(00:00) Aly Sivji - Busy Beaver: The Chicago Python Community Engagement Slack Bot
(0:05:50) Veronica Hanus - Git hooked on images and up your documentation game
(0:11:56) Mason Egger - TEALS - Computer Science in Every School
(0:17:20) Carl Karsten - My answer to "Teach me some Python?" A: Circuit Playground Express pn:3333
(0:19:20) Paul - Custom argtypes for argparse
(0:24:48) Jay Reyes - Building and Deploying a Site for Beginners
(0:30:17) Andrew Knight - Which is better: unittest or pytest?
(0:32:59) Ernest W. Durbin III - PSF - Half a Lightning Talk
(0:35:17) Micah Culpepper - Python Unicode Adventures
(0:40:53) Jeremy Boyd - Making PyTexas (Legally)
(0:45:49) Using a laptop web cam to show a phone on the projector and the video recording system!
(0:47:06) Python in Android CLI
(0:49:22) Water Bottle Raffle
Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review