pre-release: Nodevember meeting announcement

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ANN: Nodevember at Collins Auditorium Sat November 14, 8:43p

When: 8:43 AM Saturday November 14, 2015
Where: Collins Auditorium


1. Opening Remarks
William Golden 

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  

2. Keynote
Yehuda Katz

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

3. From Node n00b to not so Node n00b
Rey Bango

Having been focused for many years on client-side development, I knew I needed to round out my skills and get back to some server-side development. Node.js seemed like the best path allowing me to leverage my skills to jump into the back-end. But nothing is ever as easy as it looks and in this presentation, I plan to touch on some of the hurdles I encountered and how I solved some of them.
 recording release: yes license:   

4. Eliminate Javascript Code Smells
Elijah Manor

<p>Have you ever written JavaScript that reeked, but you couldn't quite figure out why? Or have you written code and immediately knew that it wasn't good, but didn't know a better way?</p><p>Your JavaScript may pass JSHint, but that doesn't mean it's legit.</p><p>"A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system" --Martin Fowler</p><p>Most developers can smell brittle and fragile code a mile away, but it takes time and training to combat against these smells. Code smells scream to be refactored.</p><p>In this session we will discuss various common smelly code snippets and discuss techniques on how we can eliminate and protect against their pungent odors creeping into your codebase.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

5. Intuitive 3D Math Crash Course
Jorge Rodriguez

<p>Without formulas or notation, this talk will show you how to take advantage of your vector math library to create 3D experiences.</p><p>The talk approaches 3D math visually and is designed to leave attendees with an intuition for how vectors work. </p><p>In it we will solve real problems using Javascript vector math library. </p><p>This is not a math talk! There will be no exam. </p><p>Topics:<ul><li>vectors </li><li>dot products</li><li>matrices</li><li>coordinate systems</li></ul></p>
 recording release: yes license:   

6. Nuts and Bolts of Internationalization
Aria Stewart

<p>A roll-up-your-sleeves how-to on how to internationalize applications of all sorts, then how to work on getting translations, strategies for maintaining the mountain of derivative content, and how not to do the things that will make all of that more complicated.</p><p>We’ll go into:<ul><li>localization as accessibility<li>command line applications</li><li>web applications</li><li>native applications</li><li>content databases</li><li>translation worflows</li><li>quirks of languages that surprise developers</li></ul></p>
 recording release: yes license:   

7. Accessibility Debt
Robert DeLuca

<p>It’s an exciting time to be a user of the web: our applications are becoming richer and more interactive, rivaling native apps in experience. But our rich applications have left behind a key group of users: those who rely on HTML’s built-in accessibility features to navigate the Web.</p><p>You’ve probably heard of Accessibility (a11y for short). Maybe you’ve even tried to do something about it and found tools and resources lacking. We’ll look at some simple, achievable steps to pay down this "accessiblity debt" in our web applications and build a better Web for everyone: rich, dynamic web experiences with baked-in accessibility.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

8. ClojureScript Made Easy
Jonathan Boston

<p>The reach of JavaScript is unparalleled, which is one reason so many compile-to-JavaScript languages have popped up in recent history. With so many new JavaScript technologies being released on a seemingly hourly basis, what does ClojureScript offer that makes it stand out?</p><p>ClojureScript, by design, guides and encourages developers to think in simple concepts. We’ll explore simple vs. easy, decomplecting, and the power of making data a first class citizen.</p><p>With this talk, I hope to:<ul><li>Point out some principles that will make you a better JavaScript developer</li><li>Make you yearn for ClojureScript in your next project</li></ul></p><p>ClojureScript is a Lisp that embraces immutability by default and encourages explicit state management. Those are some big words that we’ll gently walk through.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

9. Redux: Simplifying Application State in JavaScript
Tim Griesser 

<p>As JavaScript applications increase in complexity, consistent patterns for managing state becomes considerably more important, and difficult to achieve without good patterns.</p><p>Redux is a library which provides a "Predictable state container for JavaScript apps". Utilizing proven patterns from more functional languages, Redux is a framework agnostic library which combines convention with functional approaches. In this talk we will take a look at Redux, Redux middleware, and how it can be used to track data flow and state changing over time, producing applications which are easier to develop and debug. We will also take a look at some of the similarities and differences of Redux vs. other libraries, frameworks, and tradeoffs that exist compared to existing approaches to solving these problems.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

10. The dirty secrets of building large, highly available, scalable HTTP APIs
Damian Schenkelman

<p>Most HTTP APIs sites show how to implement the GET /hello sample and provide a list of links that developers can use to get more information about different topics.</p><p>While those are definitely useful, large APIs that are to be consumed by other developers span a range of cross-cutting concerns that is hard to be aware of when you start to build them. In this talk we will go over some of these concerns, such as authentication, authorization, documentation, validation, rate limiting, geo-redundancy, and no downtime deployments, and will provide specific examples based on what we do at Auth0.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

11. Sugar and Spice and everything nice about ES6
Ben Ilegbodu

<p>ECMAScript 6 is the new version of JavaScript making its way into our modern browsers and interpreters. Some of its features appear to be no more than a little syntax sugar — making development we already do in JavaScript a bit easier. Others add brand new functionality long missing in JavaScript, which allow us to spice up our code without having to include yet another library.</p><p>Experience with JavaScript will help you get the most out of this session, but you don’t have to be a JS ninja to leave confident to begin using ES6 right now. Let’s walk through all the sugar and spice of ES6 and what makes it just so nice. Along the way, you’ll learn about arrow functions, modules, rest parameters, and other features. We’ll also see strategies for how we can circumvent that pesky issue of cross-browser compatibility. Oh, and don’t worry if you didn’t understand any of those terms — you will after the session.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

12. Building simple Node.js microservices using Hapi and Redis
Jeff Barczewski

<p>Instead of building monolithic applications, architecting functionality as microservices can give you new flexibility and scalability. Microservices allow you to keep functionality focused and compartmentalized. They can allow architectures with varying technology and languages.</p><p>In this talk, I’ll showcase a few ways you can create and use microservices with Node.js using Hapi for REST style microservices or Redis for queued microservices. I’ll explain some of the practical advantages this approach provides.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

13. The communal upbringing of a Nodebotanist: How community can make or break your career.
Kassandra Perch

There are high points and low points to any career, but I think we can all agree very few of us work in a total vaccuum; using only code we and our teammates write, learning only by reading books, etc. At some point, you’ll read a blog post, use an open-source library. We learn how to pull request, we share our side-projects: rarely anymore is our work entirely secluded from public eye.</p><p>The implications of this are more staggering than you’d think.</p><p>This talk is about how our interactions with each other as people on the internet shape the world and culture we work in on a daily basis. It’s about how we are encourging or destroying the next big thing– and what we can do to improve our chances. I’ll use anecdotes from my own career, and stories borrowed with permission from others, to illustrate how we can change our culture, because we shape it with every interaction we have.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

14. Don't Make Me Refresh!
Hunter Loftis

<p>As an industry, we’re on the cusp of embracing realtime, shared environments as a common component of applications. Early adopters like Google Apps, Facebook, and Github are already conveying a sense of immediacy and immersion to their users. At Heroku, we see many developers struggle with taking their first steps into the world of realtime; it can seem like black magic.</p><p>This talk demonstrates how modern JavaScript developers can implement realtime interactions while also simplifying their overall architecture. You’ll be amazed at how easy it can be once you’re aware of best practices and common pitfalls. We’ll explore issues like UI syncing, conflict resolution, and capacity scaling. Finally, you’ll leave ready to provide your users with a beautiful realtime experience.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

15. Callback-less Asynchrony: ES6, Generators, and the next wave of JavaScript development
Nicholas Young

<p>There is hope for those struggling with the “pyramid of doom.” If you’ve been searching for solutions to deeply nested or highly complex code, then you’ll want to learn about the new wave of innovation that’s currently sweeping our community.</p><p>ES6 (or ECMAScript 6, as it’s officially dubbed) brings a growing list of technologies and techniques to the forefront, and simplifies tasks that have often been difficult due to JavaScript’s asynchronous nature.</p><p>In this talk, we’ll explore how you can develop with modern tools while still delivering the consistent experience that your company requires. Generators, Promises, Symbols — and all of the alterations to a once simple language — can be daunting to learn. But together, we’ll make it a breeze.</p><p>Prepare to kiss those callbacks goodbye, and learn to write code that’s easier to read, and faster to execute.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

16. Content Management and Node.js
Jed Watson

In 2015, node.js is leading the way with modularity, flexibility, npm and everyone’s favourite build tools. CMS platforms are an important part of the web development ecosystem, but probably remind you of monolithic PHP systems you’re glad you don’t develop for anymore. Can two such opposing philosophies be friends? Let’s look at how, by bringing new ideas to old problems, we can make node.js more accessible and powerful for a new generation of developers.
 recording release: yes license:   

17. Taking Your Web Apps Offline
Mike Nitchie

<p>Offline web applications are nifty.</p><p>In fact, they may even be practical and useful. Via HTML5 Application Cache and Local Storage APIs, documents and web applications can be made available to your users even when they don’t have an internet connection. This isn’t a library, it’s not an extension, and it’s not a “flash in the pan” Next Best Thing™ that will go from hotness to obsolete in the time you write your first project with it. This is a core HTML5 standard that can add incredible utility to the web.</p><p>In this session we’ll learn how to implement some basic offline web apps and the many (oh my, so so many…) pitfalls of getting started. We’ll see some in-production examples and some handy tools to make local data management and syncing a bit simpler. Then, we’ll get to the part of the talk that’s actually interesting. We’ll discuss when offline apps are and are not appropriate, how “offline first” apps could blur the line between native and web applications, and discuss solutions to the major problem of getting users to remember that they can open their browser when they have no internet access.</p><p>You’ll leave with a basic knowledge of how to get started, resources to use to dig a bit deeper, tools to make development easier, and the ability to discuss the nuances of offline development. You will not only know the “how”, but the “why” and the “when” so you will be able to make a convincing case for (or against) the use of offline access in your next project.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

18. Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron
David Neal

<p>Would you like to leverage your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to build cross-platform desktop applications?</p><p>Electron is an open source application shell created by GitHub, designed to make building great desktop applications easy. You may have already experienced Electron using applications such as Atom, Slack, Nuclide, or Visual Studio Code. In this talk, you will learn its features, how to quickly get started, and tips from my experience building Electron applications.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

19. Into the npm installer -- How it works and where it's complex
Rebecca Turner

<p>The npm installer on its surface seems both very simple and holds surprising complexity.</p><p>This key piece of node infrastructure is both used in almost everyone’s day-to-day work, while at the same time mostly invisibly doing its thing. We will explore how it does what it does and why its structured the way it is, and how all this has changed.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

20. The proof is in the pudding - seneca+hapi
Wyatt Preul

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

21. Advanced Webpack
Jonathan Creamer

<p>There’s no question that WebPack has gained a lot of popularity as a bundling solution. It’s ability to bundle, and through plugins, transpile/compile so many different types of assets sets it apart from other bundling solutions. To get started is easy, but to build an entire website or web app can get to be a challenge with all the different loaders and plugins each requiring different configurations.</p><p>WebPack offers developers a single system that can do the job of many other task runners and bundlers in one. Because of it’s large ecosystem of plugins and loaders you can simply do many things with it. It’s only downfall is that it can be difficult to build a large site or app because of its flexibility and vastness.</p><p>This talk will help WebPackers on their journey of: <ul><li>Bundling many different types of assets including JS, CSS, CSS, Images, Fonts, JSX, etc</li><li>Utilizing plugins for things like minification and optimization</li><li>Understanding how you can use WebPack’s CLI alone without any other task runners</li><li>Future proofing their code with ES6 by using the Babel loader</li></ul></p>
 recording release: yes license:   

22. Username and Passwords are dead. Mobile ALL the thingz. 
Jacques Woodcock

<p>Usernames and passwords rule the internet and are encroaching into the internet of things. However, they are one of the biggest security concerns with brute force and the even more successful social engineering attacks threatening your application.</p><p>So how can you reduce the security risk while making logging in easier for your users? Simple. You take the best part of 2-factor auth and make it the primary auth.</p><p>In this talk, I will discuss what lead my company, Tandum, to choose SMS login as the only means of log in for consumers. The advantages and disadvantages, a few statictics and the response.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

23. A Telegraph To The Future Of Web Applications
Derick Bailey

<p>The future of the web is found in technology as old as paper, as revolutionary as the telegraph, and as unique as a fast food restaurant: messaging.<p>In the real world, messages are used to coordinated activities, make things happen and send back results. They’re everywhere in our daily lives - and on the web! From HTTP to AJAX with XML and JSON documents, to Web Workers and iFrames, to scaling the back-end of Node.js and other servers with ease, web development is steeped in the communication patterns that we use every day.</p><p>It’s time, then, to recognize messaging for what it is: the past, present and future of the web!</p><p>In this session, you’ll learn what messaging is and how messaging patterns are part of your work, already. You’ll see the benefit of making these implicit patterns explicit in your code. And, you’ll learn how messaging can take your architecture from a flock of seagull’s screaching “MINE! MINE! MINE!”, to a highly trained and coordinated team.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

24. Board Game JS
Kelly King

<p>Let’s talk about how you can bring JavaScript to board games! I love building little applications for making board games more fun, whether it be using a digital bank for Monopoly or a crowd-sourced list of words for catchphrase. Most recently I built an app that takes the pen and paper out of my favorite game, Celebrity!</p><p>In this talk, I’ll start by walking through several categories of board games, and how they can be integrated with JavaScript. After that, we’ll look at the specifics of creating Celebrity<ul><li>Allowing a "master" player create a unique game</li><li>Using sockets so everyone can join the same room and submit their three celebrities</li><li>Managing the game through the “master” player’s phone</li></ul></p>
 recording release: yes license:   

25. Telling stories with data visualization and D3
Chris Keathley

<p>Data visualization lives in the intersection between art and science.  A good visualization allows us to analyze our data and begin to ask compelling questions.  Data visuals tell us a story.  However, knowing how to find that story is hard and knowing how to tell that story visually can be even harder.</p><p>In this talk we’ll look at some classic data visualization techniques and best practices and show how we can use modern tools like Javascript and D3 to implement them.  Along with a practical and interactive demonstration of the tools we’ll also look at several examples of well made visuals and explore the techniques that they employ.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

26. Scaling Best Practices with Syntax Trees
Will Klein

<p>There’s a myriad of good and bad ways to write our JavaScript-and it keeps evolving! ES2015 is here, ES2016 is coming soon, and the language is changing faster than ever.</p><p>Fortunately, there is also a revolution in JavaScript tooling. New tools are here to help us understand and improve our code. Let’s look at one of these tools, ESLint, and write our own rules to detect patterns in computer language. While we’re at it, let’s rediscover how languages are parsed, analyzed, and represented as abstract syntax trees.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

27. Keynote
Ed Finkler

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

28. Keynote
Soledad Penadés

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

29. Exploring the Physical World with Node
Stacey Mulcahy

<p>Not sure how to get started in Hardware? Learn in this session as we explore some of the frameworks and modules in Node to work with devices and look at a few fun and quirky projects to get you inspired to make the leap into IoT.</p><p>Not sure how to get started in Hardware? Learn in this session as we explore some of the frameworks and modules in Node to work with devices and look at a few fun and quirky projects to get you inspired to make the leap into IoT.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

30. Orchestrating Apps by Composing Angular Directives
Jeremy Fairbank

<p>Building large apps in Angular can be tricky. If we’re not careful, we can still begin to build monolithic applications even with the wonderful magic of Angular. Therefore, we still need to apply the concepts of modularity and separation of concerns. Thankfully, we have directives to assist us.</p><p>We will investigate the power there really is behind the reusable component movement. We will briefly review directives and how to make them, but our main focus will be on engineering our directives to be reusable components that we can compose together to build modular applications. We will discover the power behind isolate scopes, events, and callbacks to help us decouple the pieces of an application. We will find how easy it is to refactor our application by only touching a small portion of the codebase.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

31. Introduction to Testing Node.js
Jordan Kasper

<p>Testing is challenging.</p></p>Testing JavaScript is downright painful.</p><p>That said, the benefits of testing your code cannot be overlooked. If you want to sleep easy at night knowing that your latest code merge didn’t break everything then you need to test everything. In this tutorial we’ll walk through some strategies for testing Node.js applications. This includes module patterns and strategies for dependency injection in your tests. We’ll introduce developers to the Mocha framework and how to write good tests and assertions, including proper setup and teardown methods.</p><p>Attendees will walk away from this session with a solid starting point to implement unit tests in their own Node.js code and some ideas for refactoring applications to allow for better testing.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

32. Blocking Across The Wire
Kyle Simspon

<p>If you're writing high-performance async code, blocking is the worst thing you can do, right? Except, what if blocking on remote (across the wire) processes is exactly what you want to do!?</p><p>CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) is a channel-based async concurrency pattern that's built on "blocking" semantics. This talk is a wild experiment into upending and rethinking asynchronous programming. We'll explore practical applications of CSP in JS and then look at how we can extend it to work across the wire between browser and server.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

33. Testing, the way it should be.
Brian Mann

<p>Testing is the essential bedrock of software, and we can all agree it’s a must-have. But when we talk about writing tests for the front-end, most developers immediately run into several challenges:<ul><li>Testing environments take too long to setup.<li>Tests end up extremely brittle and randomly fail.<li>Error messages are indirect and increase the time it takes to debug.<li>There isn’t an easy test-driven development (TDD) process available.<li>Testing through a console fails to give full visibility on why a test failed.</ul></p><p>In this talk, Brian Mann will introduce a new JavaScript testing tool,, which solves the hardest challenges of testing modern, complex applications. You’ll leave this talk re-energized and believe that testing can be a fun, enjoyable experience without the soul crushing pain it is today.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

34. RRR - React, RethinkDB, Raspberry Pi
Mike Glukhovsky

<p>React is the new hotness when it comes to efficient and reactive UI in the browser. RethinkDB is the new hotness when it comes to pushing live data to wherever you need it from a single source of truth. And lastly, RethinkDB is the smallest and cheapest computing device for doing awesome IoT things. So what happens when we combine all three?</p><p>In this talk I’ll show how to create your own motion detection-activated security camera with an automagically updating UI. The RethinkDB, RBPi, React combination gives us a great way to put together a homebrewed hardware idea with the minimum amount of code to get to a working project. React is a great and efficient interface for IoT projects such as this and even more so when the feed is a RethinkDB changefeed powered by the easy asychronicity of Nodejs.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

35. Making your JavaScript code debuggable
Patrick Mueller

<p>Unless you're perfect, you're probably constantly injecting bugs into your code.</p><p>And so, debugging your code, to find those bugs, is part of your life.</p><p>This talk will go over some techniques and tools to make that part of your JavaScript development life easier.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

36. Instant Text
Guillermo Rauch

<p>The traditional chat application hasn't changed much in the past three decades.</p><p>The speed at which we communicate can be greatly enhanced by rethinking some fundamental paradigms. This talk will explore the evolution of instant messaging, and how Node.JS, Socket.IO and React.JS can enable it.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

37. Reactive Composition: TodoMVC Tutorial/Lab
Scott Southworth

<p>Let’s build the iconic TodoMVC application (, but without the whole MVC thing.</p><p>We’ll declare everything in terms of reactive data flows. We’ll design a user-interface using pure, raw HTML for our templates. All of our content and programming logic will load lazily, composing itself like turtles holding turtles all the way down.</p><p>This is a talk for those who wish Javascript had Unity3D’s behaviors, Adobe Flex’s component/module architecture or the simplicity of Excel.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

38. Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Aimee Knight

<p>There’s no denying that engineers are in high demand. Bootcamps are popping up everywhere, and while they’re churning out highly motivated juniors, often it’s seniors that companies are really after. So how do we bridge this gap together? On the surface it often looks like we’ve ‘naturally’ developed into our current roles. And, as we progress it’s incredibly easy to forget what it was like being new. Rest assured however, for most the journey has been filled with a whole lot of grit, determination, and discipline.</p><p>In this talk, we’ll discuss lessons learned one year after going from a bootcamp grad, to a full time JavaScript developer. Plan to walk away empowered, and with renewed passion for the incredible industry we’re all a part of!</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

39. What every Node.js developer should know about Elixir
Bryan Hunter

<p>Elixir is an expressive functional programming language that has borrowed a great deal from Ruby, Clojure, Python, and Node.js. Node with its sweetspot of rapidly producing back-ends has taken over the world, and it has had countless successes. Node isn’t right for all problems though. Many Node developers who have found themselves outside of its sweetspots are discovering that Elixir makes a great lifeline, and they’re embracing a polyglot approach. Wow? Why Elixir?</p><p>Elixir delivers familiar modern tooling, simplified distribution, massive concurrency, and carrier grade fault-tolerance. Elixir code runs on the Erlang VM and compiles to the same binary format (BEAM file) as Erlang, so it has zero-penalty access to Erlang libraries including OTP. Just like Erlang, it supports hot code loading and scales beautifully (scales-up to many cores, scales-out to many machines). What does it look like? What are the pieces and the tools? How do I get started? Sound exciting? Good! Come join the fun!</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

40. GraphQL and Relay
Kyle Mathews

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

41. Arisen from the Ashes: Phoenix.js and Websockets
Max Beizer

<p>You keep an eye on all the new frameworks &emdash;so you’ve heard of Elixir’s Phoenix Framework. </p><p>But did you know that websockets is one of Phoenix’s core features?</p><p>No more external dependencies: phoenix.js and the Phoenix core make websockets so easy that even Rubyists can do it.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

42. 10 weird tricks that React developers near you are using to create reusable components
Dave Thompson

<p>Developing individual React components is straightforward, but there are many small details that can make components easier to compose and reuse when you get them right. Hear about what we’ve learned from the trenches while creating a React UI component library for use in our products. We’ll cover a broad range of topics including designing component APIs, composition, styling, and performance.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

43. npm and SOA: how we use SOA, and why node is good at SOA
Laurie Voss

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

44. These Bots are Made for Walkin'
Donovan Buck

<p>Johnny-Five’s new Animation class gives us the ability to sequence complex movements across multiple servos. What’s that good for? Walking robots of course!</p><p>This talk is follow up to Rick Waldron’s Bits of Nodebots Next. We’ve moved the mark from “This is possible in Johnny-Five!” to “This is built into Johnny-Five!” and we want to everyone to build really cool, creepy, crawly things with it.</p><p>This talk includes a brief introduction to Johnny-Five, Johnny-Five’s Animation class and Tharp. An inverse kineamtics and robot management engine.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

45. Text, yea, just render it, whatever...
Parris Khachi

<p>You’d think in 2015, 23 years after the initial release of OpenGL, that we as a graphics community would have easy mechanisms to really do anything. Text is something that is fairly commoditized on the web, but is actually really hard to get right in WebGL. In this talk we will disect the 5 variations of rendering text that we found while using ThreeJS + WebGL, and show off what we think is the ultimate solution to our rendering woes! Our solution (based on the Signed Distance Field paper Valve released a few years ago) is fast and produces extremely crisp text at ANY zoom level regardless of initial text size.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

46. React Native in Production
Adam Miskiewicz

<p>Facebook is no longer the only company with mobile apps powered by React Native in the App Store.</p><p>React Native is new, but it’s more than just a toy. It’s an extremely powerful and efficient way to build mobile applications.</p><p>Let’s go beyond the React Native docs and talk about how to build performant and production-ready React Native applications.I’ll discuss:<ul><li>Using React (web) best practices in a native environment (with Redux, Relay, and GraphQL)</li><li>Why you shouldn’t be scared of bridging native code</li><li>How to plan ahead for easy, cross-platform React Native development</li><li>Leveraging continuous integration (and deployment) for your React Native apps</li></ul></p><p>This talk should leave you convinced that React Native should be your (or your organization’s) mobile platform of choice.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

47. Building Static Sites with React
Robert Pearce

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

48. Alternate Futures: Game-playing AI in JS
Jason Orendorff

<p>In this wide-ranging talk, we'll contemplate the nature of time, discover a simple algorithm that plays a perfect game of tic-tac-toe, learn the meaning of the word "heuristic", and share the curious experience of losing a real game to a few lines of JavaScript code.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

49. Native JavaScript
Jon Beebe

<p>Learn how to leverage JavaScript within native iOS or OS X applications at near-native speeds.</p><p>No frameworks or extra libraries here. Just plain JavaScript. Learn from demos showing how to send messages to/from JavaScript & the native context.</p><p>Get an introduction to WebKit’s JavaScript engine JavaScriptCore with a deep dive into its four-stage optimization pipeline allowing your JavaScript to run at near-native speeds. And learn a little Swift (Apple’s new native language) along the way.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

50. Node.js security experiments: A trip back in time.
Adam Baldwin

<p>4 years ago I fell in love with node.js at 0.4 ever since then I’ve been focused on finding ways to 0wn and secure node applications. A lot of that effort was focused around the npm registry where the majority of the code developers produce is shared and consumed.</p><p>This talk will be a trip back in time to discuss the mad science research and experiments I’ve done to try and understand the state of node.js security and to try and make the node community and ecosystem a bit more secure.</p><p>Hopefully it will leave you with a healthy sense of paranoia and a curiosity for how you can make the code you create and consume more secure.</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

51. Styling React Components in JavaScript
Michael Chan

<p>The styling of React components is a contentious topic in 2015.</p><p>It challenges everything we know about styling apps. In this talk, we’ll take a practical look at styling components in JavaScript: good practices, libraries, testing, and how to expose great APIs for distributed components.</p><p>We’ll explore when styling in JavaScript is a great fit and when it might be best to "just use CSS."</p>
 recording release: yes license:   

52. Keynote
Douglas Crockford

Stay tuned! Abstract will be posted soon.
 recording release: yes license:   

Collins Auditorium

About the group