pre-release: Chicago ACM meeting announcement

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ANN: Chicago ACM at Loyola Water Tower Thu February 11, 11:16p

Chicago ACM
When: 11:16 AM Thursday February 11, 2016
Where: Loyola Water Tower


1. Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Kevin Remde

Windows 10 now provides developers with a familiar Bash environment. This environment will allow users to:

    Run common command line utilities such as grep, sed, and awk
    Navigate the file system using these commands
    Run bash shell scripts which rely on supported command line utilities

Windows accomplishes this through the Windows Subsystem for Linux which allows Ubuntu user-mode binaries provided by Canonical to run on Windows 10. This means that the command line utilities are the same as those that run within a native Ubuntu environment. In this session we will showcase scripting, code editing / compilation, and execution of X11 apps compiled for Linux using a local X11 server from within the Bash on Ubuntu on Windows environment. We will then discuss the implications of these features as they relate to existing developer workflows. Finally, we will show how to obtain the latest bits for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows that are in the Windows 10 Anniversary update.

A Senior Technical Evangelist at Microsoft Corporation, Kevin Remde is an engaging and highly sought-after speaker, blogger, and technical community organizer. A prolific blogger, Kevin shares his thoughts, ideas and tips on his “Full of I.T.” blog ( In his past outside of Microsoft, Kevin has held positions such as software engineer, information systems professional, and information systems manager. He loves sharing helpful new solutions and technologies with his Dev and IT Pro peers.
 recording release: yes license: CC BY-SA  

Loyola Water Tower

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