pre-release: Chicago Djangonauts meeting announcement

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ANN: Chicago Djangonauts at Braintree Thu September 3, 8:05p

Chicago Djangonauts
When: 8:05 PM Thursday September 3, 2015
Where: Braintree


1. Mongoengine Basics
Joe Jasinski

A walk through of MondoDB pymongo and mongoengine and how they can be used in a production environment.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  
2. Django Based Autocompl…
Jonathan Bisson
tags: autocomplete, Django
Django does not do autocomplete out of the box because it is easy to do it yourelf. Here is how, and some othther stuff. 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  
3. Why Most New Projects Should Implement a Custom User Model
Marlon Castillo

All the Gain with Little of the Pain: Why Most New Projects Should Implement a Custom User Model - 

Substituting a custom User model for Django's default User model can seem intimidating. I'll show you a simple 3 step method of implementing a custom User model for a new project that's actually quite easy to do and can provide tremendous benefits in flexibility and customization.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  


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