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Admin Login:
12379 237 A newbie's newbie guide to Debian
12380 230 Ask Anything about Debian / Tout savoir sur Debian
12381 232 Free Communications with Free Software and Debian
12382 231 Open Source Software: A Strategic Tool to Shape the Future of Multi-Media, Entertainment and Broadcasting Industry
12383 235 Freedom Embedded: Devices that Respect Users and Communities
12384 9 Growing MariaDB through community contributions
12385 236 Club Linux Atomic, association of free software users from Montreal
12386 1 Debian packaging 101
12387 15 Free software for the meals-on-wheels communities : Sous-chef contribution workshop
12388 209 Unicode: a quick overview
12389 23 Debian InstallFest
12390 24 Opening ceremony
12391 34 News from the Debian Installer
12392 36 Increasingly permissive or increasingly dismissive?
12393 37 pypi2deb - how to convert Python library into Debian package
12394 38 Continuous Key-Signing Party introduction
12395 39 Recent Advancements and Challenges in Debichem
12396 40 Debian Science - umbrella for scientific packages or dustbin for scientific code?
12397 41 Little bioinformatician's pragmatic guide to internships in Debian
12398 227 Debian Publicity Team: what's new since 2015?
12399 225 Debian Science BoF
12400 228 Policy Team BoF
12401 44 using autopkgtest results for unstable to testing migration
12402 45 ci/autopkgtest BoF
12403 46 Packaging for beginners
12404 47 New Members BOF
12405 49 Debian web team BoF
12406 20 Job Fair
12407 50 Debian meets OSTree and Flatpak, a case study: Endless OS
12408 52 A Debian maintainer's guide to Flatpak
12409 53 Bits from the DPL
12410 56 Bringing MediaWiki back into Debian
12411 57 GitLab and Diaspora: Story of how we collaboratively packaged softwares with 200+ dependencies
12412 58 Copyright Fair Use for Software APIs - In Light of Oracle v. Google
12413 60 15 years and counting
12414 61 FreedomBox, Libre Personal Server
12415 62 Supporting Debian Edu / Skolelinux as a Product: Lessons Learned
12416 63 Laniakea - An approach at making building Debian derivatives easy
12417 64 An apt talk
12418 65 Seasons of Debian - Summer of Code and Winter of Outreachy
12419 206 Meet the Technical Committee
12420 66 Debian for Medical Software
12421 67 Techniques for using git for Debian packaging
12422 68 It's The End of the World... (in 21 Years)
12423 70 BSP & meetings BoF
12424 72 The past, present and future of Debian Games
12425 74 Debian Med BoF
12426 75 let's maintain jenkins.debian.org as a team
12427 59 Cheese and Wine party
12428 76 FAI demo session
12429 174 An introduction to LXD system containers
12430 79 LTSPManager: how 1000+ Greek schools switched to Debian-based distributions
12431 80 Passing the Torch: The Future of Free Software
12432 81 Debian automation with Ansible
12433 82 OpenQA - the integration testing framework for fully tested daily releases
12434 83 Rebuilding package build dependencies
12435 84 Increasing Debian Popularity - an Analysis
12436 85 Patterns for Testing Debian Packages
12437 216 Scibian, a distro for industrial R&D and engineering
12438 87 Modernized packaging tutorial and practical challenge of DEP-5
12439 88 Debian Diversity Round Table
12440 90 Managing build infrastructure of a Debian derivative
12441 92 Installing Debian
12442 93 Engineering Best Practices vs. Open Source
12443 95 Debian local groups
12444 173 Secure Boot BoF
12445 98 DSA Update
12446 100 Anti-harassment BoF: how do we work, how you can help, how can we improve together
12447 103 Debian in the modern pipeline
12448 86 Group Photo
12449 22 Day Trip
12450 104 Fun with .buildinfo
12451 105 in-toto -- Securing supply chains as a whole
12452 106 Signing package contents: why and how
12453 107 Rough times? TUF shines - A framework for secure software updates
12454 108 Make use of Debian to flight with censorship -- alternative way other than tor
12455 109 Heresies in Free Software - what do the next 20 years look like?
12456 217 Life After Debian
12457 111 Towards Easier Security Patch Porting
12458 112 GnuPG 2.1 Explained for Everyone
12459 113 Let's use Ed25519 with GnuPG 2.1 and Gnuk Token!
12460 224 Python BoF
12461 115 Consensually doing things together?
12462 214 Debian & Outreachy
12463 116 Software Heritage: a status update
12464 117 Debbugs: 22 years of bugs
12465 119 All ages: How to build a movement
12466 223 Debian Publicity BoF
12467 226 cloud-init: Building clouds one Linux box at a time
12468 123 use Perl; # Annual meeting of the Debian Perl Group
12469 125 Debian Electronics BOF
12470 124 SPI BOF
12471 229 DebConf orga BOF
12472 128 Live Demos
12473 218 Using Qubes OS from the POV of a Debian developer
12474 132 When Social Issues Do Not Matter In Technical Debates (and when they do)
12475 133 Reproducible builds: Status update
12476 135 LXC with Debian
12477 136 whalebuilder: building packages using Docker
12478 137 Kompose: Going from Docker Compose to Kubernetes and beyond
12479 138 Debian Cloud BoF
12480 139 Powering Data Center Networks with Debian
12481 140 Debian ARM BoF
12482 141 Scaling piuparts.debian.org to multiple architectures
12483 143 Managing Debian's RTC services
12484 144 Free Software Foundation Members talk about the FSF and Debian
12485 146 Early History of Debian
12486 147 Building Embedded Debian Images with Isar
12487 148 Debian on Civil Infrastructure Systems
12488 149 Will there be Debian in your next BMW car?
12489 150 Researching Debian: The effects of gender on the lived experiences of developers and community members
12490 152 Why I (tried to) killed the LSB
12491 153 DebConf 19 in your city!
12492 154 DebConf18 in Taiwan
12493 155 Closing ceremony
12494 156 Lightning Talks
12495 157 Postgres and Debian
12496 160 Javascript Team Maintenance
12497 161 Clojure Packaging Team BoF
12498 165 Pushing forward Debian Mobile
12499 164 Ayatana Indicators

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review