249 |
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Tue feb 07 20:40 - 20:48 | 00:8:00 | T101 | Hacking Humans | |
248 |
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Tue feb 07 20:48 - 20:54 | 00:06:00 | T101 | Hacking Movement | |
250 |
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Tue feb 07 20:54 - 20:59 | 00:05:00 | T101 | Sea Chanties | |
251 |
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Tue feb 07 20:55 - 21:03 | 00:8:00 | T101 | Wanderer's Poetry | |
253 |
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Tue feb 07 21:09 - 21:15 | 00:6:00 | T101 | Intro to Do-ocracies and Bicycle Shedding | |
254 |
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Tue feb 07 21:14 - 21:20 | 00:6:00 | T101 | Stuff I Do | |
256 |
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Tue feb 07 21:26 - 21:32 | 00:06:00 | T101 | Hack the Universe | |
257 |
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Tue feb 07 21:29 - 21:30 | 00:01:00 | T101 | Dropped some rhymes on us | |
258 |
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Tue feb 07 21:29 - 21:35 | 00:06:00 | T101 | Computer Security Can Be Fixed |
Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review