pre-release: Safia meeting announcement

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ANN: Safia at Civis Sat February 20, 9p

When: 9 AM Saturday February 20, 2016
Where: Civis

1. State of the Stack
Safia Abdalla

Start the day off by hearing some of the recent updates in the Jupyter ecosystem! This talk will familiarize attendees with different components of Jupyter, recent milestones within each project, and planned work within each project.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  

2. Practical Jupyter at a Data Science Firm
Brian  Lange

Over the past year at Datascope our team has used Jupyter Notebook to do data science work for clients, present findings, generate figures for blog posts, and teach data science classes, to varying levels of success. In this talk I'll summarize what worked, what didn't, and how we think we'll use it moving forward.
 recording release: yes license:   

3. Using Jupyter to Cluster Netrunner Decks for Fun (but not Profit)
Richard  Harris

Netrunner is an exceptionally geeky living card game with an active competitive scene and growing card pool. I use Jupyter notebooks (particularly some of the widgets) along with k-means clustering and T-SNE dimensionality reduction to understand what decks people are running. This is an accessible talk with a focus on Jupyter magic -- no prior knowledge of card games or machine learning required!
 recording release: yes license:   

4. Hacking Jupyter Notebooks with Customized Plugins
Michelangelo  D'Agostino

Jupyter notebooks have a nascent plugin system that allows users to add new buttons and menu options powered by custom javascript code.  This talk will introduce plugins through a real-world example of building a custom button to link notebooks to the cloud-based Civis data science platform.
 recording release: yes license:   

5. Using Jupyter in Publishing
Andrew Odewahn

In this talk, Andrew Odewahn will talk about the features of a modern publishing stack, and the opportunities and challenges O'Reilly Media faces in embracing Jupyter ( as a first class authoring environment in their publishing program.  He will also cover how O'Reilly is combining Jupyter with video and other assets to create new kinds of  content that go beyond static text and code. 
 recording release: yes license:   

6. Tiny Data: Using Jupyter Notebooks for Data Collection in a Nanotechnology Lab
J. Henry Hinnefeld

The 'notebook' paradigm of Project Jupyter is a natural fit for research applications, but to date most use cases have focused on analyzing pre-existing data. In this talk I'll describe how our lab at the University of Illinois built a Jupyter notebook-based data collection framework, our motivations for doing so, and the advantages we've found to using Python and Jupyter notebooks in an experimental research environment. 
 recording release: yes license:   


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