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Plenary Hall Tasman Room Tasman B Tasman A Derwent 1 Derwent 3
Sat 06

09:00 [_] Conference Opening & Housekeeping
09:15 [_] Computer Science, Software Engineering, and the Scientific Method
10:20 [_] Nobody Expects the Python Packaging Authority [_] Python 102 - a recap and a bit more. [_] Schemas for the Real World
11:15 [_] Building secure web apps: Python vs the OWASP Top 10 [_] Salt: How to be Truly Lazy
01:00 [_] Testing: Choose Your Weapons [_] Pythonic iterators and generators [_] How to turn the image processing wheel faster using Cython and Numba.
01:40 [_] The life of a web request - techniques for measuring and improving Django application performance [_] Modules 101: how to avoid spaghetti, big balls of mud and houses of straw! [_] scikit-learn, machine learning and cybercrime attribution
02:20 [_] Testing for Graceful Failure with Vaurien and Marteau [_] Software Carpentry arrives Down Under! [_] Learning Parseltongue: Wizardry in Python
03:10 [_] Exploring Science on Twitter with IPython Notebook and Python Pandas [_] Limiting Execution Time Through Interrupt Driven Programming [_] Why I use py.test and maybe you should too
03:50 [_] Using Cython for distributed-multiprocess steganographic md5sum-collision generation [_] Using Python to design, configure, and measure large-scale networks [_] Transitioning from PHP to Django on the sly
04:30 [_] Saturday Lightning Talks
06:30 [_] MooresCloud - The Internet of Things
Plenary Hall Tasman Room Tasman B Tasman A Derwent 1 Derwent 3
Sun 07

09:00 [_] Conference Opening & Housekeeping
09:15 [_] Solving problems by sharing them... with Python!
10:20 [_] PiDoorbell - Instantaneous Video Notifications with Arduino & RaspberryPi [_] Modern scientific computing and big data analytics in Python [_] Making Python More Fun for Everyone
11:15 [_] Growing Open Source Seeds [_] Making games in pygame
01:00 [_] Don't Do This [_] Using Python to drive Australian water availability forecasting [_] The Framework Framework
01:40 [_] Dynamic visualisation in the IPython Notebook [_] Python? Ruby? Go? Oh My! [_] Web testing for Ninjas with Splinter
02:20 [_] Tinkering with Tkinter [_] Big Data Deduplication and data matching using Python [_] Build your infrastructure - with Python!
03:10 [_] My big gay adventure. Making, releasing and selling an indie game made in python. [_] Managing scientific simulations with Python with RQ (Redis Queue) [_] The ultimate CMS vs Framework showdown
03:50 [_] Getting the most out of Stack Overflow [_] Buildbots Rollout! [_] Building data flows with Celery and SQLAlchemy
04:30 [_] Sunday Lightning Talks
05:30 [_] Conference Close

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review