki @ edit a thon
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

146.  Vagrant: on demand virtual machines for every day use
Emmanuel Kasper
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
Vagrant: on demand virtual machines for every day use

Vagrant is a command line tools which allow you to create, manage,
script, and share VMs with a single command. 

In this talk we will quickly demo:

 * share a ready to use development environment.
Example for Mediawiki development, Datascience, Crosscompilation for
Atari ST

 * how to use Vagrant to deploy VMs to a cloud platform 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
147. The Perils of a Too Good Packaging Team
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
With Munin, we are lucky to have very nice packager relationships, specially with Debian.

It has several advantages, but also some hidden drawbacks.

This is to list & help addressing them.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
148. AIMS: African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Jonathan Carter
tags: Debian Success Stories
An introduction to AIMS, the AIMS Desktop derivative (which is currently an Ubuntu derivative) and using Linux in the 3rd world. AIMS Desktop is currently used in university centres in South Africa, Ghana, Camaroon and Tanzania as well as individuals around the world. 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
149. Debian dependency resolution in polynomial time
Niels Thykier
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
This talk will touch on the following subjects:

 * What makes the problem(s) "hard"
 * What in turn makes the problem(s) highly tractable in practise.
 * Various tricks to reduce the problem even further.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
150. Debian CD discussion
Steve McIntyre
tags: Other
Discussion of the state of our installation and other images we build, and planning for the future.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
151.  Check all the things!
Paul Wise
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
check-all-the-things is a verbose tool for developers to run many tools that can check various things (lintian, duck etc). In this BoF I'll quickly introduce the tool, its history and ask for suggestions on what other check tools could be run. If we get time we will also ask participants to help write check commands for new tools.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
152. Live demos
Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
tags: Other
Show off your project!  NB: It will be mandatory to set up your laptop before the session, in order to assure a smooth transition between speakers.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

153. Fortran 90 modules BoF

tags: BoF
Fortran 90 modules BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

154. Reproducible builds: Hacking Session

tags: Security, Safety, Hacking, and Cryptography,Workshop
Let's make some good example packages reproducible.

(Or work on changes to dak or do some other reproducible hands on hacking.)

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
155. Dpkg: The Interface
Guillem Jover
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
A view on the past, present and future of dpkg. Its defining traits, and how those affect its usage and evolution.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
156. Maintaining 8000 Packages - Large Scale Package QA in the PostgreSQL Ecosystem
Christoph Berg
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
While the Debian archive only contains a single PostgreSQL version per distribution, upstreams supports five concurrent branches plus the devel/beta versions. The repository extends the Debian packaging of the PostgreSQL server packages to cover the full cross product of all branches times seven Debian and Ubuntu releases times currently two architectures. On top of that, various PostgreSQL extension packages are built.

This talk is about the lessons learned while maintaining this package set and how automated testing helps to ensure high quality.

Ingredients are pg_regress, jenkins, jenkins-debian-glue, autopkgtest, dpkg and reprepro tweaks, and automation tools from postgresql-common.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
157. use Perl; # Annual meeting of the Debian Perl Group

tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
The pkg-perl team will again take the opportunity to meet in person for discussing current topics and planning future work.

Items for discussion and work are collected at

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
158.  Ideas!

tags: Other
Got brain overload due to DebConf!? Dump your ideas here. Crazy ideas, hard ideas, easy ideas, impossible ideas, forgotten ideas, we want them all. Bring your creativity! There is no such thing as a bad idea and no idea is too crazy to say out loud.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
159. Backups as a default service in Debian BoF

tags: BoF
Backups as a default service in Debian BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

160. Cloud in general & OpenStack particularly BoF

tags: BoF
Cloud in general & OpenStack particularly BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

161. Linux kernel BoF

tags: BoF
Linux kernel BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

162. Javascript / Ruby

tags: BoF
Javascript / Ruby
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

163. Alioth git replacement BoF

tags: BoF
Alioth git replacement BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

164. DAK BoF 

tags: BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

165. MTL DC17 bid

tags: BoF
MTL DC17 bid
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

166. PPAs - what's next?
Neil McGovern
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
PPAs have been on the horizon for a long time, but have been stalled. Let's talk about how we can unblock this and get them implemented!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
167. GBP skills exchange

tags: BoF
GBP skills exchange
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

168. Debian Welcome Team BoF & work session

tags: BoF
Debian Welcome Team BoF & work session
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

169. Debian Med BoF
Andreas Tille
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
People interested in software for biology and medical care should meet in one room and we should talk about the current status of Debian Med and future developments.  This is the usual Debian Med meeting at    DebConf.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
170. Your systemd tool box: dissecting and debugging boot and services
Michael Biebl, Martin Pitt
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
systemd provides a range of tools to debug boot and shutdown problems, failing services, and optimize boot time. This "hands-on" talk introduces the most important use cases with some live demos and leaves time for answering questions about your favourite systemd related problems.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
171. jenkins-debian-glue BoF
Michael Prokop
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
jenkins-debian-glue allows you to build Debian & Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins Continuous Integration system.  It's used by several open source projects (FreeRDP, Grml, Kamailio, LLVM, PostgreSQL, Scilab, Wikimedia) and can be set up within a few minutes. 

It retrieves package sources from a version control repository, adjusts debian/changelog (handle version number + mention changes that took place) and builds according source and binary packages out of it. Its lintian, autopkgtest (DEP8) and piuparts integration provides Q/A reports about the resulting source and binary Debian packages.

In this BoF session we will provide an opportunity to meet developers and contributors of the jenkins-debian-glue project, discuss issues for improvements, discuss upcoming new features and get your questions answered. 

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
172. DebConf16
Stefano Rivera
tags: Other
Overview of DebConf16, in Cape Town
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
173. DebConf17 Proposals
Giacomo Catenazzi, Tássia Camões Araújo, Martín Ferrari
tags: Other
Interested in having DebConf17 in your city? Come and show us your early plans!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

174. Citizenfour Screening

tags: Special Event
Screening of the award winning documentary Citizenfour movie.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

175. Morning briefing

tags: Special Event
Important announcements and a raffle.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

176. What is to be done - Reflections on Free Software Usage
Jacob Appelbaum
tags: Plenary
Closing keynote by Jacob Appelbaum
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

177. Thanks for maintaining a desktop environment. But is it accessible?
Samuel Thibault
tags: Debian in the Social, Ethical, Legal, and Political Context,Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
The graal of accessibility is that it should be ready to be enabled everywhere, all the time. Some of the Debian desktops are very accessible, but most of them are not. In this talk, I will present how the accessibility stack is packaged in Debian, how it works, and what desktop maintainers need to do to make sure that their desktop is accessible.

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
178. Packaging tutorial!

tags: BoF
Packaging tutorial! Newcomers welcome. Mentors needed!

Note: continues into lunch!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

179. Debian derivatives patches work session
Paul Wise
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian,Workshop
The Debian derivatives census is generating source package debdiffs between Debian and our derivatives. We'll review how it works, get stuck into reviewing patches and finish up with a brain dump of what we saw, possible issues in the patch generator and future plans for derivatives patches.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
180. Debian Science BoF
Andreas Tille
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
This is the usual Debian Science meeting at DebConf.  If you are a scientist and have some interest in scientific packages please show up and try to contribute ideas how Debian Science could enhance.

Items to discuss in this meeting
 - Debian Science team policy
 - Status of citation usage
 - Maintaining Blends tasks (Sponsering of Blends)
 - More specific Blends (dedicated to Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, etc.)
 - Screenshots
 - Snapshots of specific versions
This is just a continuation from previous DebConfs considering recent development

 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
181. Lernstick - A Debian derivative for Schools in Switzerland
Gaudenz Steinlin
tags: Blends, Subprojects, Derivatives, and Projects using Debian
The "Lernstick" is a Debian derivative built with Debian Live for Schools in Switzerland. It exists in two variants. The original variant is intended as a mobile learning environment on an USB stick. Students can carry their personal computing environment in their pocket thanks to a Live system installed on the stick. The second variant is called "Lernstick exam environment" and is a stripped down version for "Bring your own device" exams. This version provides a restricted environment for exams which can be carried out using the students own computers without compromising the integrity of the exam.
The goal of this talk is to give an overview of the Lernstick system and to show how it leverages Debian and Debian Live to provide a Linux distribution targeted at schools. I will also talk about further collaboration possibilities with Debian (eg. Debian EDU/Soklelinux, Debian Blends). While the Lernstick project has always been Free Software we have only just begun to make the project more accessible to outside contributors. We would like to encourage more contributions in the future.
The Lernstick distribution is developed by a unit of the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland. I work part time as a freelancer on the technical implementation of the Lernstick.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
182. Automatic packaging
Lucas Nussbaum
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Over the recent years, a number of packaging tools have been improved to include "automated packaging" features, to facilitate the packaging of software also distributed through CPAN, Pypi, rubygems, etc.

The goal of this BOF is to discuss the existing tools, discover opportunities for improvements in each tool, and opportunities for collaboration between those tools.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
183. FAI -- the universal deployment tool
Thomas Lange
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
FAI, the Fully Automatic Installation is a network installation system for the installation and configuration of the operation system and all your applications on all your hosts. The whole installation only takes a few minutes without any interaction necessary.

The FAI project startet in 1999 as a bare metal provisioning tool for Debian GNU/Linux only. Today it's also used for deploying different Linux distributions like Ubuntu, CentOS, Scientific Linux or Suse on real hardware or virtual hosts. For FAI there's no difference in installing a real machine, a virtual machine, setting up a chroot environment or creating a Live CD.

Configuration files are shared among groups of similar computers using the class concept, so you need not create a configuration for every new host. Besides network installations, FAI also supports installation from CD or USB stick and can be extended easily.

The talk will show why FAI is the universal deployment tool.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

184. Packaging the free software web for the end user
Antonio Terceiro
tags: Debian System Administration, Automation, and Orchestration
In this talk I will present a project I have been working on to allow end users to easily install and basically configure server-side applications with the need for technical knowledge such as database and web server administration.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
185. Debian in the Sky, a Flight Log
Ulises Vitulli, Agustin Henze
tags: Embedded Debian and Hardware-Level Systems
In this talk, we will be presenting a Flight Log of our experience on designing, building and hacking around satellite and communication technologies.

This process gave birth on Jun 2014 to BugSat-1, aka Tita (greeks `Theta` Θ), a 22Kg Satellite carrying, between others things, six Debian On-Board computers in charge of dealing with the satellite's Payload and Flight Mission. 

We will be diving through the technology hacked to make Debian able to cope with high latency bandwidth, and also we'll be introducing ddpatch, a debian package minimalization tool intended to optimize communications throughput.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
186. buildd/wanna-build bof
Andi Barth
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure
Current state and updates about the buildd / wanna-build infrastructure / system (and discussion - this is a BoF)
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
187. Bursaries BoF

tags: BoF
Bursaries BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

188. Debian wiki work session
Steve McIntyre, Paul Wise
tags: Debian Packaging, Policy, and Infrastructure,Workshop
We will share knowledge about wiki work and do some work on the wiki, probably in these areas:

* existing bug reports
* known issues
* moin bug reports/etc
* wiki pages about the wiki
* general wiki content

Please join us if you would like to help out with the wiki or learn more about it. If there is enough interest we may hold more sessions.
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  
189. Lightning talks
Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
tags: Other
They're talks.  They go like lightning. 
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

190. Coffee & Snacks

Coffee & Snacks
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

191. i18n BoF

tags: BoF
i18n BoF
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

192. Emacs Addon wrapup

tags: BoF
Emacs Addon wrapup
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  

193. Closing Ceremony
Martin Krafft, Margarita Manterola, Michael Banck
tags: Plenary
Good bye to Heidelberg... See you in Cape Town!
 recording release: yes license: CC-BY  


About the group