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Room LL104
Fri 29

10:00 [_] Tuning Machine Learning Parameters using scikit-learn Gridsearch
10:40 [_] Speeding Up Python Data Analysis Using Cython
11:20 [_] pyDAL: a pure python Database Abstraction Layer
01:00 [_] Python In The Enterprise
01:30 [_] Teaching web app development with web2py and crowdsourced grading
02:00 [_] Having Fun with Recommender Systems
02:30 [_] Python and Data Processing and Visualization
04:00 [_] Cloudmesh Virtual Cluster Management for Data Intensive Applications
04:30 [_] PyHSPF: Data integration software for hydrologic and water quality modeling
04:50 [_] Realtor Search: Elasticsearch and Python in Practice
05:10 [_] Maximum Viable Integrity with web2py
Room LL104
Sat 30

09:30 [_] Eight years of web2py
10:20 [_] Classification using Pandas and Scikit-Learn
11:10 [_] Getting Started with Cassandra and Python
01:00 [_] Work work money money
01:30 [_] Jupyter Project: Interacting between Python and R Libraries for Data Mining
01:52 [_] Bringing Research to Real Life
02:30 [_] Learning by doing: Predicting West Nile Virus in Chicago.
04:00 [_] Extending versatility of Python to nonprogrammers
04:20 [_] Document Classification with Machine Learning
04:40 [_] Python-Powered Machine Learning in the Cloud
05:00 [_] The Use of Web Games to Train Data Analysts
05:20 [_] Python in Computer Security - Student's Perspective

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review