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Admin Login:
11230 239 Snakes in a browser
11231 383 Lightning Talks
11062 228 Piecing it Together: A beginner's guide to application configuration
11233 327 Pulling Cloud data into a database using Requests and Pandas
11068 300 MacroPythonic
11075 301 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About NLP but Were Afraid to Ask
11080 335 Higher-level Natural Language Processing with textacy
11083 346 When the database can't keep up
11085 359 Spark Dataframes for the Pandas Pro
11092 296 Beginner Pythonistas: Setting up Your Workspace (Life pre-Python)
11095 380 Empathy and Teaching
11099 307 Understanding GPU Programming
11101 232 Yosai in the Wild
11102 248 Scalable code design with slimmer django model and more
11109 262 Distributed Consensus with Raft
11115 291 A custom language (PPCL) plugin and syntax for Sublime Text 3
11117 310 Algorithms to Sample From Streams
11120 303 Modular SQL Using SQLAlchemy
11125 328 Advanced Git
11131 360 Distributed Tracing in Python
11135 370 Visualization and Analysis for Multimodal Presentation (VAMP)
11136 372 Opening the Magic Box: Creating transitional Python libraries and IDE tools for young learners

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review