id | seq | start | end | duration | state | | episode.authors | released | |
15446 | 11 | Sat 27 10:15 | 10:45 | 00:30:00 | 10 | Enhancing the JupyterLab Notebook to Overcome Bioinformatics Analysis Challenges with GiN | Jayadev Joshi | True | Y |
15475 | 40 | Sat 27 11:00 | 11:30 | 00:30:00 | 10 | What Django Deployment is Really About | James Walters | True | Y |
15449 | 14 | Sat 27 11:45 | 12:15 | 00:30:00 | 10 | Data Science & Agile: Strategies for Working Together | Alyssa Batula | True | Y |
15435 | 0 | Sat 27 14:15 | 14:45 | 00:30:00 | 10 | How to Do the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Yield Different Results | Jessica Garson | True | Y |
15458 | 23 | Sun 28 12:30 | 13:00 | 00:30:00 | 10 | Hot: Pathlib, Not: String Paths | Josh Schneider | True | Y |
15444 | 9 | Sun 28 13:15 | 13:45 | 00:30:00 | 10 | Introducing Immortal Objects: Building Block Towards a Multi-core Python Runtime | Aditya Mehra | True | Y |
15448 | 13 | Sun 28 14:00 | 14:30 | 00:30:00 | 10 | Zen Commandments | Paul Hutchings | True | Y |
15455 | 20 | Sun 28 14:45 | 15:15 | 00:30:00 | 10 | Wagtail: The Python CMS Taking the World by Storm | Vince Salvino | True | Y |
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