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Fri 05

09:00 [_] DjangoCon AU Opening
09:10 [_] Keynote: A divided web, a review of the role of frameworks
10:30 [_] Porting Django apps to Python 3
11:00 [_] Unleash the ponies! Using FeinCMS to add content tools that users love to any Django model
11:45 [_] Secrets of the testing masters
01:00 [_] Django Unstrained
01:30 [_] The Server Side: The coolest parts of backend development with Django
02:15 [_] A state of REST.
03:15 [_] Core Developer Panel
04:00 [_] Keynote: The myth of goldilocks and the three frameworks, Pyramid, Django and Plone
04:50 [_] DjangoCon AU Lightning Talks
05:30 [_] DjangoCon AU Closing

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review