pre-release: PyCon Australia meeting announcement

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Subject and below is what will go out and also will be used to title the videos.

ANN: PyCon Australia at C3.4 & C3.5 Fri August 2, 9:15p

PyCon Australia
When: 9:15 AM Friday August 2, 2019
Where: C3.4 & C3.5

1. Using Python to make learning Python better
Ben Taylor
tags: Education
(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

2. Rust's Recipes for Code and Community
E. Dunham
tags: DjangoCon AU
In some ways, a browser engine seems to have little in common with a web
framework. But both are ambitious software projects, approached by large
groups of diverse people trying and sometimes failing to cooperate,
collaborate, and code together. This talk shares firsthand observations,
collected over 3 years of working within the Rust and Servo teams at Mozilla
as well as volunteering on the Rust Community Team, about what all developers
can learn from Rust's approaches to the universal challenges of code and

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

3. You don't always need NumPy
Sam Hames
tags: Science and Data
The numerical Python ecosystem and communities are mature and powerful, but sometimes we can be too quick to reach for the numerical hammer when simpler options exist. This talk will outline some areas where the numerical stack may not be the best starting point, and survey some alternatives.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

4. Opening Doors with JSON Web Tokens
Ben Dechrai
tags: Security and Privacy
As the old saying goes, when one door closes, it can only be reopened when identify yourself with a valid JSON Web Token.This talk introduces JWT, secure authentication, and delegated authority, to demonstrate how to secure IoT devices without exposing them to the internet.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

5. Safely eval Python syntax using the AST module
Tim Savage
tags: DjangoCon AU
Allow your users to supply queries or define rules using Python syntax and safely eval them. Processing an AST into safely executable code.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

6. New Phone, Who Dis?: Human Authentication in the Digital Age
Yaakov Smith
tags: Security and Privacy
When proving somebody’s identity, it’s usually an important matter and critical to get right. With digital licences springing up around the globe, including here in New South Wales, how can we be sure that the computer is telling the truth? Does digitising the process actually improve it?

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

7. Flying by the seat of our pants - our journey of teaching python using drones
Kylie Mathers
tags: Education
A few years ago we found ourselves teaching students everything from Python to Arduino.  It was our plan to replace all the other languages with Python as we streamlined our course.   Learn why we introduced drones, what we learned not to do and what we were surprised about.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

8. Extracting tabular data from PDFs with Camelot & Excalibur
Vinayak Mehta
tags: Science and Data
Extracting tables from PDFs is hard. The Portable Document Format was not designed for tabular data. Sadly, a lot of open data is shared as PDFs and getting tables out for analysis is a pain. Camelot and Excalibur can help you extract tabular data from PDFs very easily!

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

9. Automagically marking Python course work and assessments in seconds!
Dave Bracken
tags: Education
The author's Python course is being delivered by two academic providers in New Zealand and uses CodeRunner for marking all lab work and assessments.  Students receive feedback and marks on the code they write within seconds.  Installing CodeRunner, creating labs and code/live demos will be covered.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

10. Data Sharing in Modern Australia
Justin Warren
tags: Security and Privacy
Australia is reshaping data privacy and security aggressively on multiple fronts.How can you manage data security and privacy in your projects while the sands shift around you?

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

11. Web Accessibility In Django
Parth Shandilya
tags: DjangoCon AU
Many developers want to build accessible applications,but don't know where to start. This talk will cover common accessibility issues and how to address them. The audience will learn about how disabled users interact with web apps, how to build more accessible sites and W3C accessibility guidelines.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

12. Using Dash by Plotly for Interactive Visualisation of Crime Data
Leo Broska
tags: Science and Data
Dash is a great Python framework for building data visualisation websites. In this talk I discuss the framework basics, explore a sample site and describe its use for an enterprise application to graph crime statistics. I finish with clear pros and cons of the Dash framework from our perspective.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

13. What makes Micro:bits different?
Jack Reichelt
tags: Education
There's many different ways to learn to code, and how you start your students' journey changes what challenges they'll face.This talk will highlight some of the differences when using Micro:bits, and how to overcome the challenges.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

14. Securing your AWS Identity Management pipeline with PyTest
Sean Johnson
tags: Security and Privacy
Amazon's Identity and Access Management is a risky needle to thread when it comes to deploying into the cloud, especially when it comes to empowering your developers to make their own changes. In this talk I will be showing how to leverage PyTest to test your policies before they hit production.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

15. Forklifting Django: Migrating A Complex Django App To Kubernetes
Noah Kantrowitz
tags: DjangoCon AU
Everyone is talking about Kubernetes, but migrating existing applications is often easier said than done. This talk will cover the tale of migrating our main Django application to Kubernetes, and all the problems and solutions we ran into along the way.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

16. Building, designing, teaching and training simulation environments for Machine Learning
Paris Buttfield-Addison
tags: Science and Data
Imagine you're building a fancy robot-driven warehouse. Your pick, place, and packing robots need to get around quickly, find the right item and put it to the right place without colliding with each other, shelves, or people. But you don't have any robots yet, and you need to start. Try simulations!

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

17. Concept to Classroom: Creating fun differentiated programming projects
Renee Noble
tags: Education
Less is more when it comes to kids coding projects! We'll explore a tried and tested method for creating Minimum Viable Projects, used around Australia to teach kids to code. See how we create fun, challenging, differentiated projects for all abilities with this 5 step process & concept calculator.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

18. Stealing Chrome cookies without a password
tags: Science and Data
A new technique to steal someone's Chrome cookies once you've compromised their machine. Cooler because it doesn't need root 😎. This talk is about how the technique was found, how it works, and what you can do with it.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

19. WASM matter?
Russell Keith-Magee
tags: DjangoCon AU
One of the biggest developments in web technology in the last few years is the emergence of WASM - Web Assembly. But what is WASM? Can you use it in your web projects? Should you? And if so... how?

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

20. Forecasting Australia's 2019 Election with PyMC3
Martin Burgess
tags: Security and Privacy
Can we predict the result of an Australian election before it occurs? How certain of the outcome can we be? My talk will use the 2019 Australian federal election as a case study to provide an entry-level introduction to the benefits of probabilistic forecasting and PyMC3.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

21. Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django
Andrew Godwin
tags: DjangoCon AU
Writing async code from scratch is hard; trying to add it into a large, existing framework is harder. Learn about the problems we face trying to make Django async while maintaining backwards compatibility, as well as the problems maintaining hybrid sync-and-async Python codebases in general.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

22. Best Practices for Cryptography In Python
Paul Kehrer
tags: Science and Data
Part of what makes Python great also brings challenges for cryptographic operations that need rigorous control of memory and CPU instructions. In this talk we'll discuss situations where Python is a poor fit as well as ones where it shines and learn how to work around some of the issues.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

23. Using Python, Flask and Docker To Teach Web Pentesting
Zain Afzal, Carey Li
tags: Education
Having to teach 70 or so students how to break into websites involves building infrastructure to host a lot of websites which are designed to be hacked, poked, prodded and brute forced. Hear us talk about how we were able to keep up thanks to python + friends!

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

24. cuDF: RAPIDS GPU-Accelerated Dataframe Library
Mark Harris
tags: Security and Privacy
RAPIDS open-source software enables end-to-end data science and analytics pipelines to run entirely on GPUs. Key to RAPIDS is cuDF, a pandas-like Python data frame library with a high-performance CUDA C++ implementation. cuDF and RAPIDS enable large speedups for end-to-end data science using GPUs.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

25. Understanding GPUs
Varun Nayyar
tags: Security and Privacy
With torch and tensorflow we have begun to rely on GPUs to speed up
computations. Deep Learning or not, GPUs can provide massive computation speed
ups but it's not a panacea as NVIDIA would have you believe. Understanding how
GPUs work can tell us where we should and shouldn't use them.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

26. How to lose a container in 10 minutes
Sarah Young
tags: Science and Data
Moving to the cloud and deploying containers? In this talk I discuss both the mindset shift and tech challenges, with some common mistakes made in real-life deployments with some real life. We'll also be looking at my ongoing research about how easy it is to get a container or k8s cluster pwned.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

27. 3D Rendering with Python
Andrew Williams
tags: Education
Create 3D rendered animations in a few lines of Python, for teaching concepts in Physics and Astronomy. Let your students write some simple code to, for example, model the movement of a bouncing ball due to gravity, and with only a couple of lines of extra code, actually render and animate the ball.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

28. Not a long time ago, in a galaxy not very far away, an astronomer and a computer scientist walk into a bar...
Georgios Bekiaris
tags: Security and Privacy
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in astronomy. In this talk, I will tell a story about how Python helped me to develop a software tool for galaxy modelling, and tackle the scientific and technical challenges that arise in the Big Data era of astronomy.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

29. Threat Modeling the Death Star
Mario Areias
tags: Science and Data
Threat modeling is one of the most important security activities. Yet they are usually done by security experts and can be quite dry and boring.This talk will cover a different way to do Threat Models by using Attack Trees. Attack trees are an easy, fun, engaging and inclusive for everyone.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

30. Pony, Cat, and Paw: Getting Started with the Open Source Menagerie
Tobias Kunze
tags: DjangoCon AU
The way to your first open source pull request leads through many implicit conventions and tools you're expected to learn. Let's look at what you'll need for your first Django contribution, where to find help, and what challenges you're likely to encounter.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

31. Education Seminar Student Showcase
tags: Education
Eliza Lee, Joshua Whitmore, Rohan van Klinken, Stephan Kashkarov, Anna Brew, Pinak Limaye, Kaya Dahlke, Angus Atkinson, Yve Nichols-Evans

Eight short talks from high school students across Australia. They'll be talking about projects they've built with Python using machine learning, robotics, markov models and more!
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

32. The Unspeakable Horror of Discovering You Didn't Write Tests
Melanie Crutchfield
tags: DjangoCon AU
I didn't write tests. I'm here to help you avoid making the same mistake.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

33. How to get everyone to get on board with software security: practical tips and suggestions.
Tennessee Leeuwenburg
tags: Science and Data
Security is hard. Software development is hard. Adding security objectives to development projects can seem overwhelming and is an often-overlooked aspect of cybersecurity. This talk will give you the tools, techniques and knowledge needed to get traction and bring people on board.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

34. Learn to control your brain: Brain Computer Interfacing with Python
Johan van der Meer
tags: Security and Privacy
Neurofeedback is a brain-computer interface where a person’s own brain waves are audio/visually presented back in real-time after they’ve been recorded and filtered within a few milliseconds. We present methods to allow people to see their own brainwaves with python.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

35. Using Python, Django, and ruthlessness to protect people from social media harassment.
Tom Eastman
tags: DjangoCon AU
In this talk, I present 'secateur', a tool for Twitter users to protect themselves from some forms of online harassment. I discuss using Python and Django to create tools that integrate with Twitter, use its APIs, and block lots of people (LOTS of people).

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

36. The Security Panel
Various Speakers
tags: Science and Data
Your questions answered by select speakers from the day!
 recording release: no  

37. Machine Learning and Cyber Security - Detecting malicious URLs in the haystack
Alistair, Veatrissa L.
tags: Security and Privacy
Today, security teams are in an increasingly one-sided battle to defend against a myriad of cyber attacks. Web-based attacks are often devastating, with conventional blacklists and reputation-based defence tactics not able to identify previously unseen malicious URLs. Is AI the solution?

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

38. First-timers Session

New to PyCon AU? Come along and learn some tips and tricks
 recording release: no  

39. First-timers Session

New to PyCon AU? Come along and learn some tips and tricks
 recording release: no  

40. Welcome

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

41. Creating Lasting Change
Aurynn Shaw

The Nature of Organisations, People, and how to Change Them
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

42. It's Pythons All The Way Down: Python Types & Metaclasses Made Simple
Mark Smith

Don't be afraid of metaclasses! This talk will explain how, once you've grasped basic types, classes and inheritance, Python's advanced language features such as descriptors and metaclasses are just within your reach.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

43. Building a Sustainable Python Package Index
Dustin Ingram

Most of us have installed a Python package, but do we know what it takes to make that work in a consistent, reliable way?

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

44. Lessons learned building Python microservices
Richard Jones

I will talk about challenges and wins that have come from introducing Python into a multilingual microservices kubernetes architecture with lots of legacy.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

45. Tunnel Snakes Rule! Bringing the many worlds of Python together to monitor Melbourne's biggest infrastructure project.
Evan Brumley

Python is being used to provide real-time environmental monitoring on the Melbourne Metro Tunnel project. Come along to see how open source Python tools from the web, IoT, cloud infrastructure and scientific domains are being used together to monitor environmental telemetry on a city-wide scale.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

46. Goodbye Print Statements, Hello Debugger!
Nina Zakharenko

Still debugging your code with print statements? Learn how to level up your ability to troubleshoot complex code situations by using the power of a fully-featured debugger in this talk aimed at all levels of programming ability.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

47. Making Acquaintances with Exotic Encodings
Trapsilo Bumi

Text encoding is a relatively straightforward feature of Python at first glance, but in the wild there are a lot of strange cases we can encounter. Together we will explore some occurences of out-of-ordinary encodings and how to handle them properly in Python.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

48. Building an interactive training environment using JupyterHub
Graham Dumpleton

JupyterHub is used to run and manage Jupyter notebook instances for multiple users at the same time. Did you know though that you can use JupyterHub to spawn applications other than Jupyter notebooks? Come see how JupyterHub was used to create a multi user interactive training environment.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

49. Using comedy as an excuse to play with python-programmed microcontrollers
Anthony I. Joseph, Debbie Zukerman

Early-career comedians often have difficulties adding electronic props to their acts, due to the high cost of materials and fabrication skills required. This talk will recreate several props used in comedic performances, showing the code and components used.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

50. Pretty vector graphics - Playing with SVG in Python
Amanda J Hogan

Let's make some art! Scalable vector graphics are essentially just big strings of text... and Python is great for manipulating text. Learn how you can get started using text (and a bit of math) to generate art in this fundamentals talk exploring the basics of SVG formatting and manipulation.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

51. Post-mortems: Building better software together.
Thomi Richards

Improving the reliability of complex software requires more than just reacting to the latest issue. In this talk we’ll learn how you and your team can work together to build a post-mortem process that helps you identify and fix systematic flaws in your environment.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

52. Python Applications in Infrastructure Planning and Civil Engineering
Ben Chu

Engineers tasked with planning new infrastructure constantly face the problem of having to look through too much information. This talk is about how we wanted to be lazy and wrote a bot to do it for us instead.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

53. Logging Rethought 2: The Actions of Frank Taylor Jr.
Markus Holtermann

We build services, potentially used by thousands or even millions of people. And despite all the testing we do, some interactions with these services will not work out the way we hope. Wouldn’t it be great to reconstruct what let to a problem and analyze if the problem occurred at other times?

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

54. Sufficiently Advanced Testing
Zac Hatfield-Dodds

Writing tests is great, and generating randomized tests even better... but we can push the techniques further still! What is a metamorphic relation good for?  How could (should?) you use a SAT solver for tests?  What about symbolic execution, guided fuzzing, delta debugging?  Come and find out!

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

55. Anatomy of a Browser
Erin Zimmer

Web browsers are a bit like digestive systems - we all have one, but we're not really sure how it works, and sometimes it makes funny smells. So let's have a look at what's going on under the hood when your browser turns a bunch of characters into a delightful picture of a cat.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

56. You might not need gender!
Opal Symes

This talk will dive into the world of gender and the abounding misconceptions. We have a duty to build systems that allow people to truly represent themselves, and to do this requires an understanding of how to properly store and handle that information.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

57. Fantastic Blocks And Where To Hide Them
Christopher Neugebauer

Ruby has blocks. JavaScript has blocks. Swift has blocks. Python doesn’t have blocks.In this talk, we'll look at _why_ Python doesn't have blocks, and recent programming techniques that have developed in languages that _do_ have blocks. Then we'll look at what we – or Python – can do about it!
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

58. How I auto-refactored a huge OSS project to use pytest
Craig de Stigter

Over a couple of months in 2018 I developed a script for refactoring GDAL's ancient and arcane test suite to use Pytest. The final pull request was over 118,000 lines. This talk covers how I did it and what I learned.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

59. Tracing, Profiling & Debugging in Production (eBPF)
Trent Lloyd

Trace, Profile & Debug applications in production without restarting or loading a framework.We will look at a number of modern techniques including eBPF and ptrace to attach to running production applications with no preparation and minimal performance impact.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

60. Profiling Pathogens with (micro) Python
Andrew Leech

We're building professional medical diagnostics equipment with micropython. This has come with minimal challenges, many positives and a few surprises!

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

61. When software and law are the same thing
Brenda Wallace

In Aotearoa New Zealand the government ran an experiment to encode law openly as python, publish versioned in git, licenced as open source, and available on a hosted as an API.

 recording release: yes license: youtube  

62. The Antipodes
Brandon Rhodes

Brandon will be speaking at PyCon AU about the antipodes
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

63. Saturday Lightning Talks
Lightning Talk Czar

Lightning talks are 5 minute talks. You have 5 minutes. 5 shall be the number, and the number shall be 5. 6 is too much.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

64. Welcome

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

65. The real costs of Open Source Sustainability
VM Brasseur

What if money isn't the only way to create sustainable free and open source software projects? What if it turns out that sustainability is actually a multi-faceted concept that can't truly be successful if people focus on only one of its many elements?
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

66. Changing what’s normal: how to transfer concepts between groups
Maia Sauren

This talk focuses on how to change people’s minds, and successfully introduce new concepts to groups and individuals without damaging relationships.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

67. The New COBOL
Benno Rice

COBOL was one of the first business-oriented programming languages, showing up in the 1960s. It’s also regarded as one of the worst languages in which to work. But is that true? And if so, what could ever take its place as the most reviled thing in dev?
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

68. Shipping your first Python package and automating future publishing
Chris Wilcox

One of the best things about Python is the vast ecosystem of packages available on the Python Package Index. Shipping your first Python package can be intimidating. This talk aims to remove the mystery of Python packaging and enable you to share your code with the Python community.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

69. What PHP learned from Python
Adam Harvey

In 2015, the PHP project released version 7.0 of the PHP language. An advantage PHP had was that Python had gone through a similar process with Python 3 seven years earlier. I'll discuss the lessons taken from the Python 2-3 transition, and how they were applied.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

70. Devpi for teams
Graham Williamson

Building python packages in a team can be a complicated process. Devpi can assist in reducing this complexity by hosting your own content and making it seamlessly available with the rest of the packages on pypi. It also provides resiliency, robustness and auditability to your teams build process.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

71. Insights into Social Media Data using Entropy Theory
Mars Geldard

Entropy theory is usually thought of as something that applies to matter and energy, but it turns out that we can apply the same techniques of analysis to social media sites. Join me as we study the thermodynamic behaviour of users on Twitter, and learn how to analyse it better.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

72. It's dark and my lights aren't working (an asyncio success story)
Jim Mussared

I have invested huge amounts of time in achieving a simple goal -- making the lighting in my home "smart". It's not ground breaking, nor is it practical or cost effective, but it sure was educational, uses a bunch of Python, and the result makes me (and my family) happy.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

73. Let's Build a Symbolic Analyser And Automatically Find Bugs
Jon Manning

Learn the theory and practice of symbolic analysis, a method of fake-running your code that lets you discover bugs and verify functionality without actually executing code, using Z3 and Python!
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

74. A Programmer's Guide to Public Speaking
Donna Zhou

Every developer can be a great public speaker. Learn actionable public speaking tips distilled from more than a decade of stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy. After this talk, you'll feel more confident delivering daily standups, company meetings, and conference talks.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

75. What not to do, and how to do it
Jakub Nabaglo

Python has powerful tools that let our programs inspect and modify themselves. These can be used for good or evil. We study a few of these tools, and some examples of how not to use them.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

76. The universe as balls and springs: molecular dynamics in Python
Lily Wang

Surprisingly, we can approximate matter as a bunch of balls on springs and learn things about our bodies and the world. This talk will look at the different stages of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and how Python is changing everything.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

77. Extending MicroPython: Using C for good!
Matt Trentini

MicroPython is a _fantastic_ environment for embedded development. But it _is_ an interpreted language; what happens when you hit performance limitations? Or want to use a new feature of your microcontroller? We'll look at how MicroPython can be _extended_ to add features and improve performance.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

78. Teaching Python with tiny, occult pandas
Bruce Fuda

Microcontrollers, web development, data science and machine learning – with Python you really can do it all, and soon every teacher and student in the ACT will have the curriculum, resources and support they need to do amazing things with a great programming language!
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

79. Python Oddities Explained
Trey Hunner

Sometimes you’ll find what might seem like a bug in Python but occasionally these bugs reveal themselves to be misunderstood features. During this talk we’ll look at a number of Python’s unique features and quirks and attempt to re-shape our mental models of how Python works.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

80. No time to idle about: Profiling import time in Python
Daniel Porteous

Python 3.7 added the ability to print import times at startup. But what can we do with that data, and is it enough? In this talk we'll look at how to process import time data, structure it, visualise it, and make concrete choices to improve start up time. Python need not be slow to start!
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

81. "Git hook[ed]” on images & up your documentation game
Veronica Hanus

*Can you remember the difference between two hex color values? Me neither!* Entering visual representations of recent-changes into version control makes review of past changes easier & speeds acclimation to a new web project. Join me for a review of current methods & how to choose the best for you!
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

82. Instant-feedback, instant-debugging Python coding
Robert Lechte

Building on Bret Victor's famous 'Inventing on Principle' presentation, we look at writing Python where the code is instantly run and every line visualized after every single keystroke. There's a future beyond the text-editor -> console-run loop and this is a taste of it.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

83. Micropython Gotchas
Michał Gałka

We all somehow get the feeling that MicroPython is not quite the Python we know. During the talk, I’ll show what the “not quite” actually means. I'll present a set of different issues I stumbled upon when working with different MicroPython powered boards ranging from memory constraints to API calls.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

84. Orchestrating complex (not complicated) tasks using AWS serverless and Python
Michael Kelly

Python and serverless technologies are a great way to quickly scale a project, but what can you do when things get complicated? Here are some patterns to keep you sane.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

85. Environment Variables: how software impacts climate change
Merrin Macleod

How can we minimise our software’s contribution to climate change? How do we make software that can withstand climate change-related disasters? How do we deal with the knowledge that we’re careening towards catastrophe?
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

86. Volumetric Performance Capture and Playback: A Workflow with Python
Luke Miller

Volumetric capture is a technique used to film in three dimensions for viewing in a virtual space.This talk will explore the different elements of a full volumetric capture stack, from coordinating usb cameras to playback in a 3D game engine and how python can be used to glue it all together.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

87. Sunday Lightning Talks
Lightning Talk Czar

Lightning talks are 5 minute talks. You have 5 minutes. 5 shall be the number, and the number shall be 5. 6 is too much.
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

88. Conference Close

(Needs description.) 
 recording release: yes license: youtube  

C3.4 & C3.5

About the group